Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 295 Battle Blood Roc

With a sudden kick of his legs, Xue Peng's red eyes suddenly locked on to Luo Xiao who was not far away, and then rushed towards him with a roar, and the bluestone ground was slightly sunken behind him.

Like a raging lion, Xue Peng rushed towards Luo Xiao with a gust of wind, and the momentum was astonishing.

Luo Xiao stood there, not intending to dodge at all, when the Xue Peng was about to rush forward, he also moved, and rushed up to meet the Xue Peng!


Xue Peng yelled violently, clenched his fists, and punched straight at Luo Xiao's throat, seeing that if he hit that posture, it would definitely shatter Luo Xiao's throat.

Regarding Xue Peng's sure-kill blow, Luo Xiao raised his eyebrows, leaned forward slightly, and then punched out with his right fist.

The two people moved very quickly, and they collided in the blink of an eye. Everyone in the hall only heard a muffled bang, and the hall seemed to shake.

Looking intently at the battlefield, people realized that the fists of the two men were hitting each other hard, and the sound just now was made by the collision of flesh and blood.

When the fists collided together, Luo Xiao felt that his fist was burning hot, as if hitting a wooden plank. Unable to control his feet, he took a step back.

The Xue Peng on the opposite side seemed to be a little weaker than Luo Xiao, and he took four or five steps back before regaining his footing.

In this confrontation, Xue Peng has already fallen to the disadvantage!

Although he suffered a little loss, Xue Peng didn't seem to feel it, and rushed forward again roaring and punching.

After probing once, Luo Xiao knew that Xue Peng's body was only stronger in fighting ability and strength, and didn't seem to have any other special abilities, so he was relieved!

Seeing that Xue Peng was attacking him with his eyes wide open, Luo Xiao smiled slightly, and then he arrived at a table in a flash, kicked the table away with his kick.

The table was tumbling in the air, and all the food on it fell down, collided with each other in the air, and then fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

Xue Peng didn't blink his eyes, he didn't seem to want to dodge the flying table at all, but he punched out and hit the table top.

With a crash, his fist was so powerful that he punched a big hole in the mahogany tabletop, and then passed through the broken tabletop.

With a shake of his arm, the broken table flew aside. Before Xue Peng could see where Luo Xiao was, he felt a heavy kick in his lower abdomen, lost his balance and fell backwards, and fell to the ground.

People let out an exclamation, they didn't expect that Xue Peng, who had fallen into a frenzy, was not Luo Xiao's opponent, and was defeated by him.

When his body fell to the ground, Xue Peng jumped up with a carp, but just as his feet hit the ground, Luo Xiao's sweeping legs fell down again, and he fell to the ground again as soon as he turned over!

Luo Xiao succeeded in this move, but his body retreated abruptly, avoiding Xue Peng's grasp on the ground, and then looked at Xue Peng coldly!

"Xue Peng, you are not my opponent!" Luo Xiao looked as if he had never touched a hand at all, there was no dust or mess on his body, and his breathing was very even.

Xue Peng gasped for breath, then suddenly rushed towards Luo Xiao, wanting to hug him, but how could Luo Xiao be caught by him so easily, he kept dodging and using the surrounding things as cover.

As a result, the things in the hall suffered, plates and bowls were flying everywhere, chopsticks and pots were smashed long ago, and the tables were tilted here and there.

The people from Heilong and Hidden Dragon Mountain had already evacuated to a safe place, and they were anxiously watching the development of the battle situation.

After watching for a while, Heilong and the others were relieved. They could see that even if Xue Peng entered a berserk state, he would not be Luo Xiao's opponent!

Luo Xiao is simply a bear in human form, not to mention his amazing strength, and his movements are agile, his moves are skillful, and his close combat and ancient martial arts are displayed at the same time. No!

The arm passed under Xue Peng's ribs, and then clasped his neck. Luo Xiao exerted force suddenly, pulling Xue Peng to bend down, then raised his knee, and slammed into the bridge of his nose.

Although he was still in a berserk state, Xue Peng still subconsciously bent his arms and blocked himself in front of him, resisting Luo Xiao's knee.

There was a muffled sound of bang bang, and Luo Xiao's knee hit Xue Peng's arm continuously, making a sound like hitting rubber, which made everyone's heart jump when they heard it!

After being repeatedly beaten by Luo Xiao, Xue Peng seemed to have gone a little crazy. He suddenly broke out with all the strength in his body, and he managed to break free from Luo Xiao's lock, and grabbed Luo Xiao's shoulder instead.

As soon as he grabbed Luo Xiao's shoulders, Xue Peng used his arms hard to lift Luo Xiao up, above his head!

"Xue Peng, put Luo Xiao down!" Heilong and the others never thought that things would change so suddenly. Luo Xiao fell into Xue Peng's hands carelessly. can stop his actions.

However, Xue Peng, who was in a berserk state, no longer listened to him. Instead, he used his arms to smash Luo Xiao to the ground!

With his current strength, if Luo Xiao was smashed on the bluestone ground, the bones on Luo Xiao's body would probably be broken into countless pieces!

The body was in the air, Luo Xiao didn't panic, he suddenly exerted force in his waist, his body unexpectedly turned over miraculously, he did two front flips in the air, and then landed lightly on the ground, his body squatted down and was thrown strength.

"it is good!"

The people were stunned by Luo Xiao's wonderful performance, and after a while of being in a daze, they remembered to applaud and applauded in unison, even the jackal couldn't help but let out a soft shout.

Phoenix's cheeks glowed with excitement, and she looked extraordinarily charming. She clasped her fingers tightly, bit her lower lip with her teeth, and her eyes never left Luo Xiao's body. It seemed that she was worried about Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao squatted on the ground, secretly afraid in his heart. He didn't want to show it just now, but because of carelessness, he fell into Xue Peng's hands.

"It seems that we can't be careless anymore!" Luo Xiao secretly warned himself that he must go all out to treat every opponent in the future.

Thinking of this, he slowly stood up, turned around and looked at the Xue Peng approaching him, "It's time to end!" Luo Xiao said coldly, then with a sway of his body, he took the lead in rushing towards the Xue Peng, and launched an attack on his own initiative. .

Xue Peng reacted just now, Luo Xiao had already rushed in front of him, and kicked him in the lower abdomen, causing him to lean back.But before his body fell to the ground, Luo Xiao grabbed his arm, and then he was carried over his shoulder by Luo Xiao, and fell heavily on a table beside him.

The mahogany square table was very hard, but it couldn't withstand his fall, and it was instantly shattered into pieces, and Xue Peng also fell heavily to the ground.

Xue Peng struggled to get up from the table fragments, but Luo Xiao had already rushed forward, kicked him on the back, kicked him to the ground and got on the elevator, slipped and fell to the wall, His back hit the hall wall.

"I'm done!"

Luo Xiao's fist stopped less than three inches in front of Xue Peng's face, and the gust of wind caused Xue Peng's disheveled short hair to fly wildly, revealing Xue Peng's blood-red eyes.


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