Luo Xiao tightly grasped the climbing rope with one arm, and firmly grasped Mu Yu's arm with the other hand. Despite the huge impact of the fall, his arm joints creaked and there was a sharp pain. It rushed into his body in an instant.

The rope is stretchable, which is designed to slow down the impact of the fall, so the impact of Luo Xiao and Mu Yu's fall was greatly offset by several times of swaying back and forth, and finally stopped on the mountain wall!

The situation at this moment is that Luo Xiao is holding the climbing rope with one arm, and Mu Yu is pulling Mu Yu with the other hand. The two of them are all connected by that climbing rope!

"Luo Xiao, why did you save me?" By this time, Mu Yu's tears had welled up in her eyes, and she didn't know if she was frightened or because of other reasons!

"Speak less, save energy!" Luo Xiao snorted, and then fixed the climbing rope to the clip on his waist, and the free hand also grabbed Mu Yu's arm!

With a hey sound, Mu Yu's body was lifted up as Luo Xiao exerted his arms, and then Luo Xiao stretched out his arms to wrap around her waist.

In this way, Luo Xiao's physical exertion was reduced a lot, which made him heave a sigh of relief!

He knew that after a while, the rescue from above would come, and now it was just a matter of holding on for a while longer.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the two hugged each other, but they didn't dare to make any violent movements, and they didn't even dare to speak!

At this time, the locking hook at the front end of the climbing rope that was shot into the rock wall began to be pulled out from the rock wall little by little because of its heavy weight. After a while, less than half of it came out!

Mu Yu heard the crunching sound above her head, looked up, her face turned pale immediately, but she gritted her teeth and said, "Luo Xiao, let go, if you are alone, you can Can you hold on for a while longer!"

"Shut up!" Luo Xiao yelled, with undeniable determination in his voice!

For some reason, when Mu Yu was scolded, she, who was naturally arrogant, didn't feel disgusted, but shut her mouth obediently!

"We can't die!" Luo Xiao listened attentively to the movement above, and said calmly, "I believe my soldiers will arrive in time!"

Before the words fell, the sound of rumbling wings came from above the cliff above his head!

A smile appeared on Luo Xiao's face, "They are here!"

In just a moment, the floating clouds above the head were torn apart by the huge whirlwind, and then a huge helicopter appeared above the head, with the cabin door open, and the figure of Yan Beifeng appeared there!

It seems that this time he came in person!

The huge propeller of the Hippo helicopter was spinning rapidly, and the strong airflow brought up made the two people's bodies shake uncontrollably, and it took a lot of effort to keep their balance!

Because of the intensified shaking, part of the hook nailed to the stone wall was pulled out again, and only a third of it was still nailed to the stone wall!

Yan Beifeng, who was squatting halfway by the helicopter cabin door, had an anxious expression on his face. His sharp eyes searched the space below him, and suddenly he saw the two of Luo Xiao hanging on the stone wall at a glance, and immediately yelled loudly into the intercom. Drink, "Find the target, the helicopter hovers!"

The huge Hippo helicopter suddenly stopped and descended, and then stopped there in the strong mountain wind. Although it was shaken uncontrollably by the blowing, it was very stable thanks to the superb driving skills of the pilot!

Yan Beifeng reached out and grabbed the hanging ladder beside him, and dropped the helicopter with a wave of his hand, and at the same time shouted at Luo Xiao, "Luo Xiao, get on the helicopter!"

Luo Xiao looked at the hanging ladder hanging to his side, then grabbed the hanging ladder with his hand, and shouted to the helicopter, "Take off!"

"Take off!" Yan Beifeng seemed to hesitate for a moment, but immediately issued an order to the helicopter pilot!

The helicopter rumbled, stopped hovering, and began to climb slowly towards the top of the cliff!

With a crash, the shackle of the climbing rope was pulled out from the cliff, and a few pieces of gravel were picked up, then passed by Luo Xiao and Mu Yu, and fell into the bottomless mountain stream.

Luo Xiao held onto the hanging ladder with one hand, and hugged Mu Yu with the other. He was just lifted up by the helicopter and flew out of the cliff.

When Luo Xiao surpassed the height of the cliff, the helicopter immediately turned around and flew towards the cliff, leaving the range outside the cliff!

Seeing the sky above the safe zone, Luo Xiao let go of his arms, and his body jumped from a height of four or five meters, and landed lightly on the ground!

When both feet landed safely on the ground, Luo Xiao let go of Mu Yu's arm, then raised his hand and patted Mu Yu's shoulder, whose face was so pale and bloodless, "Okay, it's safe!"

After being in a daze for a moment, Mu Yu threw herself into Luo Xiao's arms all of a sudden, and burst into tears!

This time, Luo Xiao was caught off guard, he stood there with his hands open, not knowing what to say!

Yan Beifeng had already gotten off the helicopter, and he came to Luo Xiao's side at this time, looking at the crying Mu Yu without saying a word!

Tan Tianyou rushed over from the side, and stretched out his hand to help Mu Yu with concern, "Mu Yu, how are you, are you okay?"

"Get out of the way!" Mu Yu raised her hand and pushed him away, causing him to stagger and almost fall to the ground.

Tan Tianyou looked at Mu Yu whose attitude towards him changed 180 degrees, and stayed there not knowing what to say!

Luo Xiao stood like this for more than ten minutes, until Mu Yu was tired from crying, and he slowly let go of the arms holding his waist, and stood up straight!

"Mu Yu is not a spy, I can vouch for her!" Luo Xiao raised his hand to signal, and the two special forces members who had come forward to take Mu Yu away stopped in their tracks and didn't move any further!

Yan Beifeng took a step forward and walked up to Luo Xiao. He whispered to Luo Xiao, "Luo Xiao, Mu Yu is indeed suspected. I think you should be careful!"

Luo Xiao was about to say something, but Mu Yu on the side spoke first, "Captain, you don't need to explain for me, I am willing to accept the arrangement of Instructor Yan!"

This time, everyone turned their attention to Mu Yu again!

"Captain, instructor, and everyone, I, Mu Yu, asked myself that I am not a traitor, why should I die with a stigma?" Standing up straight, Mu Yu wiped the tears on her face with her hand, then turned her head to look at Yan Beifeng on the side said, "I am willing to be quarantined until the moment I can prove my innocence!"

"Don't worry, Mu Yu, I will definitely give you a fair result, except that there are some restrictions on your actions, everything else is normal!" Yan Beifeng nodded, and then asked someone to arrange a place for Mu Yu to live in!

At this time, Mo Yanran, who had been standing aside for a long time, suddenly walked over, and when she arrived in front of Luo Xiao, before he could understand, it was just a mouth!

This mouth twitched very loudly, and the crisp voice made everyone present stunned for a moment!


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