In Heilong's residence, the jackal sat on the grand master's chair beside the table of eight immortals, bowed his head and said nothing.Opposite him is the black dragon.

At this time, the black dragon looked serious and seemed very angry. He looked up at the jackal, and then snorted, "Second brother, did you order someone to do this?"

"I ordered it, big brother!" The jackal admitted without any quibble, because he knew the black dragon's shrewdness, and it was almost impossible to hide him.

With his hands behind his back, the black dragon walked back and forth in the center of the ground for several times, without speaking for a full ten minutes.The jackal lowered his head and waited quietly. He knew that because of this matter, the eldest brother would not make things difficult for him. After all, he did not cause any damage to Luo Xiao, it was just that his reputation was affected a little.

"Second brother, what do you want me to say about you?" Heilong stopped, turned around, pointed at the jackal, and cursed sharply, "You like phoenix, brother has no objection, but you should also compete openly , What are you doing with these crooked ways, glory?"

"Brother, don't I have nothing to do? Luo Xiao is better than me in everything. Phoenix has already fallen in love with him. Even if I show her my heart, it won't help." Aggrieved, she couldn't help complaining, "Who would have thought of getting it, and suddenly killed Luo Xiao, otherwise Fenghuang would have married me long ago."

"It's useless to talk less, you have to behave yourself next time, and if you play tricks behind your back, I can't spare you." Heilong is also very helpless to his second brother, no matter how ineffective he is, he is himself after all Damn, brothers, after so many years, they have feelings for each other.

The jackal was in a calm mood. He knew that he should be fine, so he stood up with a smile, "Brother, I understand, I will definitely not do this next time, don't worry."

"I don't worry about you big-headed ghost, get out of here, I'll get angry just looking at you." Heilong raised his foot and kicked his ass, then cursed, "Go back to bed early, there are still many guests coming tomorrow .”

The jackal responded, then left the black dragon's residence and returned to his own home.

When the people left, Heilong stood by the table, holding the table with both hands, frowning and thinking, it seemed that he was planning something, the shadow of the figure was cast on the wall and dragged out a long shadow of the old man.

Xue Peng stood on the steps outside the door, watching the lights inside the house, he did not disturb the black dragon, but waited quietly.


Fenghuang returned to the place where he lived, and the moment he entered the house, he called the close girl Walnut over.

Walnut is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl who was originally abducted by human traffickers, and later rescued up the mountain when the black dragon went down the mountain to do "business", and was later sent to serve Fenghuang.

But this little girl is also cute and smart, she is very fond of Fenghuang, he treats her like a real sister, never beat or scold her.

Seeing Fenghuang entered the room, Walnut obediently poured her a glass of water, then handed it to Fenghuang, "Miss, drink some water."

Fenghuang didn't take the teacup in her hand, but stared at her without saying a word, only seeing that Walnut's expression changed, and the hands holding the teacup were trembling.

With a slap, Fenghuang slapped the table heavily, causing Walnut to tremble in fright, and the water glass was almost thrown on the ground.She hurriedly knelt down on the ground with her knees limp, and cried, "Miss, calm down!"

Fenghuang stared at her, and asked in a deep voice, "Walnut, how will I treat you?"

"Miss, you treat me like a real sister, never beat or scold me." Walnut replied crying.

Hearing what she said, Fenghuang sneered, stood up and walked in front of her, "Then why are you working with outsiders to plot against me?"

"Miss, it's nothing. I have never done anything to be sorry to you." Although Walnut couldn't help shaking with fright, she still firmly insisted that she did not do anything to be sorry to Fenghuang, so she just didn't change her words.

Fenghuang asked several times in a row, but seeing that Walnut just didn't say anything, she sighed and said, "Walnut, I originally planned to give you a chance to reform yourself, but I didn't expect you to not cherish it, okay, tomorrow you will go to the big head There, let him arrange a new job for you."

Hearing what Fenghuang said, Walnut panicked. Where can I find another job to serve Fenghuang? If he gets to the black dragon, he might marry him to some leader. That would be worse than killing her.

At this point, Walnut couldn't bear it anymore, she knelt forward and took two steps to hug Fenghuang's leg, crying and said, "Miss, it's not that I didn't tell the truth, it's that the second leader said that if I told you , just kill me, I dare not say."

"This matter really has something to do with the second brother?" Although she already had some guesses, she didn't hear Walnut say it, and she was always unwilling to believe that it was really done by jackals.

In fact, thinking about it, it was possible to get Phoenix's personal clothing, unless it was through Walnut, and only the big bosses of Canglongshan could intimidate Walnut to do this.

Fenghuang calmed down for a while. She pulled Walnut up from the ground, wiped away her tears, and comforted her, "Walnut, don't be afraid. I will decide everything for you. Tell me in detail."

Walnut sobbed and recounted the whole story, and the story was indeed similar to Fenghuang's guess.

The jackal hated Luo Xiao, so he came up with this bad idea. He coerced Walnut into stealing Phoenix's underwear, and then planted it on Luo Xiao, trying to drive Luo Xiao away from Hidden Dragon Mountain in a vain attempt to get rid of the most powerful opponent.

After hearing what Walnut said, Fenghuang didn't know what it was like. She secretly complained that the jackal shouldn't use this method to deal with Luo Xiao, but she was a little moved in her heart.

In fact, she has noticed that the jackal has been kind to her all along, but she has always regarded him as an older brother, and she has no feelings for men and women.

Because he didn't want to hurt the jackal's heart, Fenghuang simply pretended not to know what he was thinking, and kept him neither far nor near, neither hot nor cold.

Unexpectedly, this problem was exposed in the end, making Fenghuang feel that he should find a time to talk to the jackal.

While thinking about Fenghuang, he pulled Walnut to his side, hugged her in his arms, and wiped away the tears on her cheeks, "Silly girl, you must tell me what's going on in the future, no one will dare to bully you with me around." Yours, remember?"

"En!" Walnut nodded obediently, and then stopped crying.

Fenghuang comforted Walnut a few words, then let her go to rest, and lay on the bed himself, covered with a quilt.

With his eyes closed, Fenghuang thought about what happened just now. When he recalled that he admitted that he had given that thing to Luo Xiao with his own hands in front of so many people, he suddenly felt his face was on fire, so hot that it was frighteningly hot. covered his head.

Phoenix's low and happy laughter came from under the quilt!


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