It was late at night, and Luo Xiao hadn't fallen asleep yet.

What happened at noon today was so sudden that Luo Xiao still thought it was a dream.It feels a little unreal.

Thinking of that sudden kiss, Luo Xiao couldn't help sighing secretly, "My first kiss, it's just gone."

From childhood to adulthood, Luo Xiao grew up in the military camp. Except for the required physical examination, he almost never had any contact with women. This left him emotionally blank and had no experience at all.

Therefore, encountering such a thing today made him feel very sudden, and he was not prepared at all.

Looking back now, Luo Xiao felt embarrassed at the time, as well as the softness and coolness between his lips, but at the same time looked forward to it.

The result of this is that his mind is full of things related to Phoenix all afternoon, her cheerfulness, her mischievousness, her vigor... As long as Luo Xiao calms down, Luo Xiao's mind will be full of her shadow.

Luo Xiao even wondered if he was sick, otherwise how could he feel this way?

He also once wanted to consult his special forces team members, but after thinking about it, he was still too embarrassed to say it. After all, this kind of thing is personal privacy, and he doesn't want more people to know.

In this way, Luo Xiao spent the afternoon in a daze, and stayed up until bedtime under the surprised eyes of his special forces.

But, he lay down on the bed, still unable to fall asleep, his mind was still thinking wildly!

"It's too bad, I still have insomnia." Unable to bear it any longer, Luo Xiao sat up from the bed, put on his coat and got off the ground.

The temperature in the mountains was already lower than outside, and it was late autumn now, so it was a bit cold without a coat.

Walking slowly to the window, Luo Xiao looked out the window and saw that the yard was empty, only the lantern hanging in the middle of the yard emitted a dim light, illuminating most of the yard.

Luo Xiao thought for a while, pushed the door and walked out, and came to the courtyard!

In the courtyard, two special forces members were holding the improved [-] micro-sound submachine gun and were watching the surrounding movement vigilantly. At this moment, they saw Luo Xiao coming out and hurriedly saluted him, "Captain, you haven't rested yet? "

Although Hidden Dragon Mountain was relatively safe, Luo Xiao still arranged for two special forces members to stand guard, after all, there was no harm in being careful.

Luo Xiao returned the courtesy to the two of them, "I can't sleep, come out for a walk."

After talking to the two of them, Luo Xiao walked down the steps and walked towards the stone table and bench under the tree in the center of the yard, intending to sit there for a while.


There seemed to be a slight noise coming from outside the wall. It sounded like a dry branch was being trampled off, which made Luo Xiao's nerves tense suddenly.

He gestured to the two special forces members to signal them to enter the fighting state, and then tiptoed to the gate of the courtyard.

After listening carefully, Luo Xiao stretched out his hand and pulled the latch on the door, and then hurriedly opened the door.


An exclamation came from under the wall next to the door. It seemed that the man didn't expect that the courtyard door would open suddenly. After a moment of shock, he stood up and ran towards the woods not far away.

"Stop!" Luo Xiao yelled, and ran after him. He couldn't sleep at night and had nothing to do, so he had something to do next.

The black shadow ran fast, jumped into the woods like a rabbit, and then disappeared.Luo Xiao and two special forces members followed closely behind, and also approached the woods.

It was very dark in the woods, because it was the end of the month, and there was not enough light at night. After Luo Xiao and the others chased him in, they quickly lost his trace.

After they got out of the woods, Luo Xiao and the two special forces members couldn't help being taken aback, because outside the gate of his residence, a group of people surrounded each other with torches and guns in their hands.

"what happened?"

Luo Xiao didn't know what happened, so he came over and asked those people, "What are you doing in front of us?"

Once the crowd was divided, Cyclops came out from behind carrying two box cannons. He pouted his mouth and looked at Luo Xiao, "Master Luo, there is a robbery at Master Fenghuang's house. Someone saw that he was running towards you. So I brought someone over to take a look."

Hearing that it was to catch a thief, Luo Xiao thought they were chasing the black shadow just now, so he stretched out his hand and pointed to the woods, "I saw a black shadow running into the woods just now, we chased it for a long time but failed to catch up."

"Really?" The one-eyed vulture looked disbelieving, and he said loudly, "Master Luo, it's not likely that the little thief is here with you. I wonder if you would let us go in and have a look?"

"Our captain's residence, can you go in casually?" The special forces team became angry and shouted sharply.

The one-eyed vulture shot a sly look in its one-eyed eyes, "Could it be that the head of the Luo family has a guilty conscience, otherwise why did he try his best to prevent us from going in and searching?"

"You brat, don't squirt blood!" Two special forces members moved their bodies towards the door, and the submachine guns in their hands came along, pointing the guns at the crowd, "Those who trespass will be shot and killed."

The crowd was suddenly shocked by the evil spirit of the two people, and they all stepped back silently for several steps.

"Stop!" Luo Xiao yelled loudly, stopped the actions of the two special forces members, and then waved his hand at the one-eyed vulture, "I, Luo Xiao, am not afraid of the shadow being crooked, since you want to search, then please."

The one-eyed vulture stood where it was, but did not move. Instead, it grinned grinningly, "Don't worry, Mr. Luo. After a while, everyone who is in charge is here, and I will give you a fair explanation!"

Under the light of the torch, the one-eyed vulture's expression seemed to be very proud, which made Luo Xiao's heart move when he saw it. He didn't know why the one-eyed vulture was so confident?

A group of bandits from Hidden Dragon Mountain held torches in their hands and surrounded Luo Xiao and the others. There were more than 100 bandits in their hands, as if they were guarding prisoners.

The special operators frowned, and they could see that they were in a bad mood, so Luo Xiao quickly told them to calm down and not to be impulsive.

About ten minutes later, Heilong and the leaders of those hills also came, and even Fenghuang came with his close maid, Walnut.

Heilong was buttoning up his leather jacket, and asked with a yawn, "One-eyed Vulture, what's going on, what's the matter with waking me up in the middle of the night?"

The one-eyed vulture went up to meet him, and cupped his fists respectfully, "Master Luo, that's what happened. Someone saw a little thief running out from the residence of the third master, and after following him all the way, he found that he disappeared when he arrived at the Luo master's house."

"Oh, then go after him, what are you guys doing here?" Black Dragon cursed angrily, then looked suspiciously at Luo Xiao who was standing in front of everyone, "Don't you think Brother Luo did it?"


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