Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 395 Big Crackdown: Blue Sword Project

The sound of the motor came from the road in the distance. Although it was still relatively far away, it sounded very clear, and the wheels of the mountain cannon rolled on the road, making a low rumbling sound.

Chu Yifei was lying on the sniper position, and the sniper rifle in his hand had already locked on the driver in the observation hole of the front armored vehicle. Although the gap was small, the "Ming Di" sniper scope in his hand was so good that he could still see the driver. clearly.

"This little devil must have not even washed his face, and there is still a lot of eye droppings on the corners of his eyes." At this time, Chu Yifei was still busy researching whether the little devil opposite had washed his face.

Beside him, the stinger snipers who had been equipped with the [-]th improved sniper rifles lay quietly on the mountain, waiting for the start of the battle.Their bodies and heads were all camouflaged. If they didn't move, the devils down the mountain would not be able to see that they were living people, but would think they were a bush.

Armed with advanced weapons in the warehouse of the Huya Special Warfare Brigade, the poisonous sniper team led by Chu Yifei is definitely a very terrifying team. Not to mention the current level of military and weapons of the little devils, even if they go back 50 years, they will not be able to survive. Not necessarily their opponents.

Moreover, during this period of time, Chu Yifei took them on missions continuously, using the devil's transport team and a small patrol force as a target to hone their skills and tactics, which made their actual combat experience rapidly increase, and their combat effectiveness improved rapidly.

"Madman, how is your situation?" Chu Yifei carefully observed the situation of the Devil convoy, and then asked in a low voice into the walkie-talkie.

"Everything is normal, what about you?" In the intercom, Yue Feng's speech was still very brief, without any nonsense.

Chu Yifei had a straw stick in his mouth, and while chewing, he stared at the devil at the foot of the mountain, his eyes glistening with a cold light, "I'm all ready, just wait for the little devil to come to the door, let They're comfortable and comfortable."

"Act in 1 minute." Yue Feng whispered, and then hung up the walkie-talkie.

Hearing what he said, Chu Yifei immediately cheered up, spat out the grass stick in his mouth on the ground, and then raised the sniper rifle in his hand.

1 minute, 30 seconds, ten seconds, one second!

When the countdown reached zero, the Cobra special forces team led by Yue Feng sneaked out from their hiding place and rushed towards the devil's rear team from the flank.

There are minefields waiting in the middle of the devil convoy, and for the motorized and armored troops in the front, Chu Yifei's sniper rifle will let them know what a dilemma is.Yue Feng and the others had to deal with the remaining dozen or so mountain cannons in the devil's rear team.

At this time, the devil's convoy had already entered the predetermined position. As the detonator pressed the button of the detonator, balls of dazzling flames rose up on the road, mixed with splashes of mud and gravel, and the powerful air burst instantly. It swept most of the Devils convoy.

Under the powerful power of the new landmines, although those mountain artillery were heavy, they couldn't bear the huge explosive force either. Within the ravine.

On both sides of the Guizishan field artillery convoy, a brigade of Guizi soldiers guarded the artillery convoy to prevent people from sneaking up on the artillery convoy. At this time, they were also caught by landmines. After a burst of mines, most of them were killed or injured.

Among the mines, Yue Feng specially planted some anti-personnel landmines. As soon as the steel balls inside exploded, it would form a dense rain of steel balls covering an extremely wide area. Before many devils could react, their bodies and limbs were beaten into sieves.

As long as these devils are not hit in the vital parts, they usually cannot die at that time, but they immediately lose their combat effectiveness, and instead become a burden to the entire devil army.

"What's going on, what happened?" The devils were stunned by the landmines. They ran around, and then stepped on some trigger mines. They were blown up with arms and legs flying all over the sky, and a shower of blood fell from the sky.

"Don't panic, prepare to fight." The captain of the brigade in charge of defending the Guizishan Field Artillery Regiment pulled out his command saber, knocked two scurrying Japanese soldiers to the ground, and then roared, "Shake the morale of the soldiers, dead dead."

Now those devils didn't dare to run around, and the team quickly calmed down.Once they calmed down, it became clear that the devils were well-trained. They lay down on the spot, set up their light and heavy machine guns, and started to fight back.

The sound of machine guns rang out, and bullets swished wildly, but because the explosion was a mine, they didn't know where the enemy was at all, so they could only conduct tentative shots based on the surrounding terrain.

Just like that, two more soldiers were hit by stray bullets, and their arms were painted, but they wrapped up their wounds and took up their guns without saying a word.

Chu Yifei waited. The smoke from the mine explosion covered most of the battlefield, which affected his vision somewhat.

Touching the "Mingdi" sniper rifle, Chu Yifei thought wickedly, "Next time, let Mo Yanran add a see-through function to this sniper rifle. Not only can it penetrate smoke and other things in battle, but it can also be used to peek at those Female soldiers can kill two birds with one stone, hehe."

On the battlefield, the gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the situation after the explosion, Chu Yifei hurriedly looked towards the battlefield.

The wild explosion of the landmines just now caused heavy losses to the devil's mountain artillery unit. Now 36 of the 27 mountain artillery have been scrapped, and the field artillery is even worse, with only 2 left. There is not much left.

It can be said that this meal of landmines has reduced the devil's mountain artillery unit to seven or eight times, and there is not much combat power left.

"Be alert and protect the remaining artillery vehicles." The captain responsible for protecting the artillery team of the devil is quite experienced. He saw the enemy's purpose at a glance, so he directed the people to run towards the dozen or so mountain artillery that survived. Go, intend to protect them.

However, Yue Feng and the others had already set their sights on those mountain cannons. When the explosion happened, they had already taken the opportunity to touch the devil's convoy and launched an attack.

The tiger tooth saber wiped the devil's throat, and then stretched out his hand to loosen the limp body of the devil's sentinel. Yue Feng gestured to the team members, "Attack."

The special forces members jumped up and rushed towards the devil's convoy like a gust of wind. Their quick movements made those devils who found it a little dazed.

"The Chinese army!" Someone just shouted, and his head was blown off by the sniper rifle of the special operations team, and the body limply fell to the ground.

The Assault Team's [-]th-improved assault rifles were fully fired, almost all with three-shot and two-shot shots, knocking down the devils who understood the opposite side, while the sniper team stayed behind to deal with those threatening devils.

Da da da, the Ninth Five-Year Improved general-purpose machine gun rang, and golden yellow bullet casings flew out of the bullet window like raindrops, landed on the ground with a crisp ding ding sound, and then bounced happily.

Compared with these automatic weapons, the devil's three-eighth cover is almost the same as a fire stick. Often they just pull the bolt, and the bursts here have already knocked them down.

Like a broken bamboo, Yue Feng and the others covered up in front of the devil's mountain artillery convoy.


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