Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 303 The Covenant

Duanfeng is not the highest place in Hidden Dragon Mountain, but it is the most dangerous place.There is only one small path up the mountain.On the left side of the one-foot-wide path is a knife-cut stone wall, and on the other side is a bottomless cliff. A gust of mountain wind blows up from under the cliff, hits the mountain road directly, and blows up the mountain road. Falling dead leaves.

Walking on the mountain road, there are pieces of gravel under your feet, the big ones are the size of pebbles, and the small ones are like soybean grains. They are scattered on the rugged mountain road. If you are not careful, it is easy to slip and fall into the cliff .

Luo Xiao walked up the steep mountain road, casually looking at the surrounding scenery, to soothe his entangled mood.

In the early morning, in the pine forest on the mountain wall, squirrels chirped from time to time, and occasionally one or two eagles flew from the top of the cliff, flying in the air like a glider, which looked very desirable.

Going forward along the mountain road, Luo Xiao walked for about an hour, and finally reached the peak of the lonely peak.

Standing here and looking far away, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Canglong Mountain. A few meters away from your feet is the floating sea of ​​clouds, setting off the scenery of the mountains intermittently.

The area of ​​the isolated peak is only a few acres in size, surrounded by extremely steep cliffs, and the narrow path hanging on the cliff is the only way up.

Luo Xiao stood on the top of the peak, raised his arms high, stretched his body vigorously, and then let out a long cry.whistling.

It has been said in medicine that shouting with a loud voice can release the pressure in the body and reduce the burden on people. It is very good for the body. Whether it is effective or not Luo Xiao does not know, but after he finished shouting, he felt as if his mood Much better.

He found a big flat rock at the top of the peak, and Luo Xiao sat on it, leaning against the rock wall, looking at the scenery of the distant mountains, letting the morning sun fall on his face, body, and bathe his whole body.

Before he knew it, Luo Xiao closed his eyes, and there was a sound of even breathing from his nostrils, apparently falling asleep.

It's no wonder that Luo Xiao didn't sleep all night last night and lay down on the bed until dawn. It's not unusual for him to relax and fall asleep here now.

I don't know how long it took, maybe an hour, maybe more, the sound of human footsteps came from the path leading to the mountain, and it seemed that they were walking towards the peak.

Luo Xiao leaned against the stone wall, his eyes were still tightly closed, but his ears twitched twice unnoticed.

As the footsteps got closer, a figure appeared at the end of the mountain road, climbed the winding mountain road, and came to the top of the isolated peak.

This person is dressed in a red dress, with a beautiful bun on his head, and long black hair at the back of his head, which hangs down to his waist. A cloak that is also fiery red is fluttering behind him. It was like a dancing flame, with a pair of box cannons stuck in her waist, and the red tassels were constantly flapping against her clothes by the wind.

As soon as she stepped on the top of the peak, she saw Luo Xiao who was leaning against the stone wall and sleeping soundly, and she couldn't help being shocked, "It's Brother Luo!"

Walking quickly to Luo Xiao, Fenghuang stretched out his hand to push him, and said in a low voice, "Brother Luo, don't sleep, it's cold and dewy here, you will catch the cold if you sleep again."

Luo Xiao moved his body, then turned over and continued to sleep, ignoring her at all.

Without waking Luo Xiao up, Fenghuang tried a few more times, but the result was still the same.

Looking at the dewdrops condensed on the stone, Phoenix turned around and pulled off his cloak, and then covered Luo Xiao's body, while his own sat down, leaning against the stone wall beside Luo Xiao, and then turned to look at Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao in his sleep seemed to be very peaceful, breathing evenly with his brows stretched, looking very cute, that look made Phoenix even have the urge to reach out and touch it.

"What's the matter, Brother Luo will wake up if he moves, Fenghuang, you are really inconsiderate of him." After waking up, Fenghuang hastily withdrew his hand, blaming himself secretly.

Thinking of this, Fenghuang withdrew his arms and put them in front of his body, and then closed his eyes, intending to rest his mind for a while.She also fell asleep very late last night, and she was seriously deprived of sleep.

Unexpectedly, before she closed her eyes, she fell into a deep sleep, and slept very soundly.

I don't know how much time passed before Fenghuang woke up from his sleep. He felt his body was warm, so he slowly opened his eyes, and saw a cheek that was close at hand.

He was startled at first, and then Phoenix saw that this face was very familiar, and its owner was Luo Xiao, so he felt at ease.

After moving her body, Fenghuang felt that Luo Xiao was holding her in his arms, and she was covered with her cloak, so she would naturally feel warm.

Seeing that Fenghuang had woken up, Luo Xiao hurriedly let go of her body, and hurriedly explained, "Fenghuang, I saw you shivering from the cold just now, so I warmed you up without authorization, don't take offense."

Fenghuang stretched his body, and then smiled, "Brother Luo, I have to thank you, so why would I blame you?"

Seeing that Luo Xiao didn't mean to blame, the stone in his heart fell to the ground. He shook off the cloak, put it on Phoenix, and then sat beside her.

As the mountain wind blew, the corners of the clothes of the two of them were rolled up, making a crackling sound, and even Phoenix's temple hair was blown up, flying in the air.

With his arms around his knees, Fenghuang leaned against the stone wall, staring at the floating clouds beneath his feet, as if he was thinking about something.So Luo Xiao didn't bother her, but closed his eyes again to cultivate his mind.

After a long time, Fenghuang suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "Brother Luo, have you ever liked me?"

"Oh—" Luo Xiao was stunned for a moment, then slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Luo Xiao looking at him, Fenghuang sighed softly, "Brother Luo, have you really never liked me, even just a little?"

When Luo Xiao saw her sad eyes, he suddenly felt a little complicated and didn't know what it was like.After pausing for a moment, he opened his mouth and said, "Fenghuang, to be honest, I also like it a little bit."

"Really, you didn't lie to me, Brother Luo." This sudden answer made Fenghuang's heart beat violently, and his breathing was a little short of joy.

Luo Xiao continued, "However, now is not the time to talk about these things. The Japanese invaders are rampant in China, and foreign powers are eyeing them. I want to focus on resisting the Japanese and revitalizing China. I'm afraid I won't be able to consider personal issues for the time being."

Fenghuang seemed to understand Luo Xiao's meaning, she was silent for a while, and then leaned her body into Luo Xiao's shoulder, "Brother Luo, I understand what you mean, don't worry, I won't hold you back, and I will I will fully support you and fight against the Japanese invaders with you.”

"Really, Fenghuang?" Luo Xiao asked again, seeing Fenghuang nodding without hesitation, he was overjoyed, and stretched out his hand to embrace Fenghuang into his arms, "Well, let's make an agreement, Deng will beat the Japanese devils away Now, let's talk about the things between us, shall we?"

Nestled in Luo Xiao's broad embrace, Fenghuang raised his head to look at his sharp face, "Okay, let's make an agreement after beating the devil away."

Luo Xiao nodded, and then gently stroked her soft long hair.

At the top of the peak, a round of golden sun rose slowly, casting thousands of golden lights on the two of them.


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