Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 302 Yan Beifeng's Suggestion

"What did you say, Luo Xiao?"

Yan Beifeng held the walkie-talkie in his hand, and couldn't believe his ears, so he asked again, "You said you were getting engaged?"

"Yes, we will do it together at the Black Dragon Birthday Banquet tomorrow!" Luo Xiao's voice on the phone sounded a little helpless.

Yan Beifeng was silent for a moment, and just when Luo Xiao thought he would be angry, loud laughter suddenly broke out from the intercom, which made him look embarrassed.

"Old Yan, let's get down to business, you don't have to smile!" Luo Xiao was very dissatisfied with this partner who didn't give him advice at critical moments, but gloated at his misfortune.

Yan Beifeng covered his stomach with a smile, supported the table with one hand, and opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by laughter several times, and finally stopped talking at all, and laughed enough before speaking.

Fortunately, there is no one in the headquarters, otherwise people must have thought that Yan Beifeng ate something indigestible and went into hysteria.

After a full 5 minutes, Yan Beifeng finally had enough of laughing. He wiped away the tears from his laughter, and then grabbed the walkie-talkie, "Luo Xiao, let me tell you, this is a happy event for you. It is worth celebrating. Broadcast to the base."

"Fuck you, old wild goose, you kid will gloat, I'm going to die of worry, and you don't even say you can do me a favor." Luo Xiao scolded sullenly, but he wasn't lying, and now he really What is worrying about it.

It's not good for him to agree to this matter, and it's even worse not to agree. The feeling of being in a dilemma makes him really want to leave, but if he does that, Fenghuang will not be able to be a man in the future.

Originally, he wanted Yan Beifeng to give him advice, but he didn't expect this one to be even more ineffective, he had no role to help if he was the one to boo.

After Yan Beifeng joked a few words, he became serious and said, "Luo Xiao, it's not good for you to refuse this matter. After all, a big girl with yellow flowers said it in front of so many people. If you don't accept it, what will happen to her face?" manage?"

"I also thought about this, so I found it difficult."

Yan Beifeng thought for a while, and continued to ask, "Luo Xiao, I have a solemn question for you, and please think carefully before answering, because it concerns many things in the future."

Luo Xiao heard Yan Beifeng's tone seemed very serious, and what he said was very serious, he was a little confused, and asked suspiciously, "Old Yan, what exactly do you want to ask, just say it."

"You promise me first, you have to think carefully before answering." Yan Beifeng insisted and repeated.

Luo Xiao had nothing to do with him, and said, "Okay, I will definitely think about it carefully."

"Well—" Yan Beifeng took a deep breath, and then asked, "Jiang Yulan, Zhang Xiaoyu, Shen Yueer, Mo Yanran, Fenghuang, which one do you like the most?"

Luo Xiao was dumbfounded immediately, even if he was killed, he would never have thought that Yan Beifeng was asking this question, but he had already promised Yan Beifeng to think carefully, so he recalled the entire process of getting to know them.

About ten minutes later, Luo Xiao said, "Among these people, Phoenix is ​​the one I remember the most. For the others, I treat them either as comrades in arms or younger sisters."

"Are you sure?" Yan Beifeng repeated.

"I'm sure, from the first time I saw Phoenix, I felt special to her." Luo Xiao replied very seriously.

Yan Beifeng got Luo Xiao's answer, so he naturally knew how to tell Luo Xiao what to choose, "Then you suggest to accept Phoenix."


"Since you have a crush on Phoenix, why don't you try it bravely, maybe you can have a bright future." Yan Beifeng talked eloquently, analyzing the matter for Luo Xiao, "Besides, you are just making love now. Instead of getting married, there is still a long way to go, this time is enough for you to understand."

"But if I want to go to the battlefield, what about her?" This was one of Luo Xiao's core concerns.

"There is such a saying, I don't know if you have heard it." Yan Beifeng's eyes were deep, as if he was recalling something, "Love cannot be measured by the length of time, as long as you have it, even for a moment, it is enough for a lifetime alone."

Luo Xiao blinked his eyes and thought for a long time, then suddenly said, "I've never heard of it."

"Damn it, I've been expressing my feelings in vain for a long time, but you don't know anything." Yan Beifeng was so choked that he swears, "Your boy is a humanoid machine with a mind full of fighting."

Luo Xiao smiled embarrassedly.

Yan Beifeng has more say than he in this matter. After all, in the original era, Yan Beifeng was married, and he still managed to catch up with the mistress of the National Defense University.

Yan Beifeng scolded him on the phone, and finally turned off the walkie-talkie, which made Luo Xiao heave a sigh of relief.

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Luo Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered, "Oh my god, I finally found out that the old geese are so verbose."

Although Yan Beifeng said a lot, Luo Xiao understood one thing in the end, and that was to ask him to agree to make love with Fenghuang proposed by Canglongshan.

After pondering for a long time, Luo Xiao couldn't think of a better way, and finally he had to accept Yan Beifeng's suggestion, and make a decision first.

"What's this called, getting a woman for no reason!" Luo Xiao walked out from the house, muttering as he walked.

Outside the door, two special forces members stood at the bottom of the steps. When they saw Luo Xiao coming out, they hurriedly raised their hands at him, "Captain, congratulations."

Being congratulated once by his team members for no reason, Luo Xiao was rather confused, so he asked, "Why are you congratulating me? It seems that there is nothing good."

The special forces team member laughed and explained, "Captain, the long drought is followed by sweet rains, old friends meet in other lands, wedding night in the bridal chamber—"

As soon as I said this, Luo Xiao understood what they were talking about, and immediately rolled his eyes, "Go away, you guys are also making fun of me, go back to the house and sleep." He then walked out of the gate go.

The special forces team member laughed and chased after him, followed behind him and said, "Captain, where are you going, let's follow."

Luo Xiao snorted angrily, "No need, I'm going on a date, what are you doing with me, being a light bulb?"

The special operations team shrank their necks, then stopped, watching Luo Xiao quickly walk out of the courtyard gate and disappear.

"I said, the captain seems to be very angry today?" A special forces member said, "Could it be that you were stimulated by something last night."

"I think I'm happy. You want to pick up a beautiful woman to be your wife for nothing. Go there and find something good!" Another special forces member directly gave Luo Xiao a characterization, and even deprived him of the right to refute.

Luo Xiao didn't go on a date at all, he walked out of the courtyard gate, looked around, found that walking straight ahead from where he lived seemed to lead to a lonely peak in the distance, so he walked forward at a leisurely pace, Going to relax.


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