Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 364 The Great Raid: Grain Collection and Catchment


Shen Yue was so frightened that she closed her eyes, and then let out a shrill scream. Her mind went blank, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this critical juncture, a brick flew from a distance and slammed on a devil's head with such force that he felt his head humming and the stars in front of his eyes kept shaking.

"Baga!" The Japanese soldier who was beaten was furious, looked up, only to find a little beggar was turning the corner of the street, and made a face at him before turning the corner.

Turning from embarrassment to anger, several Japanese soldiers left Shen Yue with a whoosh, and chased after the little beggar with their rifles in hand.

All of a sudden, Shen Yue's side was empty, but she still closed her eyes tightly, standing beside the car in a daze, motionless.

Uncle Tian struggled to get up from the ground, covered the wound on his head that was hit by the butt of the gun that was captured, and pushed Shen Yue, "Miss, miss, don't be dazed, let's go."

After being pushed by Uncle Tian, ​​Shen Yue finally came to her senses. She was so scared, she hurriedly helped Uncle Tian into the car, and then slammed the door.

The car immediately started to move, rushed forward along the street, and left this place of right and wrong in a flash.

Out of danger, Shen Yue's heart was finally relieved, she felt that her heart was beating violently, if it was estimated that it could reach 1 beats per minute.

At this time, she was able to think about it, and she hurriedly asked Uncle Tian, ​​"Uncle Tian, ​​who saved me just now?"

Uncle Tian said with a wry smile, "It was a little beggar who threw a brick from a distance and lured the devil away."

"Then will the little beggar be in danger?" As soon as she was out of danger, Shen Yue cared about the little beggar who had saved her, "If the devil catches him, will he be in danger?"

Uncle Tian smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Miss, these beggars are all locals, and they are familiar with each other. It will not be so easy for the devils to catch them!"

Hearing what Uncle Tian said, Shen Yue felt more at ease.

At this time, the car had already turned onto the street where Shen's house was located, and the gate of Shen's house was already in front of it.

Arriving here, she could already see the stone lion at the gate of her house, Shen Yue's heart finally fell to its original place, but at this moment, her brows frowned again.

Outside the gate of Shen's house, I heard several sidecar motorcycles with Japanese plaster flags hanging on them, and a few Japanese soldiers in military uniforms were sitting on them, with machine guns in their hands.

Such a situation caused Shen Yuexin, who had just been harassed by Japanese soldiers, to pick up again. He hesitated for a moment, and asked the driver Uncle Tian again, "Uncle Tian, ​​why are there Japanese at our door? Could it be that they are also here to arrest Ding?" ?”

"Impossible, the master has a deep friendship with the commander of the Kwantung Army, Honzhuang Fan, and there is a dense network of relationships. I don't think the Japanese dare to make trouble." Uncle Tian said in a deep voice, staring at the Japanese soldiers at the gate.

The car slowly drove up to the gate. A servant recognized his car and hurried over to open the gate, and then let the car drive in.

Everything was safely driven into the door of the house, Shen Yue let out a sigh of relief, and when the car stopped, she pushed the door and jumped out of the car, walking towards the hall.

When there were still more than a dozen steps away from the entrance of the hall, Shen Yue's eyebrows could not help but twitch, because there were two Japanese soldiers standing at the entrance of the hall, holding rifles in their hands and standing there solemnly. Shining brightly.

The voice of Shen Wentao talking to someone came from the hall. It seemed that he was entertaining guests. From the posture at the door, anyone could guess that it was Japanese.

"The weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings—no good intentions!" Shen Yue knew the Japanese too well, and knew that nothing good would happen if they came to the door.

Just when she was hesitating whether to go in, Shen Wentao's hearty laughter came from the hall, "Haha, it's easy to say, as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, I naturally want to provide some support for the actions of the Imperial Japanese Army." Strength."

Another voice also rang out, "In this case, I would like to thank Mr. Shen very much. On behalf of the Japanese Kwantung Army, I thank you for your support."

"It's easy to say, easy to say!" Shen Wentao continued, "If you see Commander Ben Zhuang Fan, remember to say hello to him for me, and say that I welcome him as a guest."

"Definitely, I will definitely bring Mr. Shen's greetings." The man said so.

Just when Shen Yue was hesitating whether to go in, the conversation in the room seemed to have come to an end, and Shen Wentao began to see off the guests.

Shen Yue hurriedly dodged and hid behind the pillar beside her, and looked out while talking, she wanted to see who was coming.

A figure flashed at the entrance of the hall, and Shen Wentao accompanied a Japanese officer out of the hall and walked towards the gate.

Shen Wentao was wearing a black Tang suit, and the Japanese who came was wearing a woolen military uniform. The gold stars on the neckline made Shen Yue dizzy, but he looked like a high-ranking official.

The two walked towards the gate while talking, and soon disappeared in the doorway of the gate.

Seeing the Japanese leaving, Shen Yue came out from the dark and looked towards the gate.

A moment later, the motor of the sidecar motorcycle sounded outside the gate, and then it became farther and farther away. It seemed that the Japanese officer who had come had left.

Footsteps sounded, and Shen Wentao walked in quickly from the door, but the smile on his face had disappeared, replaced by resentment.

"Master, this little devil is really greedy!" The butler, Old Li, followed Shen Wentao and said in a low voice.When the two of them talked just now, he waited on him and listened to everything.

Shen Wentao hummed with a sullen face, and walked towards the hall, "The little devil has a big appetite, and big troubles are yet to come."

"Then what should we do, master?" Upon hearing this, the butler Lao Li immediately put on a bitter face.

Shen Wentao sighed, and the sigh was full of helplessness, "For the time being, I can only pretend to be false, let's see and then talk."

The two walked towards the hall one after the other, when Shen Wentao stepped up the steps, suddenly a pair of hands stretched out from behind covered his eyes, and then a voice said in a rough voice, "Guess who I am! "

When Shen Wentao heard this voice, he was both surprised and happy. He laughed and said, "You ghost girl, you will tease me when you come here. Let go of your hand, can't I hear your voice?"

"It's boring, you can't cooperate with me!" Seeing that she had been seen through, Shen Yue pouted and had to let go, then jumped in front of Shen Wentao, blinked her big black eyes, stretched out her hand and pulled his jaw beard, "Miss me?"

"My baby Yue'er, why don't you want to think about it!" Seeing Shen Yue, Shen Wentao's bad mood suddenly disappeared. He laughed loudly, pulled Shen Yue up and down and looked him up and down, "Come here, let me see See if my baby Yue'er is getting fatter or thinner!"

Shen Yue couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard this!


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