Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 365 The Great Raid: Grain Collection and Catchment

"Yue'er, is this true?"

After listening to Shen Yue talking about what happened on the road, Shen Wentao was furious, and couldn't help shouting, "It's really lawless. In the majestic Fengtian City, the Japanese soldiers dared to be so rampant. It's too much." After talking, he stood up , and walked out the door.

Shen Yue hurriedly grabbed him, and then asked, "Dad, what are you doing here?"

Snorting, Shen Wentao said angrily, "I'm going to find Quan Yangjian, the gendarmerie captain of the Kwantung Army stationed in Fengtian, and ask him why he allows the Japanese soldiers to harass the people so much. Do you really think this is their territory of Great Japan?"

Seeing that her father understood anger, Shen Yue became a little anxious, grabbed Shen Wentao's arm, and then urged, "Dad, wake up, do you really think that Fengtian is still under the command of the young commander. Now not only Fengtian is already under the control of the Japanese, but the entire three provinces in the Northeast are also under the control of the Japanese, they are brutal and unreasonable, and if you go, it will be useless."

When Shen Wentao heard this, he stood in a daze for a while, then sighed, and sat back in his chair again, "Oh, Lang Lang is in China, but the Japanese invaders are so rampant. What kind of world is this?"

Seeing that her father seemed to be in a more stable mood, Shen Yue poured out a bowl of tea from the teapot on the table, and brought it to her father with both hands, persuading her, "Dad, don't worry, the world cannot go on like this forever, I believe it will definitely There are changes, and it is time to settle with the Japanese devils."

Hearing Shen Yue mention these things, Shen Wentao seemed to remember something. He suddenly turned his head and asked her, "By the way, Yue'er, who rescued you from the villa in the west of the city last time? I asked you several times and you didn't say anything. Is there something strange in it?"

Shen Wentao suddenly asked this question, catching unprepared Shen Yue by surprise, a shy blush flashed across her face, and she said angrily, "No one, I took advantage of the villain's unguardedness and gave him a sudden blow with a vase, Sneaked out while he was down."

His eyes stared at Shen Yue, who was pretending to be calm, as if he didn't believe her words at all. Shen Wentao was full of suspicion, "It's not that simple, I remember that kid from the Tibetan family was killed that night, and died. There are also many children from rich families in Fengtian City, and you also ran out that night, there must be some reason for this."

Shen Yue recalled that Luo Xiao had told her not to tell anyone about this matter, so she insisted that she escaped that day, but when she asked anxiously, she simply turned around and ran back to her small building with the excuse of being tired.

Looking at the back of Shen Yue fleeing away, Shen Wentao's eyes were full of suspicion, he turned to the butler beside him and said, "Take my film to No. 21 Zhujie Hutong, and invite Inspector Liao Hongbo to come home , and said that there is something important to ask him for advice.”

The butler went down in response, took his business card and brought gifts, and drove to Liao Hongbo's place.

Although Shen Wentao didn't get any actual information from Shen Yue, he already basically guessed who was the rescuer.Maybe others are not familiar with the Huya Special Forces Brigade, but he is no stranger at all, because Luo Xiao and the others had lived with him for a long time.

"If it's really them, maybe this is a turning point, and the future hope of the three northeastern provinces rests on them." Shen Wentao thought carefully in his heart, and finally felt more and more that Luo Xiao and the others were not simple.

Shen Wentao is very disgusted with the Japanese rule. Even if he doesn't mention the relationship between the descendants of the Chinese people, but from a businessman's point of view, the Japanese's greed is also very disgusting.

In the past six months, the Japanese have extorted a lot of supplies from Shen Wentao, and even threatened to take all the factories and docks in his hands.

If it weren't for the relationship with Commander Shigeru Honjo, and the fact that he bleeds a lot many times and took out a lot of things, so that the Japanese didn't find an excuse to rob, I'm afraid the Japanese would have done it long ago.

But even so, Shen Wentao's situation is still getting worse, and it will be a matter of time before the Japanese seize his property.

So now, Shen Wentao doesn't have any scruples anymore, the big deal is that these industries are gone, anyway, he still has a lot of industries in the pass, so it is not difficult to make a comeback.

Just as Shen Wentao was thinking wildly, a car horn sounded at the gate, and his Volvo car drove in through the gate and stopped at the steps in front of the hall.

The car door was opened, and a slender figure appeared at the car door, with a cold expression on his face, that sallow complexion gave the impression that he was just recovering from a serious illness.

Shen Wentao had already arrived at the door of the hall when the car sounded, waiting for Liao Hongbo's arrival. At this time, he smiled and greeted him, and fisted him, "Brother Liao, long time no see."

A smile appeared on Liao Hongbo's rigid face like a zombie at this time, and he also bowed his hands to Shen Wentao, "Brother Wentao, long time no see."

It seems that the two are still acquaintances.

After the two exchanged a few words, they walked into the room together. After the guests and hosts sat down, the servant brought tea, and retreated sensiblely, closing the door by the way.

Only Shen Wentao and Liao Hongbo were left in the room, and everyone else avoided.

Liao Hongbo picked up the brewed tea, took a sip, and then praised, "Brother, you still like this, good tea, good tea!"

Shen Wentao smiled slightly, then picked up the teacup, took a sip by himself, and then said, "Brother, I really need your help when I come to you this time."

"Oh, brother, what are you talking about? As long as Hong Bo can do it, I don't think I will refuse." Hearing this, Liao Hongbo subconsciously straightened his waist and asked aloud.

Before Liao Hongbo became the inspector, he was thrown into prison because of his heroic spirit and offended others. Later, it was Shen Wentao who got him out, so he always felt indebted to Shen Wentao. As long as Shen Wentao asked, he would try his best made.

Knowing Liao Hongbo's temper, Shen Wentao was not polite, and said straight to the point, "Brother, I really need your clarification on something this time."

"Brother, what happened to you, do you still need me to clarify?" Liao Hongbo felt that the matter seemed a little serious, so he also became serious.

"Brother, I want to ask, what did you find out about the case of the villa in the west of the city?" Shen Wentao asked solemnly.

Hearing him ask about this matter, Liao Hongbo's face flashed a strange look, as if he was quite surprised. Although he tried his best to conceal it, all these changes fell into Shen Wentao's eyes.

Shen Wentao suddenly understood, there must be something Shen Yue didn't tell herself.

"Brother, in view of our friendship, can you tell me what happened in detail?" Shen Wentao looked earnest.

Liao Hongbo was speechless for a while!


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