Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 309 Abnormal Behavior


The jackal was taken aback, and he asked Fenghuang in disbelief, "Third sister, where did you say that? Even if I kill myself, I won't hurt you. Where did you hear the rumor?"


Seeing that the baggage in his hand had been dropped on the ground, Fenghuang said, "Second brother, you can see for yourself, if it wasn't for my fate, what is in front of you now is a cold corpse."

The bundle rolled on the ground and then fell apart, revealing the contents inside: several box cannons, a mask to cover the face, and some personal items.

"This, this is—" Jackal's eyes fell on one of those things, and his eyes froze immediately, his face became more and more ugly, as if the weather was covered with dark clouds before a heavy rain.

After a moment of silence, the jackal suddenly roared at the one-eyed vulture not far away, "One-eyed vulture, come here, boy."

The one-eyed vulture who was waiting not far away immediately ran over, stood respectfully in front of the jackal, and then lowered his head and asked, "Second leader, what's the matter?"

The jackal's face was very ferocious, and he shouted angrily, "One-eyed vulture, you sent these people, you, the captain of Yan Luo's guard, are so courageous, you dare to attack the third master behind my back, huh?" At the words, a fierce light shot out of his eyes, and he seemed to be really angry.

After listening to the jackal's words, the one-eyed vulture lowered his head unhurriedly, and then continued to reply respectfully, "If you go back to the second leader's house, these people are not sent by me. Yesterday, I was angry with the third master for empathizing with you and fighting for your injustice, and this morning I disappeared even more, who would have imagined that they went to ambush the third master."

Hearing this, the jackal became less angry, but he shouted with lingering anger, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier, these people are really damned, they dared to attack the third master."

"Yes, I will punish them properly when I go back." One-eyed Vulture responded quickly.

Fenghuang watched from the side that the jackal's expression of concern for her own safety didn't seem fake, and she felt better. She waved her hand and said, "Forget it, those people are already dead, next time you take it as a warning Got it."

"All dead!"

The jackal and the one-eyed vulture made surprise sounds almost at the same time, as if they didn't quite believe it.

The Yan Luo Guards were trained by them, and they could be regarded as masters in Hidden Dragon Mountain, but they didn't expect seven people to ambush Luo Xiao alone, and they were the ones who died in the end.

The jackal couldn't help but tremble, "This Luo Xiao seems to be very powerful."

The one-eyed vulture acted very well, it looked as if neither he nor the jackal knew about it, and it was as if these people had made their own claims. In the end, Fenghuang finally believed what they said.

"Second brother, I will trust you again this time. If there is another time, then we brothers and sisters will have nothing to do." Fenghuang said coldly, then walked back to Luo Xiaona quickly, and then the two left .

Seeing the two people gradually going away, the jackal came back to his senses, he grabbed the one-eyed vulture by the collar, stared at him fiercely, and then said in a cold voice, "One-eyed vulture, I don't care what you use. What method to deal with Luo Xiao, but if Phoenix gets hurt a little, don't blame me for ignoring our friendship for so many years." After speaking, he pushed the one-eyed eagle away and walked towards his residence.

The one-eyed vulture staggered two steps, stopped his body, looked at the jackal walking away, and at the same time brushed off his collar as if nothing had happened, and headed towards Yan Luo Guard's station.

This incident is beyond her control, and among these few people there are people he cares about very much, so he has to go back and deal with it.

As for him who participated in the operation, Cyclops had no hope, because if he failed in the mission, he would definitely not come back alive.

"Fenghuang, you're too impulsive." In Luo Xiao's residence, Luo Xiao sighed after listening to Fenghuang explain how she questioned the jackal, "If you ask like that, you won't be able to find out the real result of the matter."

"Brother Luo, I'm angry. How could my second brother treat me like this? Over the years, he has always been very kind to me. He has never even made me angry, let alone killed me!" Fenghuang didn't seem to get out of the emotion just now, she blinked her eyes in doubt, "Maybe what the one-eyed eagle said is right, they were all deceived by the people below, and they don't know anything."

Seeing her innocent appearance, Luo Xiao smiled. He knew that Fenghuang still had fantasies about jackals, but he didn't intend to break it. It's not a bad thing to keep Fenghuang a beautiful dream.

After listening to Phoenix's narration, Luo Xiao locked his greatest suspicion on the one-eyed vulture, because he felt that the behavior of the one-eyed vulture was too weird.

As Jackal's confidant, he didn't even discuss such a big matter as killing Phoenix with him, but acted on his own, which is really too bold.

In particular, Fenghuang was the jackal's favorite woman. It was impossible for him not to know that killing Fenghuang would anger the jackal, but he still did it.This can only show one thing, and that is that the one-eyed vulture has ambitions behind the jackal's back.

But what exactly is the ambition?Luo Xiao still can't figure it out for the time being.

The two discussed together for a while, and Luo Xiao told Fenghuang in detail how to face what might happen next, and did not stop until she understood.

After lunch, Fenghuang went back, while Luo Xiao took off the blood-stained clothes and put on a new set.

After dealing with all this, Luo Xiao set up a sentry in the yard, telling them that no one is allowed to enter without his permission, and then gathered the special forces team members together.

On the one hand, he has to listen to the information collected by everyone, and on the other hand, he has to arrange the next tasks. After all, many things have changed, and the original plan is already a bit impractical and needs to be changed.

Here, the precautions against one-eyed vultures and jackals have been greatly strengthened, because they are the characters who are most likely to conflict with Luo Xiao and the others.

As for Luo Xiao, in the afternoon, he went to visit the family members on various hilltops who came to the birthday banquet. On the one hand, he got to know their details, and on the other hand, he saw if he could persuade them to join his Huxiaoling base.

Fenghuang didn't come to look for him in the afternoon either, because Qingmakan, Lijiagou, and Baichengzi all sent people here. Politeness also had to go to the reception.

In this way, people are all busy!

Of course, the one-eyed vulture was the busiest here. He made arrangements according to his own plan, prepared step by step, and waited for that moment to come.

Of course, all his arrangements were carried out on the premise of carrying the wolf on his back, without letting him know.


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