Waking up in the morning, Luo Xiao was awakened by the loud voices.

Waking up from sleep, shaking his head, he just remembered that today is the birthday of the head of the Black Dragon, and people will attend his fiftieth birthday banquet in the hall of the cottage.

He got up and folded the quilt into a neat shape like tofu cubes. Luo Xiao picked up the camouflage uniform beside the bed and was about to put it on, but he put it down after thinking about it.

Today is Heilong's big birthday, and people must dress up grandly. If he still wears that camouflage uniform, it might be a bit impolite.

Camouflage uniforms are generally used for combat. At the beginning, he usually wore military uniforms in the army, and military uniforms for important occasions. But in this era of Canglongshan, military uniforms and military uniforms are a bit inappropriate, because Wearing those clothes on the body will make the bandits misunderstand that they are officers and soldiers.

After thinking about it seriously, Luo Xiao put away the camouflage, and then changed into a white casual outfit, replacing the loose camouflage uniform.

He just came here, and he brought two casual clothes in his backpack, which he could wear when necessary.

After changing his clothes, he took a look in front of the mirror and found that he still looked quite energetic: he was wearing a blue and white jacket with a pair of white sweatpants underneath, and the special combat boots on his feet had not been changed. With his strong cropped cut, he looked extraordinarily handsome.

After thinking about it, Luo Xiao took out a pistol from his backpack and inserted it into the holster under his arm. He was already used to the feeling that the weapon never left his body, so besides the pistol, there was also his five-inch steel needle.

After tidying up, Luo Xiao nodded in satisfaction, called all the special operators in, ordered them each to change into a set of casual clothes, and then left the equipment in the house, leaving a special operator to guard it.

After changing his clothes, Luo Xiao led the special forces team members towards the hall.

Along the way, there were lights and festoons everywhere, and the little bandits in Canglong Mountain came and went, beaming in their busyness.

The trees on both sides of the mountain road are all tied with ribbons, which look colorful and very beautiful, and there are palace lanterns hanging on the trees on both sides at intervals.It extends from the hall to all parts of the cottage.

For these uniquely shaped palace lanterns, Heilong specially recruited five framers from dozens of miles away, and asked him to rush to work overnight. It took three days and three nights to make these palace lanterns.

During the day, these palace lanterns don’t look very pretty, but at night, when the candles inside are lit, you can see the lifelike pictures on them.

Luo Xiao walked along the mountain road all the way, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "How much money and things have been spent on this tossing, not to mention anything else, just those silks, it is estimated that at least hundreds of pieces will be used this time!"

While lamenting the waste of Hidden Dragon Mountain, Luo Xiao walked forward. Along the way, more and more people gathered. They should be the heads of the various hilltops, who came to attend the Black Dragon Birthday Banquet.

These ** are some small hills, I hope this time I can have a good relationship with Heilong, and life will be easier in the future.

Here, Luo Xiao knew quite a few people, they all met each other during the past two days, everyone greeted each other, talked and laughed and walked towards the hall.

The courtyard where the hall is located is even more lively. In the courtyard, a wooden pole is buried every few meters beside the wall. On it is a string of uniquely shaped lanterns. The silk bandit stood as straight as a wooden pole. Looking around, there were at least dozens of poles and dozens of young men in the entire yard.

The heads of a pair of stone lions at the entrance of the hall are also tied with red silk, and the large plaque on the door lintel is also tied with red silk, which looks very happy.

Standing at the gate are two young girls in red dresses, welcoming every incoming guest respectfully.

Luo Xiao and the special forces will be separated when they arrive here. He and those in charge can enter the hall, while the special forces under his command will be entertained across the courtyard and cannot follow into the hall.

The two sides separated, Luo Xiao told them to communicate with the walkie-talkie, and then walked towards the hall.

The two rows of tables and chairs that were originally facing the door in the hall have been removed, and now there are six rows and eight rows of Eight Immortals tables. The interval between the 48 tables is about one meter, and there are also eight Taishi chairs. .

The huge living room was packed to the brim, and most of the tables were already filled with people, who were usually familiar with each other and chatted with each other in a low voice.

As soon as Luo Xiao stepped into the hall, he saw the black dragon who was talking to the guests at a glance, and he hurriedly greeted the guests with a few polite words.

Laughing loudly, he patted Luo Xiao's shoulder, and the black dragon pulled him and walked in, "Brother Luo, you are late, come here quickly, I have arranged a chief for you."

Luo Xiao followed him to the chief in the middle, and then sat down. When he looked around, he realized that most of the people sitting on this table were those who were relatively powerful. where the table is located.

People are divided into three, six, and nine classes. This is a law that has not changed since ancient times. Naturally, Canglong Mountain cannot be exempt from customs, but it is normal.

He was quite familiar with the headed family members of those big forces, Luo Xiao greeted them with a smile, and then started laughing.

These forces don't know the true strength of Luo Xiao and Huxiaoling behind him, but just because Luo Xiao can easily take out twenty Mauser rifles shows that he will not be too simple, so they all have the meaning of climbing.

Luo Xiao was also happy, because among these people, some of them would become part of his anti-Japanese team in the future, and he first established a good relationship to lay the foundation.

People were talking and laughing, time passed quickly, and it was almost noon.

At this time, there was a noise at the door of the house, and people's attention was immediately attracted.

Luo Xiao was talking to a person in charge, when he heard the commotion, he turned his head and found that it was the Japanese who lived next door to him.

These Japanese people were all dressed in suits, with their backs straight and polite, yet indifferent and repulsive, they walked over from the crowd.

Everyone stared at the group of Japanese, discussing in low voices.

The Japanese came over, but Heilong didn't go up to receive them at all, but just let one of his subordinates pass by, led them to the most remote corner, and arranged for them there.

Zi Sanshiro looked at the dilapidated Eight Immortals table and those chairs that seemed to fall apart at any moment, and frowned, but did not speak.

"Don't act rashly, sit down!" Zi Sanshiro raised his hand to stop the subordinate who was about to attack, then sat down calmly, and stopped talking.

All these actions fell into Luo Xiao's eyes. His gaze allowed him to see at a glance that these people were all spies who had received strict spy training, and they were not businessmen at all, so he paid attention to these people.

Originally, these Japanese bodyguards Heilong didn't want them to come in, but considering that they were gathered together for surveillance, Heilong made an exception and let them all in, and arranged them on a table.


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