"Mo Yanran, you—"

Luo Xiao was also stunned, he didn't know why Mo Yanran hit him!Ordinarily it was because Mu Yu wouldn't do it, Mo Yanran is not such an unreasonable person!

Just when Luo Xiao was in a daze, Mo Yanran yelled at him angrily, "Luo Xiao, other people's lives are fate, but yours is not? Don't you have to risk your life like this to be happy?" After shouting , she turned angrily and rushed to her laboratory!

Without knowing it, Luo Xiao looked at Mo Yanran who was going away angrily. There was still a hot feeling on his cheeks, and he felt depressed in his heart, "I just provoked someone, and I got slapped for no reason!"

Turning around, he saw the people around him who were giggling at a glance, and he was even more puzzled. He didn't know why people were laughing so weirdly!

"What are you laughing at, so weird?"

As soon as Luo Xiao said the words, all the people around snorted and ran away, only Yan Beifeng was left standing beside him.

Seeing that Luo Xiao's gaze finally fell on him, Yan Beifeng held back his cheeks that were about to cramp, waved his hand at Luo Xiao hastily, turned and ran away, "Well, the headquarters still has some things to deal with. ,I go first!"

Looking at Yan Beifeng's running back, Luo Xiao said to himself, "Strange, why are everyone so secretive?"

The arm moved inadvertently, and a hot feeling came from the palm of the hand, making Luo Xiao's muscles twitch, and he remembered that the tactical gloves were worn out by the climbing rope because of too much force just now. The palm is still bloody!

Shaking his palms, Luo Xiao was about to take off the gloves on his palms, but a loud shout came from behind, making him stop in fright, "Don't move!"

A white and delicate arm stretched out from behind, grabbed his arm very roughly, and then pulled him so that his body turned more than half a circle, facing the coming person!

Luo Xiao looked up, only to realize that the person who came was Mo Yanran who had already entered the laboratory, and now she came back, holding a first aid kit in his hand!

It turned out that when she went back to the laboratory just now, she took this thing!

Mo Yanran stretched out her hand to grab Luo Xiao's arm, then put the first aid kit on the rock beside her, then carefully removed the tactical glove on her hand, and threw the tattered one on the ground!

After removing the tactical gloves, Luo Xiao's palm appeared in front of Mo Yanran. The fleshy skin on the palm had been worn off, revealing red and white fresh flesh. Blood was constantly oozing from the wound. It looked very scary.

"It's okay, Mo Yanran, this little injury is nothing at all!" Luo Xiao was used to injuries like this, he shook his arm nonchalantly, shook off the oozing blood, and reached for the first aid kit by himself !

"Tell you not to move!" Mo Yanran yelled loudly, stopped Luo Xiao's movements, reached out and opened the first aid kit, took out a cotton swab and a few balls of sterilized cotton wool, and began to carefully clean Luo Xiao's wound.

Seeing Mo Yanran bent over and busy, Luo Xiao felt as if there were countless thorns stuck under his buttocks, and his whole body felt uncomfortable, always wanting to stand up and leave!

"You stay with me honestly. I'm a doctoral supervisor in medical nursing, and a special expert in the affiliated hospital of the base!" Mo Yanran seemed to have noticed Luo Xiao's unnaturalness, and snorted angrily, "Look at this Your bravery in saving lives, this expert will deal with it for you, don’t let your wild thoughts come on!”

"What am I thinking? It's not that you can't help but say it, and deal with it as soon as you catch it!" Luo Xiao felt aggrieved in his heart!

Mo Yanran was really not bragging, she was skilled in her movements, and quickly sterilized Luo Xiao, then injected it, and finally bandaged it up.

"Okay, you should pay attention to rest these few days, I think you know how to cultivate, come to me tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to change your medicine!" Mo Yanran packed the first aid kit, and when she saw that he didn't respond, she raised her head and stared, " Do you remember?"

"Okay, I got it!" Luo Xiao agreed, and then ran away like a fly!

Seeing his flustered look, Mo Yanran couldn't help smiling, but she restrained herself immediately, and turned back into that iceberg beauty look!

He turned his head and said lightly to the shadow behind the tree not far away, "Come out!"

With a cry, a girl jumped out from behind the tree. The ponytail behind her head swayed slightly, showing her identity!

Aiya smiled and came to Mo Yanran, put her arms around her neck, and asked doubtfully, "Sister Yanran, how did you find me?"

"It's just you, giggling and giggling behind the tree, I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't notice it!" Mo Yanran pinched her nose dotingly, and then asked, "You girl, don't go back to sleep, are you still here?" What are you doing?"

"I'm watching a play!" Aiya blinked her big black eyes, giggled, and leaned into Mo Yanran's ear, "Sister Yanran, you were so affectionate just now!"

"You ghost girl, talk nonsense all day long, and if you talk nonsense again, I'll show you off!" Mo Yanran blushed when Aya said what was on her mind, and she patted Aya's head while laughing and cursing. , "For the sake of saving his life, I helped him treat his wound!"

"No explanation is allowed, explanation is to cover up!" Aiya jumped away with a smile, and ran towards the base, shedding a string of silver bell-like laughter along the way.

Seeing Aiya running away gradually, Mo Yanran couldn't help but smile, she never thought that this ghostly little girl would see through her own thoughts, it's really a bit embarrassing.

However, Mo Yanran is not afraid of being known by people, since she likes it, she should pursue it bravely, so as not to miss the person she is destined for!

Although she made up her mind, Mo Yanran's heart skipped a beat when she thought of getting in touch with Luo Xiao, as if she was extremely nervous!

This made her a little suspicious, is she still the Mo Yanran who hates men?

After thinking about it for a long time, Mo Yanran turned around and walked towards the laboratory. She knew that she would spend another sleepless night today!

Mo Yanran left, and the edge of the cliff fell into silence again, only the howling sound of the mountain wind blowing over the cliff echoed in the valley!

After four or five minutes, a figure stood up from behind a rock not far away, quietly watching the edge of the cliff where Luo Xiao was standing just now!

Her whole body was covered under a black cloak, and even her head was hidden in the shadow, so she couldn't see her true face, but she could be seen from her figure as a slender woman!

After standing silently for a while, Hei Ying sighed softly, and then said in a low voice that only he could hear clearly, "There is a man like this, even if he dies, he will have no regrets!"

The footsteps of the patrol came from afar, and the black figure listened carefully, then with a shake of his body, he disappeared into the darkness!


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