The one-eyed vulture who gave the ultimatum and sent invitations to the Huxiaoling base back then was the confidant of the second-in-command Jackal. He ranked second among the Eight King Kongs, second only to the notorious Xue Peng!

The two of Phoenix's subordinates are Qingluan ranked fifth and Grizzly ranked eighth, and their strength is obviously lower.

However, the relationship between the three masters of Hidden Dragon Mountain has always been very harmonious, and there is no unfairness due to the disparity in strength. On the contrary, it is the youngest third, Phoenix, who receives the most care.

Fenghuang accompanied Luo Xiao all the way, while introducing Hidden Dragon Mountain. Along the way, he already had a relatively clear understanding of the various forces in Hidden Dragon Mountain, and he had an idea in his mind on what to do.

The two chatted and laughed, and soon passed five checkpoints, before arriving at the village that Luo Xiao had seen from the helicopter.

The village looked small from the helicopter, but when Luo Xiao came to the village in person, he realized that it was a large village covering an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers.

There are towering peaks on both sides, the steep stone walls are almost ninety degrees, and the top is as smooth as a mirror, there is no place to stay if you want to climb, and on the top of the peaks, there are several watchtowers, which can be reached from the caves in the stockade. above, but not outside at all.

Between the mountain peaks is a mountain pass with a width of tens of meters, which is now blocked by square bluestone walls that are as tall as a person. There is only a doorway in the middle, and there are two thick wooden doors in the doorway. The copper nails on it are as big as a human head, so you can imagine how thick this wooden door is!

On the outer side of the wall of the village is a parapet, 1.5 meters high, covered with crenels, and behind it is a two-meter-wide walkway, which allows troops to move easily and quickly without hindering each other!

The more Luo Xiao looked at it, the more he felt that this stockade was not simple. It might have been an ancient barracks, otherwise it wouldn't have been so strong and well-equipped for defense!

He was right in guessing that this place used to be the barracks where Mao Wenlong, a famous patriotic general of Ming Dynasty, stationed his army. Later, after he was killed by Jiaozhao, this place was abandoned, but was found by Heilong and the others, and they used it as his old nest.

Looking at the tall wall of the village, two heavy wooden doors slowly opened, and a group of people came out. The leader was a thin old man in his fifties. Luo Xiao recognized at a glance that he was the one he had seen in Fengtian. The black dragon of Canglong Mountain is the big master, and the skinny middle-aged man next to him is the jackal of the second master!

As soon as Heilong came out from the door, he saw Luo Xiao standing with Fenghuang. He was taken aback for a moment, and then greeted him with a smile on his face, "Oh, isn't this Brother Luo Xiao? What a distinguished guest. I am so happy to have you here, bro!"

Luo Xiao also came over in a hurry, and said back, "Master Black Dragon, let's say goodbye outside Fengtian City, you are in good health!"

"Okay, I'm in good health!" Heilong twirled his beard happily, nodded repeatedly, and then stepped in, "Please come in quickly, many friends have already come inside, let me introduce you!"

At this time, the second-in-command Jackal also came over, clasped his fist at Luo Xiao with a smile on his face, "Brother Luo, thanks to your rescue last time, the jackal always remembers your kindness, so we must stay longer this time. Let me also do my best as a landlord!"

Seeing his politeness without a smile on his face, Luo Xiao sneered in his heart, but on the surface he also clasped his fists together, "You're welcome, Second Master, it's all a matter of little effort, don't worry too much about it!"

The two laughed, and then they walked towards Dazhai together.

As soon as you enter the stockade, you will find a large courtyard, which is as big as three or four mu. In front of you is a tall hall. The original plaque on it has been removed, and now it says "Juyi Hall", and the inscription below is Ye Cheng.

Seeing Luo Xiao's gaze fell on these words, the black dragon twitched his beard and smiled, "Brother Luo, these words were inscribed by Brother One-eyed Vulture. His real name is Ye Cheng!"

It was only now that Luo Xiao knew the real name of One-Eyed Vulture, but although he was slanderous, the calligraphy was quite beautiful, and he was worthy of being a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty.

"Master Luo is being polite!" Listening to Luo Xiao's praise of his calligraphy, the one-eyed vulture standing next to the jackal couldn't help showing a look of complacency even though he was deeply scheming.

In any case, he was proud of having read a lot of poetry and books, and he was certainly happy if someone praised him!

As soon as he entered the hall, Luo Xiao found that there were already 40 to [-] people seated inside. It seemed that they should be those who saw the helicopter go out just now. From their clothes, it could be seen that most of them were the leaders of the cottages!

In this area in western Liaoning, apart from the Qingmakan forces, Canglong Mountain is the most powerful. Naturally, these small hills dare not provoke them, so they came early for Heilong's birthday!

Of course, Qingmakan and other major powers haven't sent people here yet, and it is estimated that they will send people on the birthday!

As soon as the black dragon walked in with Luo Xiao, those people all stood up, nodded and smiled at the black dragon and Luo Xiao, expressing their sincerity!

These people knew that the status of the three heads of Hidden Dragon Mountain who could greet the accompanying person in person was absolutely extraordinary, but they found it very strange because they had never seen this young man before.

"Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of it?" Everyone thought in their hearts.

After flirting with these people, Luo Xiao sat on the chair next to the black dragon, and then whispered a few words to the special forces team members.

Several special forces members hurriedly moved up the five long wooden boxes and ten small wooden boxes, and placed them in the center of the floor of the hall.

Luo Xiao pointed at these things with his hand, and then said, "The first master, the second master, and the third master of the Phoenix, this is a small gift from me, it can be considered as a festive addition to the black dragon master!"

Hearing what Luo Xiao said, Black Dragon, Jackal and the others all cast their eyes on these wooden boxes. When they saw the size of the long wooden box, their eyes all lit up!

Heilong squeezed his beard with his hands, then turned his head to look at Luo Xiao's head, "Brother Luo, could it be—"

"Hehe, master, you can tell me if you send someone to open it and have a look?" Luo Xiao chuckled, noncommittal.

The black dragon nodded, and then shouted down, "Come on, open the box!"

Several little bandits rushed forward, hurriedly prying the nails loose on the wooden box, and then opened the wooden box lid and put it aside.

Fenghuang got down from the seat herself. She stepped forward to the wooden box, reached out and pushed aside the straw covering it, and then removed the oiled paper used for wrapping underneath, revealing the contents inside.

After seeing the contents of the wooden box clearly, Fenghuang couldn't help exhaling in surprise, and then grabbed it out, "It's a gun!"

"Ah—" the people around all exclaimed enviously.

The rifle that Fenghuang gathered in his hand, it can be seen that it is still a new gun that has not been opened, and it is very well maintained. From the appearance, it should be a Mauser rifle!

Heilong stood up from his seat, his voice trembling with excitement, "Brother Luo, your gift is too precious, too precious!"

"These are twenty Mauser rifles and one thousand rounds of ammunition. They are nothing at all. You don't have to be polite!" Luo Xiao said lightly, but to him these weapons are really nothing of.

At this time, Fenghuang had ordered people to pour out all the rifles in other wooden boxes, and piled them up on the ground.

Looking at the rifles with shiny barrels and smooth butts, everyone couldn't help but have red eyes and swallowed several times.

Guns are their favorite thing, and they are also a symbol of their power. It can be said that with guns, everything is possible. Are you afraid that you will not be able to recruit people?

Of course, none of these people dared to use the weapons of Hidden Dragon Mountain. They were looking for death, but some of them turned their attention to Luo Xiao, to see if they could get some benefits from him!


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