Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 313 Blood Peng visits

Regarding Huxiaoling's true strength, so far outsiders have learned that it is only a few corners and corners, and the real core strength has not been revealed at all.

Except for the fact that most of its strength had been revealed when it moved, most of the time it was a small part of the special forces that were active outside. Therefore, other forces including Hidden Dragon Mountain believed that Huxiaoling was just a small town of 800 people. power.

That's why Qingmakan sent two people to deliver the letter, which shows the contempt for Huxiaoling.

If they knew that Luo Xiao's subordinates had already gathered tens of thousands of people, they would take the initiative to show affection to him in detail, and even some small hilltops would take the initiative to surrender and find a solid backer.

This is the reason why it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

"Luo Xiao, what do you think Hidden Dragon Mountain should do next?" Fenghuang had a worried expression on her face. It's no wonder she had such an expression in the current situation of Hidden Dragon Mountain.

Qingmakan is aggressive, with a posture of those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish. As one of the largest forces in western Liaoning, Canglong Mountain is naturally the first to bear the brunt of the pressure. If you are not careful and make a mistake, the mountain will be destroyed. result of death.

Since Fenghuang went up the mountain, he has regarded this place as his home, and has a deep affection for every plant and tree here, so she doesn't want it to be destroyed.

Luo Xiao thought for a while, and then said, "There is only one way now, and that is to form an alliance with other hilltops to jointly resist the pressure of Qingmakan. This may force Du Jintang to restrain himself."

"Yeah, this is a solution." Phoenix's eyes lit up when he heard it, and Luo Xiao's suggestion was also a solution.

But Luo Xiao went on to say, "However, there is also a downside to doing this, that is, it is completely opposed to Qingmakan. Once Qingmakan adopts various methods of defeating and wins or subdue some of them, you will face The situation will be more dangerous."

Fenghuang's face darkened, Luo Xiao's subsequent words seemed to have given her another blow to the head, making her feel icy cold.

"Oh, what should I do?" She felt like she was about to collapse.

Looking at her anxious expression, Luo Xiao felt very distressed in his heart, but he really couldn't say what Luo Xiao said about joining Huxiaoling.

He knew that he was not a hero, and he couldn't do the act of "I'd rather bear the people of the world", so at the time of internal and external troubles in Hidden Dragon Mountain, he didn't want to take advantage of others, let alone being entangled with Fenghuang now.

Luo Xiao regretted it, regretted that he had come to Hidden Dragon Mountain to attend the birthday banquet this time, in such a situation, he would rather let Yan Beifeng come and handle those important affairs on his behalf.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world, even if he regrets it, it will be useless.

Neither of them spoke, and remained silent relative to each other.

After about ten minutes, Fenghuang stared into Luo Xiao's eyes, and suddenly said, "Brother Luo, do you have something to hide from me?"

Luo Xiao was calm on the surface as usual, but he was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect a woman's intuition to be so sensitive, and she was keenly aware of something in his heart.But he couldn't tell Fenghuang now, so he smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing, I'm thinking about what you told me."

Fenghuang looked at him suspiciously, and felt that Luo Xiao was not thinking about this matter, so he planned to ask.At this moment, the special forces team member outside the door shouted again, "Captain, Captain Xue Peng has something to do with you."

"Xue Peng?!" Both of them were quite surprised.

Luo Xiao and Xuepeng only fought once last time, and they have a good impression of each other, but they don't have any deep friendship. How could he come suddenly?

"Could it be that the head of the family asked him to test me?" Luo Xiao thought to himself, stood up and walked towards the door.

The door opened, and the tall Xuepeng stepped in from the door, and when he saw Luo Xiao, he laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, brother Xuepeng is here, won't you not welcome him? "

"How can it be, I'm too happy to be in time." Luo Xiao smiled and greeted him.

At this time, Fenghuang also stood up, and nodded towards Xuepeng with a smile, "Uncle Peng, you are here too."

Seeing Fenghuang, Xuepeng smiled happily, "Little Fenghuang, you are here too, haha."

The three of them were familiar with each other, so they sat down without any formality.

As soon as he sat down, Xue Peng opened his mouth first. He looked at Fenghuang first, and then at Luo Xiao, "Luo Xiao, Little Fenghuang told you what happened today, right?"

"Well, I said it." Luo Xiao nodded.

Xue Peng said angrily, "This Qingmakan is really deceiving people too much. Du Jintang actually regards himself as the overlord of western Liaoning. Canglongshan will never give in this time. He would rather die than regret it."

"Is this what Big Brother means?" When Fenghuang heard this, she was both surprised and delighted. Thinking of Du Jintang's lust and lust, she would rather die in battle than surrender.

Seeing Fenghuang's question, Xue Peng rubbed his head in embarrassment, and laughed, "It's not what the head of the family means, it's what I thought."

"Uh—" The two were speechless.

"However, I have already suggested to the master that Hidden Dragon Mountain can be attached to Huxiaoling and hang out with Brother Luo." Xue Peng continued, "Although we haven't known each other for a long time, I believe in Brother Luo's character, and I also believe in you. You have enough strength to fight Qingmakan."

Hearing this, Luo Xiao said with a wry smile, "Brother Xuepeng, once you tell the big boss like this, won't the big boss suspect that you have colluded with me and betrayed him?"

"Hahahaha, I have been with my master for more than ten years. He still doesn't know my character and character. Besides, I consider myself to be upright and upright, just for the good of Hidden Dragon Mountain. There is nothing to worry about." Xue Peng looked very confident. .

Fenghuang was at the side but didn't speak, because she knew the character of the black dragon better than Xuepeng, so she still had a little worry in her heart, but she couldn't say it now, so as not to create a gap between the black dragon and Xuepeng.

Luo Xiao thought about the same as Fenghuang, so he just smiled and didn't say much.

"Brother, what do you think, tell me something?" Seeing that Luo Xiao just smiled and said nothing, Xue Peng became a little anxious, and he urged carelessly.

Luo Xiao slowly opened his mouth, "Brother Xuepeng, this matter must be agreed by the master, second master and Phoenix of Canglongshan, otherwise I can't make any promises; but if everyone in Canglongshan agrees, I represent Tiger Roaring Ridge welcomes you to join us."

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved. I'll go to the head of the house and persuade him." After Xue Peng understood Luo Xiao's attitude, he stood up excitedly, and rushed out of the door like a gust of wind. and go.

Luo Xiao called him a few words, but Xue Peng didn't pay attention at all, and ran away in the blink of an eye, which made Luo Xiao have a lot of things he wanted to say before he had time to say them.

Fenghuang was at the side, seeing Luo Xiao's helpless expression, he had no choice but to comfort him, "Brother Luo, Uncle Peng has been with Big Brother for so many years, I think there should be no problem even if you say it too much, don't worry gone."

"I hope so." Luo Xiao nodded, but there was still a hint of worry in his eyes.


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