Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 311 The Ambition of Qingmakan

After reading the three characters on the front, Heilong turned the wooden sign over, wanting to see what was on the back of the wooden sign, but when his eyes fell on the writing on the back of the wooden sign, his face changed, and he couldn't help but look deeply. Taking a breath, he controlled the urge to blurt out cursing.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Seeing the abnormal expression on Heilong's face, Jackal asked hastily from the side.

"Look for yourself!" Heilong threw the wooden sign on the table and said in a deep voice.

The jackal grabbed the wooden sign, then looked at the three words on the front, and then turned it over. When he saw the words, he was furious, "His grandma, Du Jintang really took himself What are you doing, you really put your nose on your face, I'm pissed off!"

He slammed the wooden sign on the table, jumped twice, and then stopped on the edge of the table, revealing the words on the back: As soon as this order is issued, the heroes will move immediately, and everyone who responds will be punished. !

No wonder Heilong and the others were annoyed. This wooden sign simply regarded Hidden Dragon Mountain as part of Du Jintang's forces and demanded that they be on call.

Heilong estimated that each of the mountains in western Liaoning should have received one piece, because there is a number on the Tibetan Dragon Mountain that is zero five, which means that there should be other numbers before and after.

In this way, Du Jintang's ambition to annex various forces in western Liaoning has been clearly revealed.

Even though they knew that Du Jintang was domineering and overbearing, Black Dragon and the others had nothing to do, because they were inferior and had nothing to say, they could only listen to others.

The jackal seemed a little reconciled, he slapped the table and said, "Brother, are we just going to give in like this, and give Du Jintang the cottage that we have built after ten years of hard work?"

"Then what else can we do?" Heilong leaned back on the chair slumped, and he sighed, "Our strength is not as good as Du Jintang's. If we fight hard, we will fail, and maybe we won't even be able to save our lives."

The jackal opened its mouth, and seemed to know that it was impossible to fight against Qingmakan, so it simply stopped talking.

Fenghuang was on the side, and was very angry when he heard the news, but neither the elder brother nor the second brother could do anything about it, and neither could she.

"I heard that Du Jintang is very lecherous, and he actually implements the right of first night in the territory under his jurisdiction. If he falls under his control, I'm afraid it will be troublesome." Suddenly remembering a characteristic of Du Jintang, Fenghuang couldn't help but slapped Lingling. The Cold War brought a surge of fear.

Du Jintang is lustful by nature, his family has already robbed the thirteen concubines, and he still doesn't let the other women go. All the women who are planning to get married within the jurisdiction of Qingmakan must be slept by him before they get married. One night, it was simply inhumane.

The three people in Canglongshan felt more and more heavy in their hearts as they thought about it, and a look of melancholy floated on their cheeks.

Xue Peng stood behind the black dragon, he opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end, this expression naturally fell into the eyes of the black dragon, but he said a few words to the jackal and Phoenix calmly, and then let the two Everyone went to work on their own.

After almost everyone in the hall left, only Xue Peng and Hei Long were left, he turned his head and said, "Xue Peng, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Master, I have something I don't know if I should say it or not." Xue Peng respectfully bowed to the black dragon and asked hesitantly.

Heilong put on a serious face, pretending to be angry and said, "You boy still have scruples when talking to me, just say it."

Hearing this, Xue Peng lowered his voice and said, "Master, what do you think will happen to Canglongshan in the future if you follow Du Jintang?"

"Hmph, what can I do, let him be a spearman in exchange." Heilong now thinks of Qingmakan, and when he hears the three words Du Jintang, he feels angry.

"Then what do you think if he rejects his so-called Order of Heroes?" Xue Peng asked the second question.

Heilong sighed, and slapped his fingers on the table, "He is a thigh, we are arms, we can't twist him."

Hearing the meaning of Heilong's unwillingness to submit to Du Jintang, Xue Peng had a clue in his mind, he pondered for a while, and then said, "Master, what do you think of Huxiaoling Base and Brother Luo Xiao?"

"Brother Luo is a young hero. His skills are outstanding. Huxiaoling is powerful. Compared with others, our hidden dragon mountain is far behind." When Luo Xiao was mentioned, Heilong suddenly became interested and praised him full of praise. But then he seemed to notice something, "Xue Peng, why did you mention Brother Luo?"

"Master, if you had to choose between Qingmakan and Brother Luo in Huxiaoling, which side would you choose?" Xue Peng finally said what he meant.

Heilong was silent, and he didn't say a word for a long time. There was enough time for a cup of tea before he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Xue Peng, to be honest, I don't want to be under anyone's hands, whether it's Qingmakan Du Jintang, or Huxiaoling Luoxiao, it's all the same."

"But you don't have a choice now!" Xue Peng's eyes were shining with a captivating light, and he looked at the black dragon eagerly.

Heilong closed his eyes and waved his hand wearily, "Xue Peng, let me think about it, you go down first."

Xue Peng understood Heilong's confused mood, he didn't say anything more, bowed and saluted, and then retreated.

Heilong was the only one left in the hall. He sat on a chair, leaned back on the chair with his eyes closed, and seemed to be thinking hard.

Just when he was closing his eyes and resting his mind, a young man suddenly ran in from outside the hall, knelt down on one leg and reported to him, "Master, something has happened, four or five of the hills near us have been wiped out." Ping, the head of the family was also killed!"


The news was so sudden that even Heilong was a little surprised. You must know that the forces on the nearby hills are all within the protection range of their Hidden Dragon Mountain, and other forces dare not attack them easily.

"Could it be the Japanese?" Heilong thought in his heart, sat up with his hands on the armrest, and asked the young man in a deep voice, "Can you find out which force did it?"

"It's from Qingmakan. I heard that what is called Zhang Da Er." The little guy had already inquired about everything, and heilong answered hastily.

Heilong heard that it was Qingmakan, and immediately leaned back in the grand master's chair in a slump. He closed his eyes, waved his hand at the young man, "Go down."

The little guy saw that the boss was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to say much, and quietly left.

There was silence in the hall, and no sound could be heard.

"This is a problem, it's really difficult for me." After an hour, the black dragon opened his eyes, and he sighed, it seemed that he still hadn't come up with a good solution.

Standing up, Heilong also walked out of the hall and returned to his residence.


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