Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 289 Mo Yanran's Thoughts

Luo Xiao nodded, he reached out and opened the electronic map, then pointed and said, "Look, the Japanese invaders have troops stationed in the three provinces of Northeast China, North China, Central China, and South China. I believe they will start a new war soon. , intensify the aggression against China, when the January [-]th Incident, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the Battle of Songhu, etc. will happen!"

Yan Beifeng thought for a while and said, "Then we can tell the relevant personnel about the Japanese army's plot in advance, so that they can prepare early!"

"Things are so simple!"

"The current warlords are only considering their own interests. As long as their fundamental interests are not threatened, they will not pay attention to our reminders at all!" Luo Xiao smiled wryly, and then said, "What's more, we just talk , will they believe it?"

Yan Beifeng was suddenly speechless!

"So the immediate plan is to strengthen ourselves, strive to play a greater role in the anti-Japanese battlefield, join hands with other anti-Japanese troops, and strive to defeat the Japanese invaders as soon as possible, so that China can take less losses!"

"This is the only way to do it now!" Yan Beifeng thought for a while, and it seems that this is the only way to do it now!

"However, what does this have to do with your relationship with Mo Yanran?" Yan Beifeng turned around and thought of this question again, bringing the topic up again, "Could it be that if you don't get beaten back to your hometown, little devil, you won't Are you married?"

"I said don't always bring me and Mo Yanran together, okay?" Luo Xiao had the urge to roll his eyes again, "We are fine at the moment, at least I only have good feelings for her and the feelings of a comrade-in-arms, not the kind you said emotion!"

"Okay, okay, it's Mo Yanran's secret love!" Yan Beifeng blinked slyly, and asked in another way, "Why do you always avoid feelings?"

"I didn't avoid it!" Luo Xiao was completely speechless to Yan Beifeng!

"The reason why I don't think about feelings now is because the anti-Japanese affairs have involved too much energy for me, and I can't spare my mind to think about feelings!" Luo Xiao said, "If the country does not exist, how can we call it home? Heaven is born and dies on the battlefield, I don't know when a bullet will--"

"Don't give me a crow's mouth, you boy!" Yan Beifeng was suddenly furious, and even Luo Xiao had never seen him so angry, "No matter how fierce the battle you participate in, remember it for me, you must give it to me. Come back intact, or I won’t be able to spare you kid!”

Although Yan Beifeng scolded him severely, Luo Xiao felt from him that he cared about his comrade-in-arms, and couldn't help laughing.

"You still dare to laugh, see if I don't put you in confinement!" Yan Beifeng was so angry that he forgot that Luo Xiao was the commander of the base, the leader of the team, and the head of the family. He even said the words of confinement. He stood up angrily, He picked up the big bowl on the table, turned his head and walked towards the door of the house!

When Luo Xiao saw it, he hurriedly shouted to him, "Hey, I'm not full yet?"

"It's gone, you kid must be hungry!" Yan Beifeng said angrily, opened the door with a large bowl and left, leaving Luo Xiao in the room!

Seeing Yan Beifeng leave, Luo Xiao sighed helplessly and fell back on the bed!

Closing his eyes, he recalled what Yan Beifeng said to him just now in his mind, and felt that his head was very messed up!

To be honest, he never thought that Mo Yanran's iceberg-like female tyrannosaurus would have feelings for him, he couldn't even remember when she fell in love with her!

"Could it be that time when you were working as an experimental guinea pig?" Luo Xiao thought about it, and after thinking about it for a long time, he realized that it was the most likely day!

No wonder when he woke up that day, he felt that Mo Yanran's attitude towards him seemed to have undergone a very subtle change, but he didn't care at all at the time, so he easily forgot about it!

If he got in touch with her behavior on the edge of the cliff tonight, Luo Xiao realized that Yan Beifeng was right: Mo Yanran was interested in him.

But Luo Xiao still felt that this matter was like a dream!

There is no doubt that Mo Yanran is a beautiful woman, and she is a super beautiful woman. If it were someone else, she would be too happy to find Bei, but Luo Xiao didn't feel it!

From the time when he started serving as a soldier at a young age, Luo Xiao had never dated at all, and all his thoughts were put on training, and it has been like this for 20 years!

It can be said that Luo Xiao is emotionally like a blank sheet of paper, pure and cute, if in modern society, he might not even reach the kindergarten level!

With his mind in a mess, Luo Xiao tossed and turned on the bed and didn't fall asleep for a while!

With a bang, there was a very slight sound outside the window, which shocked Luo Xiao, who hadn't fallen asleep in the first place.

Although the sound was slight, Luo Xiao heard it very clearly, it didn't sound like the wind blowing through the branches at all!

Sitting up gently from the bed, Luo Xiao pulled out a triangular army thorn and a few five-inch steel needles from the clothes on the chair beside the bed, and then jumped off the bed lightly.

He tiptoed to the window, Luo Xiao took a deep breath, and then moved his arm towards the window sash!

Most of the windows at that time were wooden lattice windows with tissue paper pasted on them, and they needed to be pushed upwards from below when opening!

Although I plan to replace them all with glass in the future, it needs to be conditional!

Putting his palm on the window handle, Luo Xiao held his breath, and then suddenly pushed open the window!

With a crash, the window sash was pushed open by him, revealing the scene outside, followed by Luo Xiao flipping out of the window with a front flip, and landed on the ground in front of the window!

Bouncing up from the ground, Luo Xiao's eyes gleamed with a sharp cold light, and slowly swept every corner around him!

In his sight, the surroundings were very quiet, and there was nothing unusual, which made him very puzzled, not knowing where the strange noise came from!

Taking a step inadvertently, Luo Xiao stepped on a hard object on the ground, looked down hastily, and found that it was a dried pine cone.

Picking up the pine cone and looking at the bite marks on it, Luo Xiao couldn't help laughing, "It turned out that a squirrel was eating the pine cone, but I scared it away!"

Knowing that the misunderstanding was caused by a squirrel, Luo Xiao felt relieved. He returned to the room and lay down on the bed again!

After another half an hour, Luo Xiao finally fell asleep!

A black figure stood up silently from behind a tree not far away, listened to the movement in the house, and then disappeared into the shadows!

With a feeling of panic, confusion, and other feelings, Luo Xiao fell asleep.

In the dream, he seemed to have experienced many episodes. Many people from the base appeared in his dream, including Yan Beifeng, Xie Carpenter, Mu Yu, Mo Yanran and others.

However, what left the deepest impression on him in the dream was that bright red like a flame!


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