After a day's rest in Huxiao Ridge, Luo Xiao led the special team of twenty special forces to set off to carry out a mission.

This is probably the most interesting task he has carried out so far. The specific content is to attend the birthday banquet of the master of Hidden Dragon Mountain, Black Dragon!

More than a month ago, Hidden Dragon Mountain sent Cyclops to send invitations to Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng, inviting them to the banquet, and the invitations are still in Yan Beifeng's hands!

The two discussed it, and finally decided that Luo Xiao would lead a team of special forces to Hidden Dragon Mountain to attend the Black Dragon's birthday banquet, while Yan Beifeng would stay at Huxiao Ridge and be in charge of daily work!

There are too many things about Yan Beifeng. Huxiaoling's current big and small affairs are all on him. Even if he wants to go, it is impossible. This task falls on Luo Xiao without any accident. The base is now equivalent to a decoration, and he likes to spend two days at home, so he is really the best candidate for this task.

Although there was constant friction between Hidden Dragon Mountain and Huxiaoling, they both knew each other before and fought devils together in Fengtian City, so Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng didn't intend to refute each other's face by not participating!

Moreover, Luo Xiao also took the opportunity to get acquainted with other forces when he went this time, so as to pave the way for which forces to unite or incorporate in the future!

In western Liaoning, some bandits are relatively strong. Although they are not as strong as Luo Xiao's Huxiaoling base, there are still thousands of bandits under him!

These people gathered together, although they did some things that harmed the people, but they also beat devils, they are all teams that can be won!

Luo Xiao's plan is to bring all these forces under his command in the future, and maximize the strength of the Huxiaoling base!

In this way, he will have to go to Hidden Dragon Mountain!

This time he went to celebrate his birthday, and the gifts he brought were [-] brand new Mauser rifles, plus [-] rounds of ammunition. Such a gift was more affordable than any other gift for the bandit forces!

At that time, the bandits occupied the hills to rob, and they would not worry about eating and drinking, but what they needed most were weapons!

Whether it is a righteous bandit or an evil bandit, they are all bandits, so they will definitely be encircled and suppressed by the authorities.If you want to repel the official attack, you can only rely on weapons!

But weapons cost a lot of money. A seven-nine rifle costs 10 yuan, and bullets are more expensive, which is 5 yuan a piece. That is to say, you can only buy ten rifles or 100 rounds for [-] express lines. bullet!

But at that time, the annual expenses of an ordinary family of four would not cost three or four yuan!

If the price is only high, the bandits can still accept it. After all, they are all rich people. It is not difficult to spend two or three hundred cash, but the key is that there is no place to buy it if they have money. It often takes a lot of effort through relationships. Only three or five of them can be obtained, and they will not play much role in the process of dealing with the encirclement and suppression of the official army.

However, to Luo Xiao, twenty Mauser rifles are nothing at all. The weapons in his hands are much better than this, and these weapons can only be thrown in the warehouse to rust!

Sending these twenty rifles to Canglong Mountain this time, on the one hand, can bring the relationship with Canglong Mountain closer, and on the other hand, it is also for other mountains to see. After all, take out [-] Mauser rifles and [-] rounds of bullets at a time. , Such a large handwriting is impossible for ordinary forces!

Twenty rifles were packed in four long wooden boxes, and the thousand rounds of ammunition were packed in small cardboard boxes one by one, with every 25 rounds in a box, and then four boxes in a small wooden box.

In this way, all the things were packed into four long wooden boxes and ten small wooden boxes, all of which were piled up on the airfield of the base.

Because of the four Hippo multifunctional armed transport aircraft, a helicopter airport was specially built at the base to facilitate the take-off and landing of helicopters.

In short-distance, general helicopters will not be dispatched, only in long-distance sports or emergencies, the helicopter will start!

This time, Luo Xiao and the others were going to Hidden Dragon Mountain. The straight-line distance on the map was more than 40 miles, but if they actually walked, it is estimated that they would not be able to reach it if they were not more than 100 miles away.

Carrying so many things, climbing mountains and ridges is really tiring work, so Yan Beifeng decided to send them to the foot of Hidden Dragon Mountain by helicopter, so that they can save a lot of energy!

When he told Luo Xiao, Luo Xiao agreed after thinking about it. He also wanted the helicopter to show his face to frighten those bandits.

Just like that, Luo Xiao led the twenty special forces team members to the airport, and put the rifles and ammunition into the helicopter.

"Luo Xiao, you have to restrain yourself when you go this time, don't be impulsive, remember that you are not going to fight a war, but a guest, don't just draw your guns at each other!" Yan Beifeng did not forget to tell Luo Xiao before he left, lest he An impulse broke things outside.

Luo Xiao smiled and patted Yan Beifeng on the shoulder, then strode towards the helicopter, "Don't worry, Old Yan, when did I do something impulsive?"

Yan Beifeng muttered in a low voice, "It's no wonder if you're not impulsive. Whose are those dozens of self-examinations kept in the archives of the military base?"

It seems that Luo Xiao had a criminal record before time travel!

The transmitter of the Hippo helicopter started to roar, and the huge wings several meters long also began to rotate slowly, the speed changed from slow to fast, and finally it seemed to turn into a huge hot wheel. The fallen leaves are flying all over the sky, and it is a little difficult for people to breathe.

With the closing of the helicopter hatch, the Hippo helicopter slowly lifted into the air, climbed towards a high place, then turned its head and flew towards the west, and soon disappeared into the west clouds.

Yan Beifeng stood by the playground and watched the helicopter go away until he could no longer see the shadow, then turned and walked towards his office.

High in the sky, the Hippo Helicopter seems to be a nimble bird. The seemingly huge body is extremely flexible under the skillful control of the pilot. It drills between the clouds and the mountains, performing thrilling scenes from time to time!


The helicopter whizzed past a long and narrow valley, and the wings almost touched the tops of tall pine trees growing in the valley. Some pine needles were even driven by the airflow and slapped on the porthole of the plane, making a crackling sound.

Inside the helicopter, 21 people including Luo Xiao closed their eyes slightly, ignoring the situation outside at all. They had seen such a scene countless times, and they were already numb to it, so naturally they wouldn't be as big as a novice Shout out.

With a distance of dozens of kilometers, the helicopter only took ten minutes to reach the mountain range where Canglong Mountain is located, less than one or two kilometers away from the checkpoint of Canglong Mountain.


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