Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 291 Hidden Dragon Mountain

At this time, Luo Xiao had already opened his eyes and observed the situation of Hidden Dragon Mountain through the telescope. He found that Hidden Dragon Mountain was much larger than Huxiao Ridge, four or five times as big as Huxiao Ridge, and the terrain was also steep. , easy to defend but difficult to attack.

On the main peak of Hidden Dragon Mountain, there is a stockade, which seems to be the houses left over from the past, row upon row, the area is very large, and the number of rooms is as many as hundreds.

A mountain road leads directly from the foot of the mountain to the main peak of Hidden Dragon Mountain, and five checkpoints are built on the mountain road. There are figures shaking in each checkpoint. It seems that the guards are tight!

Behind the main peak is a cliff, and under the cliff is a ravine. From a helicopter, it is full of tall pine trees, which are lush and beautiful.In the distance, there are continuous mountains, with overlapping peaks and beautiful scenery.

Just when Luo Xiao was observing Hidden Dragon Mountain, the mountain seemed to be startled by the thing flying in the sky. From the tallest building in the center of the village, three No. 40 people poured out, each of them looked up to the sky, their faces It's full of surprises and differences.

When did the bandits see helicopters? They hadn't even heard of helicopters at that time. I'm afraid they hadn't seen devil's bombers a few times.

When we got here, we had already entered the border of Hidden Dragon Mountain. Luo Xiao ordered the helicopter to land in front of the first checkpoint, and walked up the rest of the way.

Since it was a birthday banquet, it would be impolite to fly in directly, and the people in Hidden Dragon Mountain would think that this was a show of force, which would have a bad effect.

The driver immediately pressed the handle down, and the helicopter immediately flew down, quickly lowered its altitude, and landed towards an open space in front of the checkpoint.

"Look, look, that big bird-like thing has fallen, hurry up and report to the master!"

Still some distance away from the checkpoint, Luo Xiao and the others heard someone shouting from behind the stone wall of the checkpoint, and then someone went to report.

Luo Xiao secretly laughed in his heart, he waited calmly for the helicopter to land on the ground, then stood up and opened the hatch.

A special forces member jumped out from the open hatch and landed lightly on the ground. The height of four or five meters seemed to have no effect on him.

Immediately afterwards, from the opened hatch, wooden boxes were thrown down one by one, and then were lightly caught by the special forces member and placed on the ground.

After everything was unloaded, Luo Xiao and the others jumped off the plane, gestured to the helicopter pilot, and then the helicopter quickly lifted up and flew eastward like a gust of wind.

After the helicopter flew away, Luo Xiao checked that the number of things on the ground was correct, and then turned to look at the checkpoint. After seeing this, Luo Xiao laughed, "It seems that compared with the Huxiaoling base, even if it is hidden Longshan is too poor!"

Indeed, the checkpoints of Canglong Mountain are all made of square stones, and a village gate is opened in the middle. The gate made of logs looks very solid. Five or six bandits with rifles were looking this way, and when they saw Luo Xiao walking towards this side, they immediately shouted, "Stop, what are you doing?" The sound of the bolt being pulled.

Luo Xiao stopped when he heard the sound, then raised his head to look at the checkpoint wall, and shouted loudly, "Who is in charge above you?"

"I am!" a bandit yelled, and then continued to ask, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Then please inform me that Huxiaoling Luo Xiao brought people to attend the birthday banquet of the head of the Black Dragon. This is an invitation card." Luo Xiao took out the invitation card from his arms, showed it to the checkpoint, and then Put it away again.

The little leader on the checkpoint had already seen the invitation, and immediately felt a lot more at ease, "It turns out that Luo Xiao is the head of Huxiaoling. If there is a mistake, I will send someone to report it."

Luo Xiao nodded with a smile, and then waited quietly at the checkpoint with other special forces members.

While waiting, the bandits standing guard on the checkpoint kept talking in a low voice. Although Luo Xiao couldn't hear the content, he could guess the meaning. It was nothing more than something about Luo Xiao and the helicopter.

Not long after, a sound of chaotic footsteps came from inside the checkpoint, and then a phoenix in red appeared on the checkpoint, followed by several big men with guns in their waists.

Looking outside, seeing that it was Luo Xiao who came, Fenghuang's face immediately revealed a look of joy, she waved her arms towards Luo Xiao, and shouted, "Brother Luo, you are here, wait for me to open the gate of the village for you!"

Luo Xiao also nodded with a smile, and then ordered the special operators to load up their guns and bullets, ready to enter the door!

The gate of the village was opened with a creak, and Phoenix was the first to rush out from inside, and quickly walked up to Luo Xiao, shouting in surprise, "Brother Luo!"

"Fenghuang, we meet again!" Luo Xiao was also very happy. He looked Fenghuang up and down a few times, and then praised, "Well, I haven't seen you for so long, Fenghuang is beautiful again!"

"Brother Luo, just make me happy!" Hearing Luo Xiao's admiration, a blush appeared on Fenghuang's beautiful face, and he said shyly, "It's not kind of you to tease me as soon as you come!"

"Hahahaha!" Looking at Fenghuang's shy look, Luo Xiao laughed happily.

While the two were talking, they walked towards the gate of the village. Fenghuang looked at the tough-looking special forces behind Luo Xiao, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise, "Brother Luo, how many men do you have?" , why these few are not Sun Dong and the others back then!"

Even if it was Phoenix, Luo Xiao wouldn't tell him about Sun Dong becoming an instructor, he just casually said, "Sun Dong and the others have other missions, so they didn't follow this time, so they replaced them!"

"You guys are all very skilled. Any one of you put in Hidden Dragon Mountain will definitely be a good player. I really don't know how you train them!" Fenghuang looked at these special forces members who were outstanding in both appearance and strength, and was quite surprised. envious.

But he knew that these people were Luo Xiao's capable subordinates, so he resisted the urge to ask him for one or two, and didn't say anything.

Luo Xiao naturally saw what Fenghuang was thinking, but he could only smile wryly in return. If it was equipment, he could still consider giving it to her, but the special forces members are all his brothers, so it is absolutely impossible to give it away!

On the way up the mountain, Fenghuang introduced to him the big men behind her, all of whom were her direct descendants, and some of them were also among the "Eight Great King Kongs" in the cottage.

The Eight Great King Kongs were sealed by Hidden Dragon Mountain itself. In fact, they are the main combat forces of the village under the three masters. The two of them are Phoenix's subordinates.


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