After the Japanese, some guests came one after another to participate in the birthday banquet. Some of them came to the mountain ahead of time, and some arrived on the same day.

Except for Qingmakan, Lijiagou and Baichengzi both sent people to bring birthday gifts, but they didn't stay, but turned around and left, which made Heilong quite upset.

But these are not important, his mind is on the upcoming birthday banquet.

When it was noon, the Black Dragon's birthday banquet also started on time.

The initial procedure was naturally the same, the birthday star gave speeches, the others gave speeches, and then some people lit some firecrackers and fireworks, and the sky outside suddenly rang out, with fireworks flying everywhere.

Next, the black dragon was going to toast at the table, and of course the jackal and the phoenix also helped him share some of the people.

Walking down this circle, Heilong also drank a lot of wine, and he was already half drunk. At this time, he also walked to the table where the Japanese were.

Before Heilong walked over, Zi Sanshiro stood up on his own initiative. He held up his glass and looked at Heilong not far away, and said loudly, "Master Heilong, I would like to toast you, and I also hope that China and Japan will be friendly in the future. You and I have More cooperation."

Heilong originally didn't intend to go there, but since Zi Sanshiro had spoken, he could only take a step forward. To deal with it, Chao Zi Sanshiro raised his glass of wine and snorted coldly, "We are not the same as the Japanese in Zanglong Mountain in this life." There will be cooperation, so you should die."

Zi Sanshiro showed an unfathomable expression on his face, and then he seemed to say casually, "Don't be so full of words about the leader of the black dragon, everything is possible."

"Just dream, little devil, and I'll beat you back to your hometown sooner or later." Xue Peng who was beside Heilong snorted coldly, and he was even more rude in speaking.

Heilong poured the wine in the cup on the ground, then held the cup without stopping, walked to the next table, and left Zi Sanshiro who was alone in the corner.

"Baga, these Chinese people are too rampant!" one of his subordinates whispered angrily.

Zi Sanshiro's face was calm as usual, he picked up the glass and drank it down, "The fun has just begun."

After walking around, the black dragon finally walked back to the chief position, and finally finished the toast.

Putting down the wine glass, the Black Dragon, who was half drunk, smiled and nodded at Luo Xiao and Fenghuang, "Brother Luo, Third Sister, come here, today is the day for you to make love, let's do this ceremony together. "

Fenghuang blushed, she lowered her head and stood up, walking to Luo Xiao's side.She was wearing a bright red dress today, with a red cloak outside, and her whole body was like a ball of flame.

Luo Xiao is dressed in casual clothes, the style and material are not available in this era, so it attracts everyone's attention even more, but standing with Fenghuang, she looks really good-looking.

People's eyes all fell on the two of them. I don't know how many people envied Luo Xiao for being able to win the favor of the beauty.

Heilong sat down with a smile, and said, "Speaking of which, I'm still the big matchmaker for the two of you, and you don't even offer me a cup of tea to express your gratitude, haha!"

After hearing this, Luo Xiao and Fenghuang finally understood. Luo Xiao hurriedly obtained a cup of tea from the servant next to him, sealed it to the Black Dragon, and said, "Master Black Dragon, I really want to thank you for this matter. Let’s say thank you for this cup of tea.”

"Okay, then I'll be disrespectful!"

Heilong took the teacup, lifted the lid and drank it in one gulp, then put the teacup back into the servant's hand. He was about to continue talking, but suddenly his expression changed and his smile froze.

"Ahhh—" The body trembled, and the black dragon stretched out his hands to cover his stomach, and then let out a painful cry, black blood stains suddenly overflowed from his five sense organs, and his eyes widened suddenly.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Luo Xiao didn't expect the accident to happen suddenly, he hurriedly hugged the crumbling black dragon, and shouted in a low voice.

Heilong let out a whoo-ho sound from his throat, raised his palm and grabbed Luo Xiao's wrist, and said with all his strength, "Luo Xiao, you——" It's a pity that he only said these words, and his body trembled suddenly , and then the arm slowly slipped down.

Looking at the black dragon with eyes wide open, Luo Xiao reached out and touched his carotid artery, then opened his eyelids to look, shook his head regretfully and said, "The master is no longer able to die."

"Brother, what's going on?" The second master jackal and the third master phoenix rushed forward together, surrounded the black dragon and shook him, their voices were full of tears, "Speak up, don't leave us and just leave like this Ahh."

Both of them were taken in by the black dragon back then, and treated them like brothers and sisters, so the two of them had very deep feelings for the black dragon, and this sudden blow made them unable to accept it for a while.

After crying for a while, the jackal suddenly raised his head, stared at Luo Xiao, and shouted angrily, "Luo Xiao, where did we offend you in Hidden Dragon Mountain, and let you do such a murderous thing?"

"I didn't do this." Luo Xiao said in a deep voice, but don't talk about jackals, even Phoenix stared at him suspiciously, he knew it was difficult for him to explain clearly this time.

At this moment, the jackal turned its attention to the servant, and saw that he was retreating into the distance, so he yelled sharply, "Catch him."

The Xuepeng guards in charge of guarding the hall immediately rushed forward and surrounded him.

The servant's face was already very pale, but he still tried his best to maintain his composure. He suddenly pulled out a five-inch steel needle from his cuff, and with a flip of his wrist, it pierced into his heart.

The members of the Xuepeng Guard rushed forward, but it was already a step too late.

The jackal rushed forward furiously, shaking the servant who was still half breathing, "Say, who told you to do this?"

The servant tilted his head, glanced at Luo Xiao in the distance, and then lost his breath.

The jackal threw his body away and stared at Luo Xiao with bloodshot eyes, "Luo Xiao, how can you explain that he never forgot to look at you when he was dying, he seems to be your accomplice."

"I'll say it again, I didn't do it!" Luo Xiao stood tall and straight, and said loudly in a voice that could be heard clearly by everyone in the hall.

The one-eyed vulture behind the jackal pulled out a pair of box cannons. A fierce murderous look flashed in the one-eyed eyes, and the gun pointed directly at Luo Xiao, "Luo Xiao, don't try to resist, or my guns are not vegetarians. .”

Swipe, dozens of members of the Yan Luo Guards in the hall raised their pistols together, and all pointed at Luo Xiao. No matter how powerful Luo Xiao was, if he wanted to do it, he could only do it on the spot.

At this time, there was a commotion at the entrance of the hall, and the people blocking the entrance were kicked away, and then the special forces members who followed Luo Xiao broke in. They had already received the news through the intercom, so they rushed over.


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