Luo Xiao came to Hidden Dragon Mountain to attend a birthday banquet, and he gave such a heavy gift as soon as he came, and he was also a member of the Huxiaoling base, so the black dragon naturally had to be more cautious.

In addition, he really didn't believe that Luo Xiao was such a despicable and shameless person.

"Master Luo, the little thief did run away and disappeared." One-eyed Vulture looked very cautious, "So we wondered if he ran into Master Luo's residence. For his safety, we want to go in and have a look."

"Fart, how could Brother Luo do such a thing." The black dragon was angry, but it didn't mean that Luo Xiao was that little thief, "Besides, what is there to steal from the Third Master?"

"Steal people!" Someone in the crowd said something, and then everyone burst into laughter.

Standing behind the black dragon, Xue Peng scanned the crowd with cold eyes, and asked sharply, "Who will say it again!"

The laughter stopped abruptly, and none of the people dared to be presumptuous in front of this master.

"Brother, isn't this slandering Brother Luo?" Fenghuang also heard what the one-eyed vulture said, and said angrily, "I was very peaceful that night, and I didn't see any thieves."

"Third sister, don't take it lightly. Since the one-eyed vulture has seen it, it's better to be careful." The jackal fanned the flames, obviously suspicious of Luo Xiao.

Seeing that both sides insisted on their own opinions, Heilong didn't know who to listen to for a while.

Luo Xiao heard both sides' arguments, he didn't want the other party to use his excuses to slander him, so he said, "Master, just check this matter, won't you understand it?"

"Brother Luo, do you really agree to the search?" Heilong asked, he wanted to make sure.

Luo Xiao nodded, then stepped up the steps, and pushed open the courtyard door by himself, "Please, I'm going to sleep after the search."

"Brother, what do you think?" The jackal didn't move, but asked the black dragon.

Heilong sighed and waved his hand, "Go and have a look, go and come back quickly, just make up your mind."

With the approval of the black dragon, the jackal was very happy, he made a move, and the one-eyed vulture rushed into the courtyard with four NO.And he himself led the one-eyed vulture straight to Luo Xiao's house.

The room was ajar, and it was unlocked when Luo Xiao came out to breathe just now, so the two of them opened it with a light push.

Stepping forward, the jackal winked at the one-eyed vulture, and then the one-eyed vulture took out something from his cuff before Luo Xiao came in, stuffed it under Luo Xiao's pillow, and stood behind the jackal.

At this time, Luo Xiao, Heilong, Fenghuang, and other family members from the mountain top also walked into the house, watching the jackals and one-eyed vultures rummaging around in the house.

The two pretended to look through the boxes and cabinets in the house one by one, and found nothing unusual, then went straight to the big bed where Luo Xiao was sleeping, and stretched out their hands to lift Luo Xiao's quilt.

When Luo Xiao slept, he didn't take off his underwear, so the quilt just covered him, and he found nothing underneath.

At this time, Black Dragon and the others thought that Luo Xiao couldn't possibly have anything else.

The jackal pouted at the one-eyed vulture, and the one-eyed vulture understood, strode over to Luo Xiao's bedside, and lifted the pillow.


The objects exposed below stunned everyone in the room, especially those men, whose eyes were as big as buns, staring at the thing without blinking.

"Luo Xiao, what is this, where did it come from?" The One-eyed Vulture smiled sinisterly, then pointed to something on the bed, and turned to look at Luo Xiao.

At this time, Fenghuang woke up from the shock, her cheeks were like burning clouds, so red that she was about to drip blood, she rushed to the side of the bed, stretched out her hand to grab the thing, and held it in her hands.

All this was completely beyond Luo Xiao's expectations. He did not expect that Phoenix's underwear would appear on his bed. This was simply too bizarre.

"Luo Xiao, where did this thing come from?" The one-eyed vulture raised his voice an octave, as if making a big deal out of it, "You're a big man, what's the use of having a girl's bellyband in your hand? Explain it to us?"

"This—" Luo Xiao was speechless.

He can't explain anything now, because the physical evidence is in front of everyone, and everything he says is denying sophistry.

The jackal waved over to Fenghuang's personal girl, Walnut, pointing to the thing and asked, "Walnut, does this belong to your lady?"

Walnut glanced at the apron in Fenghuang's hand, then nodded cautiously, "Well, it belongs to our lady!"

With a "boom", a burst of noisy discussions erupted in the crowd, and everyone looked at Luo Xiao suspiciously, with expressions of disdain and contempt among them.

"Brother Luo, it's a little wrong for you to do this. Besides, Fenghuang still calls you Brother Luo, and you actually did this———, hey!" The black dragon's face was also very ugly, He didn't know what to say now.

Luo Xiao smiled wryly, he knew that his trip to Hidden Dragon Mountain was completely in vain, and it was very likely that he would leave a bad name of trespasser and scoundrel on the roads in the west of Liaoning, which he would never want to wash away in this life.

"Up to now, I have nothing to say. Big head, second head, Fenghuang, everyone, Luo Xiao is leaving now. I'm really sorry for everyone!" The special forces outside shouted loudly, "Pack up your things, let's go!"

Twenty special forces members were not here just now because they had to supervise the inspection of the other little bandits, so they didn't know what happened here. When they heard that Luo Xiao said that they were going to leave, they were all stunned.

"What are you still doing in a daze, pack up your things, and attack Hidden Dragon Mountain immediately!" Luo Xiao shouted angrily, and the special forces members hurried down to prepare.

Hearing this, the jackal and the one-eyed vulture looked at each other with unconcealable satisfaction in their eyes. They were secretly happy that they had finally run Luo Xiao away, and now they had one less obstacle.

Just as Luo Xiao turned around and walked out, Fenghuang behind him suddenly shouted, "Brother Luo, wait a minute!"

Luo Xiao was taken aback, and the others were also taken aback. No one knew what Fenghuang, the sufferer, had to say, so they all turned to look at her.

Speaking of this matter, Fenghuang has the most right to speak, because after all, her things were stolen, and it was the most private underwear of a girl's house, so people were looking forward to what Fenghuang would say.

Especially the jackal and the one-eyed vulture. They felt that the trap they had set up this time was perfect. Phoenix was probably furious and wanted to blame Luo Xiao.

Letting Luo Xiao leave like this, the jackal still felt puzzled, so he hoped that Fenghuang would shame Luo Xiao well, and it would be best for him to lose face.


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