Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 499 The Great Cleanup: Farewell

The vast green gauze tent is the best hiding place. Whether it is a rifle or a machine gun, after the bullet penetrates into the green gauze tent, it loses its force within a short distance. Moreover, the terrain inside is very complicated. If the devil chases it in, the result will not be too happy.

Therefore, in North China and Northeast China, green gauze tents are everywhere. After people harvest the autumn, the straw is kept to become green gauze tents, which are naturally used to deal with little devils.

Most of Tieling County is a plain, with fertile land and lush crops. Naturally, there are many green gauze tents, which provide strong protection for the anti-Japanese forces in various places.

"Hurry up, follow behind!"

Nangong Wentian shouted in a low voice, commanding everyone to speed up and run in the direction of Taoshan.

They were still one day away from Taoshan, so they had to hurry up.

While running fast, Xiao Caiyun's face became more and more ugly, and finally fell to the ground.

"Little Caiyun!" Nangong Wentian noticed her abnormality, stopped hurriedly, and helped her up.

Xiao Caiyun's face was pale, her eyes were closed tightly, and she seemed to have passed out. When Nangong Wentian looked down, she found that she was wearing a devil's military jacket around her waist, and blood was leaking from the military jacket.

"Cao Deli, Little Caiyun is injured." Nangong Wentian turned his head and yelled at Cao Deli.

Cao Deli, who had already stopped in his tracks, heard a sudden shock in his body, he turned around, and with a few strides, he rushed to Xiao Caiyun's side, and took her from Nangong Wentian's hand.

Putting his hand into Xiao Caiyun's clothes, Cao Deli's face changed drastically. When he pulled out his hand, his palm was already covered with blood.

With a scoff, Cao Deli tore off her blouse, revealing the white underwear inside.At this time, Nangong Wentian and the others had already turned around, and the first aid kit was placed beside Cao Deli.

Cao Deli looked at the place where the blood was seeping out, and his heart skipped a beat, because the wound was located in Xiao Caiyun's abdomen, and there was a bullet hole there, and the blood flowed out like a spring.

After entering the green gauze tent just now, Xiao Caiyun was at the back, so in the panic, everyone didn't notice that she was injured, until she couldn't hold on anymore.

Looking at the wound, Cao Deli tore open her moon-white underwear, exposing the wound on her lower abdomen, and immediately a shocking bullet hole appeared in front of him, and a bloody arrow sprayed out.

"Captain, help me quickly." Seeing such a big wound, Cao Deli panicked and couldn't help shouting at Nangong Wentian.

Hearing Cao Deli's shout, Nangong Wentian turned around immediately, took a look at the wound, and frowned, "With such a wound, and with so much blood loss, I'm afraid it's a bad luck."

However, now is not the time to hesitate, even if there is a little hope, Nangong Wentian skillfully opened the first aid kit, took out a set of items, and started the intense first aid.

But the injury was too severe, and as soon as the medicine powder fell, it was immediately washed away by blood. Cao Deli's brow was full of sweat, and he couldn't stop panting.

Nangong Wentian frowned, opened the bottle containing the powder with a saber, poured all the powder on the wound, quickly pressed the cotton wool on the wound, and then wrapped it with a bandage.

The blood finally stopped, but Xiao Caiyun remained in a coma and never woke up. Cao Deli was so anxious that he called Yao Tianhua and reported the situation to him.

After listening to his words, Yao Tianhua promised to report to the commander immediately to see if he could apply for a helicopter to come. After 5 minutes, Yao Tianhua gave a reply, saying that Luo Xiao immediately agreed and the helicopter had already taken off.

Cao Deli was overjoyed, he seemed to have seen hope.

At this moment, Xiao Caiyun opened her eyes, and when she saw that she was in Cao Deli's arms, she smiled so happily and brilliantly.

Cao Deli's heart sank. Xiao Caiyun's radiant look, which didn't look like she was injured at all, seemed to be a bad omen, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he smiled and hugged her into his arms, "Wake up?" gone."

"You don't blame me?" Xiao Caiyun's first words after waking up were to ask this. It seems that whether Cao Deli forgives her is too important to Xiao Caiyun.

Cao Deli nodded his head, and replied repeatedly, "I don't blame you, I don't blame you, when you recover, let's live a good life."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Caiyun seemed relieved, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Just don't blame me, I am already satisfied to die in your arms."

"Don't say that, the helicopter sent by Army Commander Luo is coming soon, you have to persevere." Cao Deli was almost roaring, shaking Xiao Caiyun's body vigorously.

Xiao Caiyun felt that her eyelids were getting heavier, and her voice slowly lowered, "Deli, I am the one who is sorry, I am very happy if you don't blame me, and I am content to die in your arms." Finally, Her voice died away and her eyes were closed tightly.

Cao Deli looked at Xiao Caiyun who seemed to be asleep in his arms, and was completely dumbfounded. He stretched out his hand to gently caress that still warm face, and softly called out to his lover.

But no one has responded!

Cao Deli didn't shed a single tear, just sat on the ground holding Xiao Caiyun, motionless, without saying a word.

Seven or eight minutes later, the roar of helicopter propellers sounded in the sky, and a huge transport helicopter appeared in midair.

However, Cao Deli didn't seem to notice it, he still sat there blankly, reaching out his hand to caress Xiao Caiyun's cheek that had started to cool down gradually.

Nangong Wentian came over and stood in front of him, "Old Cao, please mourn."

Cao Deli raised his head to look at Nangong Wentian, and smiled wryly, "Captain, it's okay, I can still bear it."

Looking up at the helicopter hovering in mid-air above his head, Cao Deli turned his head to look at Nangong Wentian, "Captain, take me back to thank the regiment commander, and just say that I thank him for his spared no effort in helping me. I took Caiyun to Taoshan , I will be a member of the independent regiment from now on." After speaking, he picked up Xiao Caiyun and strode forward.

Seeing that Cao Deli had strode away and was about to disappear deep in the green gauze tent, the others hurriedly followed.As for Nangong Wentian, after explaining the situation to the personnel on the helicopter, he hurriedly chased after him.

Taoshan Tang Shaofeng is quite familiar with him. If Cao Deli led the security force brigade without his own recommendation, Tang Shaofeng would probably be wary. After all, the security force’s reputation is not very good, so he must go to Taoshan to meet him. Tang Shaofeng's helicopter turned around and went back to Huxiao Ridge. Although it didn't pick up anyone, its mission had been completed and it could go back to report.


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