"You said Xue Peng went to see Luo Xiao?"

In a quiet and elegant campus, Heilong was leaning on a recliner with thick cushions, squinting his eyes and listening to a subordinate reporting to him.

After the subordinate finished reporting what he had seen, he stepped back respectfully and waited for the question from the head.

Heilong's eyes didn't open at all, and his fingers were tapping on the coffee table beside him, making a clear sense of rhythm, and it could be seen that he was thinking about something.

The yard was full of burly men, each with a pair of guns in their hands, with a murderous look on their bodies, it could be seen that they were all good hands.These people are the Xuepeng Guards trained by Xuepeng, and they are also the most powerful team in Hidden Dragon Mountain.

The black dragon didn't speak, and his subordinates who were standing not far away didn't dare to make a sound, and naturally they didn't dare to leave, so they just bowed and stood not far away.

Finally, the black dragon's fingers suddenly stopped on the table, and the knocking sound disappeared. He slowly opened his eyes, then leaned over and sat up.

A servant girl standing by the side immediately came over with a cup of tray, and respectfully handed it to Heilong.

Stretching out his hand to take the brewed tea from the tray, Hei Long flicked the tea leaves first, then took a sip, then closed his eyes and smacked the taste.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and waved to the subordinate, "It's all right, let's go down."

As if being pardoned, the subordinates hurriedly retreated after saluting, and closed the courtyard door smoothly.

Heilong looked at the Xuepeng guards standing around the courtyard wall and at the gate, and then lay down on the deck chair again, with his eyes closed, he seemed to be asleep, but he could tell from his breathing that he was not asleep.

No one knows what the master of Hidden Dragon Mountain is thinking.

At this moment, the courtyard door was pushed open, and Xue Peng's tall figure appeared at the door with an excited look on his face.

Startled by the sound of the door opening, Heilong leaned slightly and opened his eyes to look towards the gate of the courtyard. After finding out that it was Xue Peng, he lay down on the couch again.

Xue Peng walked towards the black dragon with strides, and shouted loudly before he got close, "Master, good news, good news."

"It's this time, what good news can there be from Hidden Dragon Mountain?" Heilong said unhurriedly.

Xue Peng didn't notice the weirdness in Heilong's tone, because he was completely immersed in the excitement brought by Luo Xiao's words just now, so he just grinned, "Master, of course there is good news."

"Really, so what's the good news?" Heilong asked calmly.

"Master, I just went to Brother Luo and asked him about his attitude. Guess what he said?" Xue Peng didn't intend to ask Heilong to answer, but continued on his own, "Brother Luo said that as long as We are willing, he welcomes us to join on behalf of Huxiaoling."

When Xue Peng was speaking, he didn't notice that Hei Long's eyebrows trembled when he heard this, and a trace of displeasure flashed across his face.

After Xuepeng finished speaking, Heilong said slowly, "Xuepeng, this matter is very important, I have to think about it before making a decision, so don't tell others casually in the future, remember if you ?”

Xue Peng was taken aback for a moment, he heard the dissatisfaction he had told Luo Xiao in Heilong's words this time, so he bowed his head respectfully and said, "Yes, Lord, I won't casually tell others from now on."

"Yeah." Black Dragon continued to ask, "You went to Brother Luo, did you say anything to him?"

"I didn't say anything else, we just chatted about this matter, and then I came to you." Xue Peng said carelessly, and then said casually, "Besides, Little Phoenix is ​​also there, how dare I stay longer Woolen cloth."

"Where is the phoenix?" Heilong was a little surprised, but then regained his composure, "That's normal, the two of you are now inseparable, and it's normal to get tired of being together."

Xue Peng talked with Heilong for a while, and then he took his leave and left Heilong's residence.

When Xue Peng left, Heilong was silent for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand and waved at the servant girl, "Go, you go and call me the cripple who works in the backyard."

The servant girl left immediately.

"Xue Peng, Xue Peng, I hope you didn't betray me—" the black dragon murmured.

In a short time, a short lame man wearing handyman's clothes came. He was full of beards, holding an ax for chopping firewood in his hand, and his unkempt hair was covered with sawdust. He stood in front of the black dragon. He lowered his head in front of him and asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Heilong sized him up, and then asked, "Has the [-] jin of wood been chopped?"

"No, master, I guess it will take a while." The cripple replied in a low voice.

The black dragon snorted, "Okay, I won't chop the rest, I have a new job for you."

"Yes, master!" After listening to the black dragon's order, the limping man limped towards the backyard.

Heilong lay down on the recliner again this time, with a much more relaxed expression.

Unfortunately, it is destined that he will not be able to relax today, because someone rushed in from the door again, looking like he was on fire.

"What are you panicking about? Everyone looks like they are going to a funeral." Heilong was very upset, and said something casually, but immediately realized that his words were really unlucky, and hurriedly poohed on the ground twice.

The little boy who came to report the letter stopped hurriedly, calmed down his mood, and then said, "Master, something happened."

Now Heilong gets dizzy whenever he hears these three words, because every time he hears it, it is annoying, but he has no way to escape, so he has no choice but to curse angrily, "Put your farts away."

"Master, a few Japanese came here and said they brought you a birthday present."

"What?!" Heilong sat up from the recliner, the news was so shocking that he couldn't accept it.

Canglongshan is incompatible with the Japanese, and has repeatedly attacked the transport convoy of the Japanese Kwantung Army. Do the Japanese dare to send people here?

Because he didn't believe the news was true, Heilong confirmed it again. After confirming that it was really the Japanese who came, he remained silent.

The Japanese came uninvited. This is definitely not a good thing. It is estimated that they came for some purpose.To be honest, Heilong dislikes dealing with the Japanese the most. When he was the head of the regiment, he dealt with the Japanese and the Tsarist Russians a lot. He understood that the Japanese are famous for their insidiousness, while the Tsarist Russians are famous for their arrogance and cunning. generation.

Although I had a premonition that the Japanese coming would bring more changes to myself and Hidden Dragon Mountain, but since the Japanese came to give congratulatory gifts, I should see them out of courtesy, right?

Heilong thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to receive it, at least to find out what the purpose of the Japanese is here.

Having made up his mind, Heilong hurriedly let the young man lead the way, and walked towards the front hall.


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