
The masked man at the head yelled, and the six stood up together, jumped out of the sheltered stone, raised the box cannons in both hands, and walked forward while firing.

The dense gunshots were all connected together, and the bullets swished, weaving a dense net in front of several people, and the stone chips that Luo Xiao and the others were hiding from were flying all over the sky. The face man's body was also hit by bullets repeatedly, turning into a colander.

Striding forward while shooting, the six of them quickly reached the stone.

Shi Shi shouted loudly, and then saw a figure flash, Luo Xiao rushed out from behind, in his hand was the improved [-] pistol given to Fenghuang, and pointed the gun at the six people here.

Bang bang bang gunshots rang out, and the guns were fired from both sides almost at the same time. Luo Xiao's bullet pierced the heads of two people, and he was also shot several times in the front of his heart. Body.

After shaking a few times, the pistol in Luo Xiao's hand fell to the ground quietly. He seemed a little unwilling, his body shook a few times and tried to stand still, but finally fell backwards.

Looking at Luo Xiao who fell on the ground, and Na, the ground and clothes stained red with blood, the masked man at the head felt relieved, and the secret path finally got rid of him.

Turning his head towards his companion, he shouted in a deep voice, "Go over and see if he is dead."

The three masked men who were still alive responded, and walked towards Luo Xiao who was lying on the ground. They were the ones who shot Luo Xiao with their own hands, and it was not a single shot, and so much blood flowed, so they already thought that Luo Xiao Impossible to live again.

Just when they were about to walk in front of Luo Xiao, there was a sudden gunshot from behind, and the three of them felt their bodies tremble, and then blood gushed out from their mouths and chest.

Coughing, the three of them turned around with difficulty, looked at the masked leader who pointed his guns at them, and asked in disbelief, "You——?!"

"Your use value is gone, so it's time to send you on your way." The masked leader led the guns with wisps of smoke. It's time to wait.

"Are you——" The last person who still had breath tried his best, and seemed to want to say something.


Blowing the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle of the gun, the masked leader glanced at the dying companion, sneered and walked towards the stone, "You talk too much!"

Behind the stone, Fenghuang seemed to have just woken up from the shock. He stood up, looked at Luo Xiao who was lying on the ground in shock, and didn't even look at the masked man.

"Luo Xiao, what's wrong with you?" Fenghuang yelled, then turned his head and stared coldly at the masked man who was pointing a gun at her, and asked, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to tell you that you don't need to live anymore, you can go down and be his company." The masked man's voice was murderous, and his fingers began to slowly pull the trigger.

"Are you really sure he's dead?" At this moment, Fenghuang suddenly smiled, and that smile made the masked man who thought he was sure of victory feel a little hairy, he turned around suddenly, and looked behind him.

Behind him, Luo Xiao stood there with a calm face, holding a three-edged army thorn gleaming in his hand, with blood all over his body, looking very scary.

"You're not—" the masked man said these words subconsciously, and then he came to his senses, and hastily turned his gun and pointed it at Luo Xiao.

As soon as his body moved, Luo Xiao's triangular army stab had already stabbed out, accurately piercing his wrist, and at the same time the pistol in the other hand was also kicked away by Phoenix.


Severe pain hit his heart in an instant, and that feeling made him unable to hold back his head and let out a shrill cry.

Luo Xiao stood in front of him coldly, as if he didn't see his pain, pulled out the three-edged army thorn in his right hand, then turned his wrist, and knocked on his left hand that was touching his waist.

With a crackling sound, Luo Xiao's huge force broke the wrist of the masked man in the head, and the dagger that had been pulled out also fell to the ground with a clang.

Fenghuang kicked him over and forced him with a gun, then tore off his mask, and found that he didn't recognize this person, so he turned around and asked Luo Xiao with concern, "Brother Luo, are you alright?".

Luo Xiao shook his head, then tore off the blood-stained coat, revealing the bulletproof vest inside, and said with a smile, "It's okay, this bulletproof vest invented by Mo Yanran is really useful, even the impact of bullets The power can be greatly reduced, but unfortunately the cost is too high, the quantity is limited, and the protection area is a bit small, a bit too tasteless, what a pity!"

This type of body armor designed by Mo Yanran has the characteristics of light weight, strong defense ability, and good impact resistance. The disadvantage is that the area of ​​protection is small, and many parts of the body are exposed and cannot be protected.But in any case, this is a very good bulletproof equipment in terms of performance.

If Mo Yanran saw Luo Xiao's dissatisfied expression, she would probably vomit blood with anger. Luo Xiao actually praised and criticized the bulletproof vest that she designed with great effort, and picked out so many faults out of nothing. , It hurt my self-esteem too much.

"Then what about your blood, is it also fake?" The masked man whose hands were pierced held back the pain and asked in a hoarse voice. He really didn't understand why Luo Xiao could spew so much blood in an instant. The blood, which is not functional on the body armor.

Luo Xiao pulled out two soft balloon-shaped things from between the bulletproof vest and his coat, and dangled them in front of him, the blood that hadn't flowed out of them clanging, "Of course it's not fake, but your companion's The blood, you let him come forward to check, just helped me."

"What is this?" Like the masked man at the head, Fenghuang thought it was very strange and had never seen it before.

"Well——that's—that—that—that!" Luo Xiao didn't know what to say, he couldn't tell Fenghuang that this was the famous Durex condom, if that was the case, Fenghuang would probably have to beat him up.

Condoms have a very wide range of functions in the equipment for survival in the wild. It is a very important piece of equipment, but many people don't know it.

Fenghuang is a girl after all, she is too ashamed to know such things, even though she likes Luo Xiao very much.

"Brother Luo, what is this? How do you say it so vaguely that it makes people more and more confused?" Fenghuang was serious, asking endlessly.

Luo Xiao was embarrassed, and at the end he had no choice but to prevaricate, "This is called a multifunctional plastic bag, and it can be used in many ways."

Only then did Fenghuang look suddenly enlightened, and nodded half-understood.


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