Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 315 Devils Give Gifts

In the hall of the cottage, a Japanese man in a black suit was sitting on a chair, with a top hat on the table beside him, and he was constantly looking at the layout in the hall with a pair of naked eyes.And behind him are eight subordinates who are also in suits, each with their legs spread apart and their arms placed in front of their lower abdomen, standing still while looking ahead.

On the opposite side of them, there stood Hei Xiong, another capable general of Heilong's men. His burly body stood there like an iron tower, and he was staring at these Japanese with a cold face. The bandits in Canglongshan put their hands on the box cannons on their waists, ready to draw their guns and shoot at any time.

On the ground between the two sides, there was a pile of gifts, which seemed to be sent by the Japanese, but the black bear had no intention of accepting them, so they were all piled there and ignored.

The Japanese sitting on the chair didn't seem to be in a hurry, he sat still and didn't even bend his waist. His rigor was admirable.

"Did you send someone to deliver the letter?" Hei Xiong stood opposite the Japanese and asked his subordinates in a low voice.

The subordinate replied, "Go, the three heads of the family, and the captain of the Xuepeng Guard have all sent letters."

Hearing that someone was going to deliver the letter, the black bear felt a little more at ease, and turned his attention to the Japanese on the opposite side.

Seemingly noticing the black bear's gaze, the Japanese on the opposite side smiled slightly, then raised his fingers and tapped on the table, and said, "Well, this is the best red sandalwood."

Hei Xiong and the gang of bandits didn't speak, they just looked at the Japanese opposite.

No one paid any attention to it, the Japanese didn't mean to be embarrassed at all, instead he continued, "As Chinese people, you should know a lot about red sandalwood, I know a little bit about these things, I don't know how many of you are Are you willing to communicate with me." After speaking, he consulted the black bear with his eyes.

Black Bear still faced it coldly, without saying a word.

"Hehe, since that's the case, then I'll throw a brick to attract jade." The Japanese seemed to be doing it on purpose. He looked at the tables and chairs of rosewood, and then said, "Red sandalwood, also known as Zizhen sandalwood, red sandalwood, Sheng Chenxiang, red sandalwood, It is one of the most precious woods, mainly produced in the tropical regions of Nanyang Islands, followed by Jiaozhi. Guangdong and Guangxi in your country also produce red sandalwood, but the quantity is not much. Among several kinds of red sandalwood, the small leaf red sandalwood in India is also called Chicken blood red sandalwood is the most precious wood known so far, and it is also the highest grade of red sandalwood."

"Purple sandalwood is mainly divided into two types: large-leaf red sandalwood and small-leaf red sandalwood. Large-leaf red sandalwood rosewood has thicker texture, purple-brown color, wider brown veins, thick and straight veins. After polishing, there are obvious brown eyes with veins. "The Japanese talked eloquently, as if he didn't care about the angry eyes of Hei Xiong and others, "Little-leaf red sandalwood, commonly known as lobular sandalwood, its sandalwood grain is not obvious, and its color is orange-red at first, and then dark purple like lacquer after a long time. No annual ring pattern can be seen. The vascular pattern is extremely thin and twisted like a cow's hair."

I have to say that although the Japanese likes to show off, he does know a little about red sandalwood.At least Hei Xiong and his bandits don't know about red sandalwood and black sandalwood.

"Then this Japanese gentleman, can you tell what kind of red sandalwood this is?" Heilong asked as he walked in with Xuepeng from the door.

After receiving the letter, Xuepeng rushed to Heilong's side immediately to protect his safety.

The Japanese smiled slightly, then stood up and bowed to the black dragon, "Hi, may I ask you to be the master black dragon, I have seen your photo in the Japanese military police headquarters."

When this matter was mentioned, Heilong's expression turned ugly. He snorted coldly, and then said, "It seems that you have done a lot of work."

"I, Zi Sanshiro, was sent by Japan Nanman Co., Ltd. to congratulate the big boss's birthday." Zi Sanshiro did not entangle with Heilong on that matter, but explained his own origin.

Heilong waved his hand indifferently, "I, Heilong, have no luck with Japanese things, so you can go back and forth wherever you come from." After speaking, he ordered someone to see off the guests.

Zi Sanshiro hastily stopped Heilong from issuing an order, but said politely, "Our Nanman Co., Ltd. is just a group of businessmen, and has nothing to do with the Kwantung Army, and this time we came to congratulate as businessmen. Your China is not a country of etiquette. I think nature will not be so stingy, and then do unreasonable things."

Zi Sanshiro knew Heilong's character very well, and knew that he valued the name of the state of etiquette very much, so he skillfully shifted the contradiction.

This kind of thing can be easily handled by Luo Xiao, but Heilong hesitated, and finally nodded after thinking for a while, "Okay, I accept this gift, Mr. Zi Sanshiro don't leave today , It’s not too late to leave after attending my birthday banquet tomorrow.”

Zi Sanshiro was very happy, he nodded his head, and then stayed.

Xue Peng was puzzled by Heilong's actions, he came down and asked Heilong, "Master, why did you leave the Japanese behind?"

Heilong smiled, and then said, "The Japanese are weasels who give chickens New Year's greetings. I have no good intentions. I keep them. This gives them a chance. Wouldn't it be better for us to catch the turtle again when they show their lies?"

When Xue Peng heard this, he happily said yes again and again.

In this way, a few Japanese stayed and lived in the courtyard next to Luo Xiao's residence. As for whether the black dragon deliberately arranged this way, no one knows.

Luo Xiao didn't know until he came down that there were a group of Japanese people living next door to him. He didn't find it strange why the black dragon arranged this way, but took it calmly.

The reason why Heilong did this was to see what would happen when he met the Japanese. Even if there was any friction, it was a dispute between the guests, and Canglongshan had no responsibility.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Ever since this group of Japanese settled down, they have become restless. People kept coming and going, scurrying around, inquiring about everything, thinking about everything, and some even rushed outside Luo Xiao's door. What do you want to talk about Chinese martial arts with Luo Xiao.

As for these clowns, Luo Xiao didn't bother to talk to them at all, and ordered the special forces team members who opened the door to be thrown out. How could he have time to entangle with these insignificant little characters.

In this way, the arrival of the Japanese brought some fluctuations to Canglong Mountain, but the impact was not great. On the contrary, the orders of the heroes of Qingmakan seemed to be like an invisible mountain, pressing heavily on the heads of the people in Canglong Mountain. Everyone was a little out of breath.

During this period of time, Xue Peng couldn't hold back his temper, ignored Luo Xiao's advice, and once again suggested to the Black Dragon to join Huxiao Ridge, but was severely reprimanded by the Black Dragon, who ordered his Xue Peng Guard Captain The duties have all been resigned, and the deputy captain, Hei Xiong, will act as the captain for the time being.

This made Xue Peng sigh with emotion that Heilong was no longer the high-spirited and open-minded master, but he was still loyal to Heilong.

In this way, under the complex situation where people have their own thoughts and plans, the next day passed quickly, and the birthday of the black dragon finally came...

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