At the corner of the mountain road, seven masked men in black were lying on the ambush point chosen in advance, and were watching vigilantly at the opposite stone, which was the hiding place of Luo Xiao and Fenghuang.

Before Luo Xiao and the others went down the mountain, these people came here early and quietly lay in ambush, waiting for Luo Xiao and the others to arrive.

For them who have been hanging around in Hidden Dragon Mountain for many years, every mountain and every forest here is clear, and they can feel where they want to go even with their eyes closed.

This mountain road is usually inaccessible, so they are not afraid of being bumped into, and the one-eyed vulture has issued a death order before approaching, as long as anyone who hinders them from carrying out the mission of ambushes and kills, they will be killed, including Phoenix.

When the one-eyed vulture told the jackal that Luo Xiao had gone to Duanfeng, he deliberately concealed one thing, that is, Phoenix also went to Duanfeng, and the two should be together, so the jackal thought that Luo Xiao was alone, so he agreed Arrange for people to ambush Luo Xiao.

If he knew that Fenghuang was also with Luo Xiao, he would rather give up this opportunity than let Fenghuang have the possibility of accidentally injuring him.

The seven people waited for more than half an hour, and finally waited for Luo Xiao's figure at the end of the mountain road. They were all shocked, knowing that the target was coming.

The masked man at the head pulled out the box cannon from his waist, opened all the big and small noses with his fingers, then raised it with one hand, and aimed the gun at the mountain road that Luo Xiao must pass through.

He was waiting for Luo Xiao's arrival, so that he could shoot him and kill him, and then he could go back to report.

For this mission, he really didn't take it seriously. Although Luo Xiao's legend was enthralled, he believed that in the hands of their Yan Luo Guards, it would be as easy as pulling a Chinese cabbage out of the ground.

Seeing Luo Xiao walk in little by little, his finger was also attached to the trigger, and the box cannon swayed steadily without shaking at all.

Just when Luo Xiao was about to step under his sight, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, then turned around and fell backwards.

The thing happened too suddenly, far beyond his expectation, so he couldn't react at once, so he had to change it temporarily.

"Grandma, this kid is really slippery." One shot missed, the masked man cursed, and then raised the box cannons in both hands, pointing directly at Luo Xiao's hiding place opposite, waiting for the opponent's attack Appear.

Beside him, the other six people also drew their guns. At this time, each of them had a pair of box cannons, and the muzzles of Lin Li's guns were all pointing at Luo Xiao and Fenghuang behind the opposite stone.

"Head, what should we do?" A masked man asked in a low voice, "What if the third master of Phoenix comes out to stop him?"

The leading masked man said in a cold voice, "If she comes out to stop her, she will be shot."

"If you do this, I'm afraid the second leader will—" The rest of the masked men were a little hesitant. They knew that the jackal of the second leader was interested in the phoenix of the third leader, and they had been pursuing it hard. They must not be skinned.

The masked man at the head seemed to see their hesitation, and he sneered, "This ambush is an order from the second master, because I have seen through this flamboyant woman, and my heart is so cold, you are still here. , if you can’t complete the task, just wait for bad luck.”

The few people who spoke these few words were all very anxious. They heard the leader said that this was an order from the second head, so they were relieved, without any hesitation, they waited for Luo Xiao to come out of the wine.

But Luo Xiao didn't come out. Instead, the third master Fenghuang shouted and wanted to stand up. Now the few people had no idea.

Hearing this, the masked man in the head flashed a fierce light in his eyes. He clenched the box cannon in his hand and stared closely at the back of the stone.

With a whoosh, a black shadow flashed behind the stone and appeared in everyone's sight.

Without even thinking about it, the masked man at the head opened fire, and a pair of box cannons swept out, hitting the stone.

The other six people froze for a moment. Seeing that the leader had already fired, they were worried that they would be punished if they didn't shoot, so they all raised their guns and shot, smashing the stones into debris in the blink of an eye.

After beating them, they realized that it was just a stone and not a human being at all. Only then did they realize that they had been fooled, and they couldn't help cursing inwardly, "This Luo Xiao is really cunning."

No one was hit, and the masked people didn't dare to shoot easily. They carefully watched the movement behind the opposite stone, waiting for the real person to appear.

However, there seemed to be no one behind the stone, there was no movement at all, not even a sound could be heard.

The leading masked man lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and shouted to the one beside him, "Go out and have a look."


The masked man was taken aback. Although he was also a desperado, he also felt the cold sweat on his back. He said in a low voice, "Head, didn't I go out to die?"

"It's okay. We'll protect you from behind. With so many people, you still have problems?" The masked man at the head waved his pistol and signaled him to go out.

There was no other way, the masked man had no choice but to stand up from the cover, sprinted out carefully, and moved forward cautiously along the mountain road.

With a drum in his heart, his steps were extra cautious, for fear of disturbing Luo Xiao who was behind the stone on the opposite side, and he was ready to retreat at any time.

The masked man in the lead stared at Shi Na with all his attention, and the gun in his hand was already ready to shoot.

One step, two steps, three steps..., five steps, six steps!

The masked man approached the stone step by step. He walked with trepidation along the way, feeling that every step was like walking through the gate of hell, which was difficult.

However, the journey was fairly safe, which made him secretly rejoice, hoping that Luo Xiao behind the stone had already escaped.

The stone finally arrived at a place close to his eyes. As long as he took two or three steps forward, he would be able to see the movement behind him clearly. The masked man's heart was beating wildly. He tiptoedly moved forward two steps, then squatted down Lifting his body up little by little, he looked behind the stone.

In the distance, the remaining six masked men were also holding their guns, not daring to show their breath, watching the movement here, not knowing what the result would be.

The body stood up slowly, and the masked man finally poked his head behind the stone. After sweeping his gaze, his pupils suddenly shrank by half, and he was about to cry out when he opened his mouth.

But a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and he didn't know what happened next, it was all before his death and had nothing to do with him.

The six masked men in the distance saw his body lying on the stone, his head poked out to look behind the stone, but he just didn't move, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. The debris from the stones around him flew together.

Unfortunately, after the gunfire stopped, the masked man was still lying on the stone, motionless.

"Grandma, this Luo Xiao seems to be very difficult." The masked man at the head muttered in a low voice, and then he looked at the other masked men.

The remaining five masked men all stared at him vigilantly. Although he was the leader, he could tell that if he forced those people to go up to die, a firefight would probably break out immediately.

One against five, he must be the one who died.

Turning his eyes, the leading masked man swallowed the words again. He chuckled and said, "Brothers, let's fight together this time. I'll go out with you. I don't believe that he can fight alone. Worth our twelve box cannons."

The rest of the people hesitated for a moment, then felt that what he said made sense, so they nodded in agreement.


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