Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 310 The Ambition of Qingmakan

In the hall of Hidden Dragon Mountain, the head of the Black Dragon was sitting on a chair, beside him, Jackal and Phoenix were also sitting in the chairs. Behind the three stood Xue Peng, Cyclops and the Eight Great Vajras of Hidden Dragon Mountain.

Except for the Xue Peng who had fought against Luo Xiao, as well as the one-eyed vulture, owl, and falcon, the rest were all present.

Among them, there are two young girls standing behind Fenghuang, one is wearing a clear green dress, the other is all in black, with two guns stuck in his waist, looking heroic.

These two people are Qingluan and Caique, the two assistants of Fenghuang, they just rushed back from a business deal in other places.

On a row of chairs opposite Heilong and the others, there was a man in his 40s, wearing a long silk gown, with several finger rings on the ten fingers of both hands.

This person's facial features are very ordinary, and his slightly raised lips always make people look kind, but his pair of slender eyes show that this person is thoughtful and deep.Behind him, a dozen burly men stood with their hands behind their backs, looking like bodyguards.

The middle-aged man held a tea bowl in his hand, which contained the first-class Liu'an melon slices, and the refreshing tea fragrance lingered and echoed in the hall.

"Mr. Tang, I didn't expect that Qingmakan came here in person this time. Heilong is really flattered." Heilong looked at Tang Yulin who was holding a teacup, and then said with a smile, but his heart became more vigilant.

Tang Yulin is said to be Tang Erhu's distant relatives, but they have no contact with each other. He has been reading poetry and books since he was a child, but later he has no hope of fame and fame. He even went to Qingmakan to become a bandit. military division.

This person is very scheming and powerful, and he is a very difficult person to deal with. Normally, he would not leave Qingmakan easily, but this time he did not expect that he would personally come to give the congratulatory gift.

Although Tibetan Dragon Mountain is as famous as Qingmakan, Lijiagou, and Baichengzi in this area, its strength is actually far behind.

Qingmakan is the most powerful of these big forces, with more than 3000 people, and more than 1000 long and short guns under his command. There are so many good players. Even the Northeast Army is unwilling to provoke them easily in this area.

Moreover, it is said that Qingmakan's old commander in chief still had a relationship, so the Northeast Army was very afraid of Qingmakan and let it develop rapidly.

Hidden Dragon Mountain can't afford to offend others, so Heilong can only deal with Tang Yulin cautiously.

Tang Yulin put down the tea bowl in his hand, and then chuckled, "You are welcome, you are welcome, Tang is just a pawn who came to give gifts this time, so don't laugh at me."

"Hehe, Mr. Tang is being polite!" Seeing that Tang Yulin didn't say anything, Heilong's doubts deepened.

The two sides were talking in a neutral manner in the hall, and neither of them was in a hurry. They followed each other's words, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little mysterious.

The two chattered nonsense for a cup of tea, but Heilong couldn't help it, and said, "Mr. Tang, I wonder how your old masters are doing?"

Seeing Heilong asking about this matter, Tang Yulin chuckled and got to the point, "Our old master has given up his position to the young master. He is now living in Houzhai and living a very leisurely life."

Hearing this, the black dragon, jackal and phoenix all looked at each other, feeling a bad premonition.

Qingmakan has always been run by the old master. He is a moderate faction, and he has good relations with other forces and is very popular.But Du Jintang, the young master, is ambitious, always thinking about unifying the bandits in western Liaoning, and then controlling the three eastern provinces.

He is dreaming of his dream of being the King of the Northeast, and he wants to imitate the old Marshal Zhang.

However, due to the lack of real power, Du Jintang could only lie dormant and wait for the future when he takes power before displaying his ambitions.

With the physical condition of the old head, it is no problem to be in office for another ten years, but it is unexpected that Du Jintang will take power so soon.

Heilong understands that once Du Jintang, who is very ambitious and advocates expansion, takes charge of Qingmakan, there may be an imminent crisis waiting for his copycats.

Sure enough, after Tang Yulin finished speaking, he continued, "I came to Hidden Dragon Mountain this time mainly to pay homage to the birthday. The other thing is to send invitations to the three masters to participate in the succession ceremony of our young masters."

Heilong's heart skipped a beat, and he understood that Tang Yulin's gift this time was fake, but the real purpose was to send invitations to people like himself, and the main purpose was to invite people to attend Du Jintang's succession ceremony.

It is conceivable that this ceremony is definitely a grand banquet, and it may be an attempt by Du Jintang to take the opportunity to gather people under his command.

If he doesn't obey him at that time, no one can guarantee whether this cold-blooded and ruthless guy will kill him and do something crazy.

In Qingmakan, people who go there are like meat on a chopping board, they can only be slaughtered.

Heilong was complaining in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface with a smile on his face. He cupped his hands towards Tang Yulin and said, "Mr. Tang, we at Canglong Mountain will definitely go to congratulate him when the time comes."

A cold light flashed in Tang Yulin's eyes, and he heard the trickiness in Heilong's words. He said indifferently, "Heilong master, you three young masters of Canglong Mountain have admired you for a long time. The reason why Tang came this time is because In order to be sure to invite the three of you to attend, I hope that the three masters will definitely attend when the time comes."

"Well, Mr. Tang, we will have to see the situation at that time. Even if we really can't get away, we will send someone to congratulate him, and he won't be there." Heilong was pointed out, he hesitated, and had to say.

"Hey, Master Heilong, you should be very clear about our temper. If the three of you refuse like this, no one can say for sure whether he will send someone to invite you all!" Tang Yulin sneered In the spoken words, the word "please" is particularly emphasized, and the meaning of threat has increased a lot.

From his arms, he took out a sign carved from ebony, and put it on the table beside him. Tang Yulin stood up and walked away, "At that time, I hope that the three of you will personally hold this sign and appear in Qingmakan , Farewell."

Seeing Tang Yulin leading the people out of the hall and heading straight down the mountain road, Heilong pressed his hands on the table, the veins on the back of his hands were swollen due to too much force, he grabbed the sign and held it in front of him.

The sign is made of ebony, and the workmanship is very fine. On the front is a circle of cloud patterns, surrounded by three gold characters in seal script - Order of Heroes.


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