Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 340 Hidden Dragon Crisis

At the same time, the snipers who had been prepared nearby began to attack. As their gunshots rang out, the devil machine gunners on the wall fell down, and several of them fell off the wall.

Without the suppression of the firepower on the wall of the devil's village, the soldiers had no scruples and rushed into the gate of the village shouting.

They met a group of Japanese soldiers who had heard the news. They heard the explosion at the gate, so they rushed to take a look. Unexpectedly, they saw the wolf pack team rushing in when they arrived at the gate.

Both sides were taken aback for a moment, and then the soldiers of the wolf pack team reacted first, and then raised their guns.

The sound of Mauser rifles and Czech light machine guns suddenly enveloped the gate, and bullets rained down on the Japanese soldiers on the opposite side.

In a daze, more than half of the four No. 50 devils fell down, and no more than ten were left standing.

With a big knife in his hand, Ge Jia charged at the devil soldiers first with a roar, and behind him, the soldiers of the wolf pack team swept over like a tide.

After the crowd passed by, there was not a single devil standing on the ground, and there were more than a dozen corpses on the ground.

The second team led by Ge Jia occupied the gate of the village with lightning speed, and then left some people to guard the gate of the village, then seized the machine gun position on the wall of the village, firmly locked the way of the devils, and led The rest of the company rushed to the hall and the place behind the cottage, and launched a campaign of suppression.

Although the devil on the mountain is also a squadron, the devil's infantry squadron governs three infantry squadrons, with a number of between 194 and 250 people.Even the squadron of the 18th Mixed Brigade has only about 350 people, which is far less than the 900 people in a squadron of the Wolf Pack Team. What's more, it is far behind in terms of weapons and equipment and combat literacy. Ge Jia's squadron retreated steadily, and the casualties continued to increase.

Of course, in such a fierce battle, the wolf pack team also suffered some casualties. After all, the Huya special team was not equipped with bulletproof shields and bulletproof vests, so the casualties were greater.

However, the casualties of more than a dozen people are much lighter than the casualties of more than 200 devils.

Here, snipers played a very important role. They killed the devils' machine gun positions and grenadier troops in advance, which greatly reduced the devils' heavy firepower, and instead fell into machine gun fire and mortar attacks by wolves. In the fierce bombardment, there were countless casualties.

After 15 minutes, the battle was basically coming to an end.

The battle has basically come to an end so far. The squadron of the 18th Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army has been completely reimbursed here. Dozens of them were killed or wounded, and the remaining 30 or so were retreated to the cottage and detained for meat tickets In the dungeon, he began to fight tenaciously.

After attacking several times, seeing the devil's determination to defend to the death, Ge Jia asked the soldiers to temporarily stop the onslaught.

Now that the little devil is already a turtle in the urn, there is no need for an onslaught that would only increase casualties. Anyway, the little devil is much more anxious than them now.

At this time, Luo Xiao brought Fenghuang, Jackal and others to the outside of the dungeon, and met Ge Jia and other commanders.

When they saw it was Captain Luo Xiao, Ge Jia and other members of the Special Forces all stood at attention and saluted, "Captain, are you here?"

These people all traveled to this era with Luo Xiao at the beginning, and their feelings were extremely deep. When they saw their captain, they were naturally respectful.

Looking at these team members who are now able to stand on their own, Luo Xiao felt very relieved. He felt that this was the way out for the members of the Huya Special Forces Brigade.

"Well, what's the situation with the devil inside?" Luo Xiao saluted them back, and then asked softly, "What's the specific situation?"

"Report to the captain. There are now more than 30 Japanese soldiers in the dungeon, including two small captains and three sergeants. The rest are all veterans with rich combat experience. I once sent soldiers in, but they retreated in the end." Ge Jia had already figured out the situation inside, so when Luo Xiao asked, he answered fluently without any hesitation or hesitation.

"Okay, the intelligence work is done well!" Luo Xiao praised, and then frowned, "But the devils are so guarded, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to attack without any casualties."

"That's right. The devil blocked three machine guns at the entrance of the corridor in the dungeon. In addition, he poured rapeseed oil on the entire corridor. It only takes one fire to ignite the corridor." Ge Jia heard nodded. .

"Since there is oil in the corridor, can we set fire to those Japanese soldiers?" Jackal came up with an idea.

But Ge Jia shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. The devils just poured oil in the corridor, and the rest of the passage is blocked, leaving only an exit more than one meter high. They can block it if they set fire to it, and they can't burn it." them."

Luo Xiao frowned and thought, his mind was spinning rapidly, one solution after another was rejected.

No one spoke, waiting for Luo Xiao to make a decision.

At this time, Luo Xiao suddenly had a thought, and then he turned his head and asked Phoenix and Jackal, "Is this the only exit from your dungeon in Hidden Dragon Mountain?"

"Well, just this one exit, other places are rocky mountains, it is impossible to go out." The two nodded their heads affirmatively. They have lived in Hidden Dragon Mountain for so many years, so they are naturally very familiar with every plant and tree here. .

Luo Xiao asked, "Then do you know where the ventilation hole of the dungeon is?"

The jackal thought for a while, and then led Luo Xiao to a big tree beside the entrance of the dungeon. He pointed out, "Is the ventilation hole in this tree?"

"Ge Jia, order someone to bring down this tree." He shouted loudly, and immediately several members of the wolf pack team walked up and began to pluck the tree.

Many of the team members here were hunters or lumberjacks in the nearby mountains. They knew trees very well, so they did it without much effort.

When the big tree was felled, an arm-thick hollow was exposed in the trunk. It could be seen that it had been a long time, and the whole wood had dried up, without any new wood ballast.

Luo Xiao looked at the ventilation hole, and couldn't help laughing, "Haha, with the ventilation hole, it's not easy to clean up you."

"That's right, Captain, we can inject an anesthetic inside, so that we can catch all these devils." Ge Jia who was on the side couldn't help admiring, "It seems that we can catch them without any trouble this time." What are you grabbing?" Luo Xiao sneered, with a terrifying murderous look in his eyes, he reached out and took a smoke bomb from his waist and threw it into the vent hole, "Blow up the dungeon exit, and then seal the vent hole , be sure not to leak any air."

After understanding Luo Xiao's meaning, Ge Jia couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect Luo Xiao to adopt such a simple but very cold method.


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