Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 294 Battle Blood Roc

During the confrontation between the two, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense, as if the sky was covered by dark clouds, filling people with the feeling that the mountain and the rain are about to come!

Heilong didn't seem to have expected such a result, he wanted to stand up and stop when he was angry, but he was held down by the jackal!

The black dragon said angrily, "Second brother, what are you doing?"

Jackal looked calm, and he said in a low voice, "Brother, Brother Luo is very skilled, we can take this opportunity to see who is the best of them, anyway, just a word from you will stop Xue Peng Come!"

When the black dragon heard it, he felt that what the jackal said made sense, so he didn't stop it, but waited and watched!

The phoenix on the side was also stopped by the jackal, watching the two confront each other anxiously!

No one in the hall spoke, and all held their breaths, watching the development of the situation!

Bang-bang-bang, Xue Peng walked towards the hall step by step, each step was very heavy, the dull footsteps echoed in the hall, making people's hearts jump!

All the people in the hall, except Luo Xiao and the special forces team members he brought, naturally knew Xue Peng long ago, and knew his fierce name, so they all kept silent now, for fear of causing trouble to themselves.

Xue Peng passed between those tables, and walked towards Luo Xiao step by step, but his eyes never left Luo Xiao's side, and he locked on Luo Xiao firmly!

Luo Xiao was sitting at the table, his back was as tall and straight as a javelin, his whole body was like a sharp sword that had not been drawn out of its sheath, the feeling of concealment made people startled!

People don't know for a while who is more powerful!

"You are - Luo - Xiao!" Xue Peng spoke, his voice was extremely hoarse, it sounded like the sound of metal rubbing against each other, which made people feel very uncomfortable!

Luo Xiao still maintained that indifferent expression, and calmly replied, "I am, you are Xue Peng!"

"Yes!" Xue Peng answered more simply.

After walking about three or four steps away from Luo Xiao, Xue Peng stopped. He said in a hoarse voice, "I heard that you are very powerful. I, Xue Peng, will learn from you today!"

"Accompany me at any time!" Luo Xiao snorted.

"Captain, let us come!" At this time, the twenty special forces members who followed Luo Xiao rushed over from other rooms after hearing the news, and lined up at the entrance of the hall. This blocks most of the light.

Xue Peng didn't turn his head back, but he seemed to have sensed the arrival of the special forces team members, and there seemed to be a hint of appreciation in his tone, "You are not a lang for being able to train such a tough subordinate, come on, let me see you It's amazing!"

As he spoke, he tore off his shirt, exposing the powerful muscles on his body, then let out a loud roar, kicked his feet on the floor, and rushed towards Luo Xiao!

Luo Xiao sat on the chair and didn't even get up. His eyes were fixed on Xue Peng's approaching figure, and then he stretched out his right hand suddenly, catching Xue Peng's punch!

The huge momentum made Luo Xiao's body tremble suddenly, and then his right arm suddenly strengthened, resisting Xue Peng's full punch.But the chair under him couldn't hold it anymore, and slid backwards on the ground, making a piercing scream!

Xue Peng strengthened his feet, and instead of withdrawing his fist, he pressed it against Luo Xiao's palm and pushed forward vigorously. He didn't believe that his own strength would not be able to defeat Luo Xiao's defense!

In just one or two breaths, the chair had slipped to the end of the hall, and the two legs behind it were against the corner of the wall, and there was no way to move back!

Luo Xiao raised his eyebrows, then exerted force with his right hand, pushed Xue Peng's fist out, and then jumped up from the chair.

With a loud bang, the good mahogany chair was swept by Xue Peng's foot, and immediately fell apart, turning into a pile of splintered wood!

Xue Peng missed a kick, and he immediately turned around, facing Luo Xiao who had already dodged to the other side!

"Luo Xiao, you are qualified to be my opponent!" Looking at Luo Xiao who was standing there calmly, Xue Peng nodded approvingly.

"But you are not qualified enough to be my opponent!" Luo Xiao's words were sharp and piercing, causing all the people watching the battle to change their expressions.

No one thought that Luo Xiao would speak so bluntly, saying that would definitely drive Xue Peng into a frenzy!

Hearing this, the black dragon couldn't help but annoyed, "It's bad, Luo Xiao's words like this may make the Xue Peng fall into a rage, and the consequences will be disastrous!" He was about to step forward to stop the fight between Luo Xiao and the Xue Peng.

However, the jackal stopped him and said in a low voice, "Brother, it's not that you don't know Xue Peng's character. Once he goes berserk, he will disown his relatives. Even if you go up, you can't stop him, and I think Brother Luo Extraordinary, presumably nothing will happen!"

The black dragon glared at the jackal, "Second boy, what are you talking about? Are you just watching Brother Luo and Xue Peng fight to the death? What are you thinking about!"

The face of the jackal changed slightly, and then he hurriedly explained to the black dragon, "Brother, I'm not doing it for your safety, and the Xue Peng hasn't gone berserk yet?"

As the jackal was talking, he heard a roar in the hall, followed by the sound of tables and chairs being overturned. He was taken aback for a moment, then looked and saw the blood-red eyes of Xue Peng.

Heilong also saw Xue Peng's change, and couldn't help sighing, "It's too late, he's already furious!"

The furious Xue Peng is like a mad bull, his reason has been suppressed to the lowest level, even people who have been very familiar with him before can still be hurt.

"Luo Xiao, hide quickly, as long as you avoid the time of a cup of tea!" Seeing that Luo Xiao was still standing there quietly without moving, the black dragon was terribly anxious, he shouted loudly.

The time for a cup of tea is about 5 minutes. It seems that Xue Peng's berserk state can only be maintained for a short time. This is probably his weakness in this state!

Luo Xiao smiled slightly, staring at Xue Peng, whose eyes were bloodshot and constantly breathing heavily from his nose, and said slowly, "Now it's interesting!"

He had heard of Xue Peng's situation in that era, and it was a rare state.According to medical theory, one part of the cortex of the brain enters an excited state, while the other part is suppressed, resulting in a great decline in people's thinking ability, while the motor nerves are in an excited state, which is greatly improved!

Although he had heard the introduction before, it was the first time he saw it with his own eyes, so Luo Xiao carefully observed his changes, and at the same time made preparations for the battle.

For such an opponent, Luo Xiao will not take it lightly, otherwise, I am afraid that what awaits him will be a very dangerous result.


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