Taking out twenty rifles and one thousand rounds of bullets at a time without blinking, this shows that Luo Xiao must still have a lot of these things in his hands. If he gets close to him, will he be able to get some benefits in the future? ?

These people are not good men and women, so as long as they can get benefits, even if they are allowed to pretend to be grandchildren, they promise that they will not complain at all.

Of course, some people with bad intentions are planning to secretly capture Luo Xiao when the birthday banquet is over, and won't they be able to get as much as they want?

The people in the room had their own ghosts, but on the surface they were congratulating the head of Heilong for getting so many good things, and the scene was very lively for a while.

The black dragon was naturally very happy, and even the jackal showed a smile on his face. It seemed that Luo Xiao's gifts were indeed right.

Phoenix didn't seem very satisfied, because he had seen the weapons used by Luo Xiao and the special forces, and they were far more powerful than these rifles.

Turning his eyes, Fenghuang approached Luo Xiao with a smile, and then whispered in his ear, "Brother Luo, you have so many good things, why did you send them here? This is too shabby!"

Seeing Fenghuang's feigned anger, Luo Xiao's heart moved, so he smiled and said in a low voice, "My things are all distributed according to the system, so I can't just give them to people. These weapons are already pretty good. I don't think it can be considered shabby!"

Seeing that she had failed, Phoenix's eyes rolled, so she changed her tactic. She pouted and said, "Brother Luo, you can secretly get me one. It doesn't have to be too good, as long as it's the one you used last time." Just a machine gun!"

"I'll fall!" Luo Xiao almost fell to the ground, he was startled by Phoenix's appetite, "It's a general-purpose machine gun improved by the [-]th Five-Year Plan, can you give it to anyone!"

"No, I'll give you a pistol at most!" Luo Xiao thought for a while, and finally felt that since she opened her mouth, then give her something!

"I want that kind of machine gun with bullets on my back!" Fenghuang was still so greedy!

Luo Xiao sternly said, "Just give the pistol, if you don't want it, you won't even have the pistol!"

When Fenghuang heard this, she was immediately taken aback. She nodded repeatedly, "Just a pistol, it's better than no gun!"

Luo Xiao looked at her unwilling expression, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth!

All of this fell into the eyes of the wolf on the side, and his already gloomy face became even more gloomy!

The turmoil caused by the twenty rifles lasted for more than half an hour and finally subsided, and then Heilong ordered people to carry these things down and send them to the warehouse for careful monitoring, so as not to be stolen!

Next, of course, is to eat!

There is nothing delicious in the cottage, except that there are mostly game in the mountains. For this reason, Heilong specially sent people down the mountain to sell a lot of vegetables, rice noodles, grains and oils in towns dozens of miles away!

The reason why rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests is quite clear to Heilong, so he doesn't harass some nearby villages and towns much, so the reputation of Tibetan Dragon Mountain is relatively good.

The lunch was very rich, with all kinds of game taking up almost half of it, and there were some vegetables in addition, and there were several tables!

On such an occasion, of course, wine is indispensable, and the jackal ordered someone to rob the devil of a carload of liquor that was transported to Fengtian, so it's no problem for people to drink it open!

Of course, Luo Xiao sat at the main table, accompanied by Black Dragon, Jackal and Phoenix, and several leaders of the larger cottages also accompanied him at this table.

When the dishes were served, Heilong picked up the wine glass filled with wine, then stood up, facing the people in the hall, and said loudly, "Everyone, the day after tomorrow is Heilong's birthday, today, friends, let's just make do with it and make do with it." Let's eat, and we'll get drunk again at the birthday banquet!"

"Old Master, you are too polite!" People replied one after another, then raised their glasses and drank it down!

After Heilong finished his first glass of wine, he said that everyone could eat whatever they wanted and sat down, and the tables began to eat and drink!

Filling up the wine glass, the black dragon picked up the wine glass and stared at Luo Xiao, "Brother Luo, this glass of wine is a tribute to your life-saving grace last time!" After speaking, he raised his head and drank it up.

Seeing that the black dragon drank, Luo Xiao also picked up the wine glass, and drank it down in one gulp!

Filling up the wine glass for the second time, the Black Dragon held it up in front of Luo Xiao again, "This second glass is a great gift to you, come on, do it!" He drank it down again in one gulp!

For the third time, the black dragon filled it up and raised it up, "This third cup is for Dai Zang Longshan to respect you, I hope that if you do something wrong in the future, you can drink a lot and don't care about them like them, brother! "

Luo Xiao's heart trembled, he knew that the black dragon should have noticed something, this was equivalent to pleading with him for Hidden Dragon Mountain!

In fact, if you think about it, you should understand that recently, although the countermeasures against Hidden Dragon Mountain have been carried out within the degree of restraint, it is definitely not a good thing for Hidden Dragon Mountain!Before holding back the fire, the special forces members inevitably sometimes focus on the attack.

Luo Xiao smiled slightly and said, "In today's era, the Japanese invaders are ravaging China. Canglongshan and Huxiaoling should join hands to fight against foreign aggression. They should not be wasted on internal fighting. I hope that the leader of the family can Restrain your subordinates!"

"Brother Luo, what do you mean by that? It seems like we people from Hidden Dragon Mountain took the initiative to provoke?" Jackal was not happy, and he spoke with a sullen face.

"Second!" Black Dragon scolded, and then the jackal stopped talking!

The black dragon looked at Luo Xiao, and said sincerely, "Brother Luo, I, the black dragon, understand all these truths, and here I assure you that as long as my black dragon stays in Hidden Dragon Mountain for one day, Hidden Dragon Mountain will fight the devils until the last person shoots. Hidden Dragon Mountain will not provoke again, don't worry!"

As soon as the black dragon's words came out, the one-eyed vulture looked at the jackal, as if his eyes were full of inquiry, but the jackal was expressionless, showing nothing!

When Luo Xiao heard this, he laughed, "Master, I respect you for this cup. I hope that both of us can fight side by side on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War!"

"Okay, do it!"

As soon as the two glasses touched, the wine in the glasses was splashed and drank it down in one gulp.

Before the wine glass was put down, there was a rush of footsteps at the door of the hall, and then the little bandit at the door shouted loudly, "Captain Xuepeng is here!"

As soon as he heard that Xue Peng was coming, the black dragon laughed loudly and pointed at the gate, "Luo Xiao, my love is coming!"

Following the black dragon's fingers, Luo Xiao saw a figure appearing at the door of the hall, stepping in.

This person was about 1.9 meters tall, not much lower than Luo Xiao, with a hulking back, a big square face with a high nose bridge, and a square mouth. His appearance was very upright, but his eyes were full of tyranny!

As he stood there, his body seemed to exude an evil spirit naturally. The guests on the tables near the door were all silent, and no one dared to speak!

As if sensing Luo Xiao's gaze, Xue Peng's eyes suddenly turned around, and he shot towards Luo Xiao's gaze, provocative in his gaze!

Naturally, Luo Xiao would not show weakness, so he greeted him with his eyes!

The gazes of the two collided in the air, and sparks almost burst out!


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