Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 341 Hidden Dragon Crisis

The dust was flying, and the gravel was rolling around.

There was a busy scene at the entrance of the dungeon. Dozens of soldiers brought pseudo-soil and sand from other places, and then threw them towards the entrance of the dungeon. Then they grabbed their pockets and ran towards the road they came from.

For a while, the sand at the entrance of the dungeon was billowing, continuously flowing into the dungeon.Seeing that the mouth of the dungeon is getting smaller and smaller, gradually there is only a hole as high as one person left.

At this moment, there was a beast-like howl from the dungeon, and then a grenade was thrown out and landed in the sand at the door.

Luo Xiao had been preparing for a long time. As soon as the opponent's grenade landed, he tiptoed and flew up from the ground, and then landed in his hand.

With a sneer, Luo Xiao raised his arms lightly, and the grenade turned into a phantom, and flew back from the hole again, falling into the dungeon.

With a bang, the ground trembled, and then thick smoke was seen spraying out from the hole, spreading in the air.

Luo Xiao's expression remained unchanged, he brushed off the dirt on his palms just now, and then said in a low voice, "Continue!"

The engineering soldiers quickly transported a large amount of sand, and then tightly blocked the passage and exit leading to the dungeon. Even if the Japanese soldiers had tools, they would not be able to dig the exit within ten days and a half months.What's more, Luo Xiao also threw in a smoke bomb, which was a very troublesome thing, and the devils inside might be affected by it.

Looking at the filled dungeon, Luo Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered a few soldiers from the wolf pack team to guard it, and then led the phoenix and jackals to the front hall.Ge Jia followed closely.

A group of people walked all the way and found that there were corpses everywhere on the ground and on the hillside, including Japanese and Tibetan bandits. It seemed that fierce battles had been waged.

Among the corpses of these people, Phoenix and Jackal saw the bodies of two traitors, Owl and Mountain Eagle, and also found the bodies of several other King Kongs including Black Bear. Now, six of the Eight King Kongs died, and only one remained Xue Peng is still alive.

As for the one-eyed vulture, needless to mention the traitor, he had already fled with Fujita Hikaru and the others, and the wolf pack team failed to stop them.

Hikaru Fujita, who had fought against Luo Xiao many times, knew the strength of the Huya Special Forces, so when he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately ran away and ran away early.

The hall had been cleaned up, and the members of the Blood Peng team who sacrificed to cover Jackal and Phoenix and some other bandits were gathered together and parked in the yard, waiting for Jackal and Phoenix to deal with them.

When the wolf and the phoenix saw that the brothers they used to be very familiar with turned into cold corpses, they couldn't help their eyes turning red, "Brothers, it was the traitor Cyclops who killed you, this enemy is us!" It must be reported."

Luo Xiao walked up to them, and asked in a low voice, "What about these corpses, if left like this, it could easily cause plague?"

"Burn it, and then build a big grave for them." The jackal quickly wiped his face with his hand, and then said decisively, "My elder brother should also be cremated and buried together."

Luo Xiao turned his head to look at Fenghuang at the side, and seeing that she nodded in agreement, he called Ge Jia and ordered him to prepare things for cremation.

Soon, bundles of wood were brought in, and a thick layer was laid on the ground, and the hundreds of corpses were placed on it.

When the flames rose ragingly, the eyes of the jackal and the phoenix were dimmed, and they seemed to see the black dragon approaching them from the fire with a smile, still so loving.

"Brother, we must avenge you for your revenge!" Watching the black dragon's body turn into ashes in the flames, the two murmured silently in their hearts.

After cremating all the people in Canglong Mountain, Jackal ordered people to choose a beautiful place in the back mountain, buried all the ashes there, and then built a big mound with tombstones erected in front of them: Tomb of the Brothers in Canglong Mountain .

After the matter was settled, Jackal and Phoenix counted the remaining troops in Hidden Dragon Mountain, and found that due to the civil strife and the Japanese attack, there were less than 700 people left in Hidden Dragon Mountain, which originally had a population of [-]. Of the Eight Great Vajras of Hidden Dragon Mountain, there is only one Xue Peng left unconscious. It can be said that Hidden Dragon Mountain has lost its vitality and will not be able to recover in a short time.

Thinking of the fact that the surrounding forces flocked to snatch Hidden Dragon Mountain after knowing the news, Jackal and Phoenix felt that their heads had grown at least twice.They knew that the current strength of Hidden Dragon Mountain had plummeted, even inferior to some medium-sized mountains, and they could no longer deter those guys who had been watching Hidden Dragon Mountain for a long time.

I believe that it won't be long before Hidden Dragon Mountain will be attacked by them, and a big battle related to their life and death will probably break out, and the time will drag on for a long time.

Thinking of the ultimatum given to them by Qingmakan Du Jintang, the jackal even wanted to commit suicide: If Du Jintang knew that there were only these old and weak soldiers left in Hidden Dragon Mountain, he would have sent someone to kill him long ago. .

What to do, what should I do next?

The hearts of the two of them were like a mess, and they couldn't figure it out at all.

When the two of them were sitting in the hall worrying, Luo Xiao walked in from the outside with Cheng Tianlei, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, why are you two frowning here?"

As soon as they saw Luo Xiao, the eyes of the two people suddenly lit up. They thought of a solution almost at the same time. Perhaps this is the best way now.

Jackal stood up, grabbed Luo Xiao, and said hastily, "Brother Luo, do you still need people in Huxiao Ridge?"

"What's the matter, jackal, what happened?" Luo Xiao was taken aback by him, not knowing what the jackal wanted to do, so he asked back.

Seeing what Luo Xiao said, the jackal gave a wry smile, and continued, "Brother Luo, you should know what is going on in Hidden Dragon Mountain today. Our strength alone can't deter the ambitions of those who attack this area, so I want Fenghuang to work with you in the future, and the rest of the people in Hidden Dragon Mountain will be left to her, it can be regarded as a dowry."

As soon as the jackal's words came out, Fenghuang's face turned red, but she immediately heard the abnormality in the jackal's words, "Second brother, what do you mean?"

"Third sister, the second brother made a big mistake this time. If it weren't for my one-eyed vulture, Qingluan and Caique would not have died, and the eldest brother would not have been killed. The lives of those brothers would have been saved. It’s all because of second brother’s mistake when we got to this stage.” Jackal’s face was gloomy, and he suddenly aged a lot, “I’m ashamed to see you again, and those brothers who share life and death together, brother Luo, then I won’t go.”

Hearing what the jackal said, Fenghuang couldn't help being taken aback. She was about to speak to dissuade her, but was stopped by the jackal, "Don't worry, your second brother, I won't give up on myself. This time I will bring the rest of Yan Luo's guards, Pretend to turn against you and leave, then get up and go to the Japanese to be your internal support, when you need it, I can wish you a helping hand."

Only then did Fenghuang understand that the jackal felt guilty in his heart, and planned to infiltrate the Japanese as an undercover agent so that he could help.

Luo Xiao tried to dissuade him for a while, but the jackal's determination couldn't hold him back at all, so he had no choice but to agree to his decision.

Seeing that Luo Xiao agreed, the jackal turned his head to look at Fenghuang at the side, and then at Luo Xiao, "Brother Luo, I will hand over Phoenix to you. I, the older brother Ke, tell you that if you treat him badly in the future, I will Even if you become a ghost, you won’t be let off.”

Luo Xiao replied solemnly, "Don't worry, jackal, as long as I, Luo Xiao, are still around, Phoenix won't suffer any harm."

"Okay, I'm relieved!" The jackal laughed loudly, but in the laughter, tears flowed quietly.

Just half an hour later, another big event happened in Hidden Dragon Mountain. Because the second master jackal was upset that the third master Phoenix insisted on bringing people into Luo Xiao's Yanhuang army, he left the mountain angrily and disappeared. At the same time, his Yan Luo was following him. Guards 130 seven people.

As a result, there were only 500 people left in Hidden Dragon Mountain, and all of them belonged to Phoenix.

Next, Fenghuang announced that all the people in Hidden Dragon Mountain would be merged into Luo Xiao's Yanhuang Legion. The designation was "Hidden Dragon Team".

In this way, Luo Xiao's wolf pack team entered Hidden Dragon Mountain justifiably, and began to come continuously, and firmly controlled Hidden Dragon Mountain.

At the same time, Luo Xiao also notified the Dragon Wing team under Duan Ying's jurisdiction at the Beiling base for training, to let them relocate immediately, and also move to Hidden Dragon Mountain, so as to have better room for development.

Although the Beiling base is good, it is too close to Fengtian. Once the Japanese army finds out, it is likely to be surrounded by devils, causing unnecessary losses.

Hidden Dragon Mountain is high and densely forested, with a vast area, much larger than Huxiao Ridge. Even if all the teams of the Yanhuang Legion move here, the space is more than enough, and it will not feel cramped at all.

Luo Xiao believed that Hidden Dragon Mountain would become a very important base for a long time to come.


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