Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 297 The Unexpected First Kiss

One-eyed Vulture heard that the jackal made such a request to him, so he frowned and thought for a long time, and finally said, "Second leader, there is a way, but it's just a little bit of damage. I'm afraid it will affect his reputation."

"Shit, you kid has done a lot of immoral things. If there is retribution, not only will you have a child without an asshole, but even a belly button!" The jackal was pissed off by the one-eyed vulture. , I understand it clearly.

"Second leader, you should save some face for me anyway." The one-eyed vulture blushed a little at the jackal's words, and then he moved closer to the jackal's ear, muttering something in a low voice.

After hearing this, the jackal's expression changed, sometimes hesitating, sometimes puzzled, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The owl on one side didn't know what Erdangjia was laughing at. He looked at the two of them back and forth, and couldn't help asking, "Second master, Cyclops, what are you laughing at?"

"This matter has nothing to do with you, so don't ask me any more." The one-eyed vulture blinked his one-eyed eyes and smiled slyly, "When the time comes, just wait and see the good show."

Seeing that the second leader looked like a one-eyed vulture, the owl had no choice but to shut its mouth, and complained inwardly, "What are you doing, you have to be so mysterious?"

Having come up with an idea, the jackal and the three of them turned and left!

Luo Xiao returned to the residence, first took off the holster on his leg, and put it aside, planning to let the special forces team deliver it to Phoenix later, then sat at the table by the bed and poured out a bottle of water from the kettle. Bowl of boiled water.

While drinking, Luo Xiao thought about what he experienced this morning, from the moment he entered Hidden Dragon Mountain to what happened just now, carefully thinking about everything from beginning to end.

From what happened, it can be seen that among the three masters of Hidden Dragon Mountain, the eldest master Black Dragon and the third master Phoenix are relatively friendly to themselves, and they have the intention of joining forces with their own Huxiaoling base, while the second master Jackal seems to embrace There is some hostility.

In fact, Luo Xiao is very clear about why jackals are hostile to him. This matter probably started with Cyclops' first ultimatum when he went to Huxiao Ridge. At that time, he had planned to let him annex Huxiao Ridge. Had a miscarriage, no wonder he was happy.

Later, the Huya Special Forces Brigade moved to Huxiaoling, where they started to build a base, and the friction between the two sides increased. After all, they both wanted to expand outward, and there were inevitably some conflicts between them.

In particular, the Huxiaoling base has been developing very rapidly recently, and all the dozen or so small hills around it have been incorporated by them, which annoys the jackals who originally planned to annex those hills even more.

Recently, due to the escalation of friction, the Huxiaoling base launched a counterattack, causing Hidden Dragon Mountain to suffer a bit.When a person died, the jackal probably couldn't sleep well at night because of his distress.

And recently, Luo Xiao also discovered that the jackal reacted more violently to the phoenix approaching him. With so many factors accumulated together, the jackal would naturally not have a good feeling for him.

In fact, Luo Xiao didn't pay much attention to these things. The Hidden Dragon Mountain forces can't cause much trouble for him and the Huxiaoling base now, as long as he is willing to solve the battle in half an hour!

What he mainly thinks now is how to find out the thoughts of these people, how to gather them all under the banner of anti-Japanese, and fight against the Japanese invaders.

Luo Xiao, who was deep in thought, didn't hear the footsteps outside the door. He was awakened only after the knock on the door, and hurriedly stood up and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was Fenghuang, still holding the [-]-improved automatic pistol that he gave her in his hand, looking at him with a smile.

Seeing Luo Xiao appearing at the door, she stretched out her hand, "The holster is here, I'll get it myself!"

Hearing her mention, Luo Xiao remembered about the holster. He hurriedly turned around and picked up the holster from the table, and handed it to Fenghuang who was standing at the door, "Here, I wanted someone to deliver it to you later."

Fenghuang stood at the door, didn't take the holster, but said angrily, "Brother Luo, this is how you treat guests, you let me stand at the door when I'm here, and you don't even say let me in."

Luo Xiao woke up, felt a little embarrassed, and quickly waved his hand in, "Please come in, Phoenix."

"It's more or less the same." Seeing what Luo Xiao said, Fenghuang was happy now, and swaggered into Luo Xiao's room.

Luo Xiao closed the door smoothly, leaving a gap by the door, and then sat on another chair by himself.He raised his head to look at Fenghuang who was looking around, and asked with a smile, "You don't need to worry about this holster, I'll have someone deliver it in the afternoon."

"I came here because I wanted you to teach me how to use this pistol." Phoenix rolled his eyes, thinking of an opportunity to get close to Luo Xiao, and felt that this excuse was the most suitable, "There is no rush for the holster."

Hearing what Fenghuang said, Luo Xiao was very surprised. He asked her, "Don't you know how to shoot a gun, and your marksmanship is also very proficient. This kind of gun has a simple structure, why can't you use it?"

"Well, I don't know, maybe I've never touched this kind of pistol before." Fenghuang hesitated and smiled at Luo Xiao, "Brother Luo, you can teach me, otherwise it would be a pity to break the gun. !"

Being entangled by Phoenix had no choice, Luo Xiao had no choice but to take the pistol from her hand, then disassembled it, and explained it to her part by part.

Fenghuang listened intently, interjecting a question from time to time, both of them were very devoted.

"That's it, you insert the magazine into the gun, and then load the bullet." With a click, Luo Xiao pulled the empty gun, and then stretched out his arm, pointing the muzzle directly at the wall in front, "As for shooting, it's the same as your original gun." The gun used makes no difference."

Fenghuang was attracted by Luo Xiao's action of firing the gun just now, his strong arms and resolute face made her heart pound, and she couldn't help leaning towards Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao stretched out his arms and pointed his gun at the opposite wall. After finishing speaking, he didn't hear Phoenix's response. He felt a little strange in his heart, so he turned his head to look.

No one expected that at this moment, Fenghuang was already very close to his cheek. Luo Xiao turned his head and came face to face with Fenghuang, and their lips touched each other by coincidence.

With a bang, Luo Xiao's mind went blank, and he felt a soft feeling from his lips, with a hint of coolness, which made him not know what to do next.

Like Luo Xiao, Fenghuang's body seemed to have been hit by an electric shock, and he froze for a moment. He had no more thoughts in his mind, and just froze so stupidly.

The room fell into silence, and the time passed by, and the two of them just kept moving!

Luo Xiao's body shook suddenly, he returned to his body rationally, and hurriedly retreated, away from Phoenix's body.

Fenghuang was also awakened, and only now did she realize what happened to the two of them just now. She blushed like a morning glow, buried her head in her chest, and dared not say a word.

Luo Xiao gasped for a few breaths, and felt his heart beating wildly, faster than cross-country jumping after running ten kilometers, and he probably would have jumped out if his throat wasn't blocking it.

His throat was dry, Luo Xiao swallowed desperately, opened his mouth with difficulty, and said, "Phoenix!"

"Hey——" Fenghuang didn't even bark at Big Brother Luo this time, and responded directly.

"That, that, I didn't mean to—" When Luo Xiao said this, his heart was still beating violently, as if he had just done something wrong.

"I don't blame you, Brother Luo." Fenghuang raised his head, glanced at Luo Xiao with his big eyes, and said something coquettishly, then stood up and grabbed the holster and pistol on the table, turned around and ran out of the room, "Okay, I'm going to practice with the gun first."

Hearing his silver-like laughter while running, Luo Xiao couldn't help being stunned.He reached out and touched his lips, as if he could still feel the feeling just now.

"What's this called!" Luo Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head.


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