Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 394 Big Crackdown: Blue Sword Project

Part of the stinger sniper unit he led had to be responsible for vigilance, and there were only eight people who could participate in the mine-laying, and Yue Feng's special warfare unit could send about the same number of personnel.

It is not ordinary difficult for a dozen people to plant hundreds of mines on this dirt road mixed with gravel.

Yue Feng glanced at him, pulled out the engineering shovel from his waist without saying a word, turned around and ran towards the road under the mountain peak, "Would you like to go?"

"Hey, lunatic, I didn't say no." Chu Yifei stretched his neck behind, and rushed down the mountain.

Looking at the map on the mountain does not show it. When people actually get to the road and start working, they find that the ground is really difficult to get. The soil mixed with stones can only dig a small pile with a shovel. It takes several strokes or even dozens of times. Only then can a suitable pit be dug.

People were sweating profusely, and their palms were blistered by the shovel, but no one flinched, and they all worked hard with all their strength.

In this way, landmines were laid one after another, forming a minefield one kilometer long, covering this section of the road.

As long as the devil's team enters the minefield, when the detonator lying in the dark presses the button, waiting for the devil's artillery will be a hell of blood and fire.

After erasing the traces of the mines, Yue Feng waved his hand, and the Cobra Special Operations Team quickly withdrew and disappeared into the cover.

According to Yue Feng's estimation, the mine array can only blow up most of the devil's mountain cannons, and they need to blow up the remaining small part of the cannons by themselves.

At that time, it will be necessary for Chu Yifei's sniper team to suppress the devil's counterattack from a high place and cooperate with their actions.

Chu Yifei slapped his chest loudly, and assured Yue Feng, "Crazy, just go, I guarantee that no devil will have a chance to shoot you, if I can't do it, I will give you my head."

"Your head is worthless." Yue Feng dropped a sentence, turned around and left, behind him was Chu Yifei who was stunned for a moment.

"Fuck me, our old Chu's head is worth 100 yuan anyway, why is it worthless." Chu Yifei stretched out his middle finger towards Yue Feng's back, "I have no vision, I curse you for eating instant noodles in this life without seasoning packets .”

There is no seasoning packet for eating instant noodles. Someone from the Huya Special Forces Brigade accidentally said this, but it was remembered by Chu Yifei, and he took it out to show off when he had time.

Yue Feng hadn't gone far at this time, he should have heard Chu Yifei's words, but he didn't pay attention to Chu Yifei at all, and walked to the side to rest, which made Chu Yifei feel very boring.

After choosing a suitable sniper location, Chu Yifei opened his sniper rifle suitcase and began to assemble the sniper rifle.

This sniper rifle was specially designed by Mo Yanran at Luo Xiao's request. It combines the advantages of many classic sniper rifles of the 21st century. It is more powerful and easier to carry and disassemble.

Chu Yifei loved this new gun so much that he specially named it "Ming Di".

After skillfully assembling the "Ming Di", Chu Yifei got on fire with a loud bang, and raised his sniper rifle to aim down the mountain.

In the high-power automatic zoom sniper scope, the gravel on the mountain road is clearly visible, and even an ant slowly crawling on the stone has entered his field of vision.

The effective range of this gun has reached a terrifying 1500 meters, and the longest range is 3000 meters. The high-precision auto-zoom sniper mirror equipped on the gun combines night vision, infrared, laser, white light and other effects to ensure his Easily see targets [-]/[-] for sniping accuracy.

Back then, when this sniper rifle came down from Mo Yanran's test stand, Luo Xiao couldn't put it down, and praised it repeatedly as a good gun.

Mo Yanran's words made Luo Xiao, who was about to praise her a few words, immediately stuck, "This is nothing, just a playful work."

I have seen crazy ones, but Luo Xiao has never seen such crazy ones.

Of course, Mo Yanran is also really outstanding, any weapon in her hands can innovate, and its performance has been greatly improved.

After choosing a suitable sniping point, Chu Yifei stretched out his finger towards Yue Feng, indicating that he was ready.Yue Feng agrees, and leads the Cobra special warfare unit to the ambush site down the mountain, waiting for the arrival of the devils.

Chu Yifei was lying on the sniper position, holding "Ming Di" in his arms, with a straw stick in the corner of his mouth, casually looking at the white clouds in the sky, his eyes were rolling non-stop, he didn't know what he was thinking.

The Stinger's team members are not worried, because they know that once their team leader enters the fighting state, he will become another person.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, there was a low sound of a car motor from the corner of the road in the distance, mixed with a thunderous sound.

A poisonous sniper lay down on the top of the mountain and listened carefully. When he was in the cottage, he was good at listening. In places with good terrain, he could even distinguish the details.

"Captain, there are quite a few people and vehicles here, and some of them seem to be heavy-duty vehicles because the ground is shaking very badly." After listening for a while, he raised his head and reported to Chu Yifei.

Chu Yifei regained his energy all of a sudden, he turned over and jumped up, and fell on the sniper position, "Really, it seems that the devil's artillery unit has come to the door."

All the soldiers of the Stinger team lifted their spirits, clenched the sniper rifles in their hands, and waited with bated breath for the devil's arrival.

In addition to blowing up the devil's mountain artillery with the "Cobra" special warfare unit, their main task is to snipe the opponent's motorized units and armored units.

Since the establishment of the Stinger team, most of the battles they participated in were ambush transport teams. They have never encountered such a large-scale battle. Now that they have this opportunity, of course they are all very excited.

"Madman, the devil's artillery wing, motorized unit, and armored unit are here, and you are ready to fight." At this time, Chu Yifei seemed to be a different person, his playful smile disappeared, and his face was solemn.

Yue Feng nodded and replied through the walkie-talkie, "We are ready and will implement the second battle plan soon."

"No problem!" Chu Yifei replied into the walkie-talkie.

The stinger team and the "Cobra" special warfare team have all entered the battle state, waiting for the arrival of the devil's troops.

The sound of the car's motor became louder and louder, and at this time at the end of the road, the ghost convoy could already be seen.

Chu Yifei accurately captured the mustache of the driver in the observation hole of the front armored vehicle through the sniper scope, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Little devil, come on, here is a big meal for you, eat Let’s go when we’re full.”


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