Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 500 The Great Cleanup: Farewell

On the back mountain of Taoshan Mountain, the tomb that Cao Deli built for Xiao Caiyun has been completed, all of which are made of bluestone, and the tombstone was carved by Cao Deli himself.

The stone tablet is 1.5 meters high, and on it is a line of strong regular script: Tomb of Beloved Wife Xiao Caiyun.

Xiao Caiyun was her stage name. As for her real name, only she knew it. Ever since she was adopted by the theater troupe, she had the stage name of Xiao Caiyun, but her real name was rarely used.

After she became an apprentice, as her fame grew, people naturally remembered the name Xiao Caiyun, and there were almost no one with her real name.

Cao Deli didn't pay attention to her real name at the beginning, and he didn't even ask her once, but now he can only call her by her stage name.

Cao Deli sat in front of the grave, placed a few apples and a plate of steamed buns on a bluestone board in front of the grave, and lit three sticks of incense.

Faint green smoke slowly rose from the three sticks of incense stuck on the ground, slowly rose in the air, and then slowly dissipated in the changing shape.

Cao Deli was wearing a new military uniform of the Independence Regiment, which basically imitated the Chinese military uniform of later generations. It was grass green and had a red five-star on his hat. He looked very mighty.

This was the first batch of military uniforms produced by the military factory, and they were immediately distributed to various units. The independent regiment also got a batch. Although the distribution to the entire regiment was not enough, there was still a surplus for each officer.

As for the soldiers, there is no need to worry, the second batch will arrive in a short time, and the independent regiment will probably be able to change their outfits by then.

Sitting cross-legged on a bluestone in front of the tomb, facing the rising cigarette, Cao Deli looked through the curling smoke, as if recalling something.

For a long time, Cao Deli didn't speak, didn't move, just kept that action motionless.

The autumn wind was bleak, and it blew off the leaves on the trees. The fallen leaves circled down in the air, and fell all over the ground around the tomb. The tomb also fell a layer soon, and was dyed a golden yellow.

The fallen leaves are like rain, and the world seems a little more bleak.

Cao Deli finally moved. He slowly stood up from the ground with his hands on the ground, and stood in front of the grave.

The three sticks of incense on the ground had already burnt to the end, and there was only less than an inch left. There was a pile of brown incense ash on the ground, and then it was blown away by the autumn wind.

"Caiyun, I'm leaving. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you for a while." Cao Deli finally spoke.

"I have led the Security Force Brigade to join the First Independent Regiment of the Yanhuang Army, and became the deputy head of the regiment. I believe I will not let the little devil go. The Independent Regiment will soon participate in a new battle. I will avenge you when the time comes. .”

"You wait for me here. One day when the little devil is driven away, I will come back to accompany you. At that time, we will never be separated."

"I know you don't want me to leave, but I'm a soldier now, so I can't be as loose as before, or I will disappoint Tuanzhang Tang and Wentian."

"Okay, I'm leaving, you wait for me here, I will definitely come back."

Cao Deli took a deep look at the tombstone one last time, then raised his hand in a standard military salute, turned around and walked down the mountain.

Behind him, fallen leaves were flying like rain, instantly dyeing the world golden.

There were three cannon shots outside the gate, like thunder.

Tianbo Mansion came to my Bao Guochen.


This was Xiao Caiyun's favorite song "Mu Guiying in Command" back then, and it was also Cao Deli's favorite song to listen to.Now that it is sung from Cao Deli's mouth, it is a little less tender, and a little more vicissitudes and solemnity.

In the loud and clear voice, Cao Deli walked farther and farther, and gradually disappeared at the far end of the mountain road.

Taoshan, in the regiment headquarters of the independent regiment, all the commanders of the independent regiment were there, and everyone sat around a big wooden table, as if waiting for something.

Tang Shaofeng raised his hand to look at his watch from time to time. The time for the meeting was getting closer, but Cao Deli, the deputy head of the army, hadn't shown up yet.

This is the first plenary meeting since the establishment of the independent group, which is of great significance. If Cao Deli is absent, the impact will be great.

So he turned his attention to Nangong Wentian and asked for his opinion.

Nangong Wentian was not in a hurry at all, he seemed to have made up his mind, seeing Tang Shaofeng looking at him, he smiled slightly, "Don't worry, Lao Tang, Lao Cao will not be late."

Now that Nangong Wentian said so, Tang Shaofeng didn't think about it anymore. He looked around at the commanders and fighters sitting in the regiment headquarters, and his heart was full of pride.

The independent regiment was finally established, and the number of people expanded rapidly. Now it has 2000 people, and a batch of military uniforms, weapons and equipment have been transported from the Huxiaoling base, as well as a lot of supplies.

With these strong supports, he is confident that in the shortest possible time, he will build the Independent First Regiment into a main force with strong combat effectiveness, which will impress everyone.

You know, in the Yanhuang Legion, in addition to Luo Xiao's old team, the Huya Special Forces Brigade, there are more than a dozen troops such as Dragon Wing, Poison Fang, Thunderbolt, Xuepeng, Hidden Dragon, Beacon Smoke, and Wolves. Compared with the Huya Special Warfare Brigade, but they are more competitive with each other.

They all have the same nose and two eyes, and they all serve in the Yanhuang Army. No one wants to be inferior to others, especially those who are soldiers.

Now that the independent regiment was established, Tang Shaofeng tried his best to make her the number one main force of the Yanhuang Army.

Naturally, this is also the goal of all the commanders and fighters of the Independent First Regiment.

Time passed little by little, and it was almost nine o'clock. Tang Shaofeng felt that he couldn't wait any longer. He stood up, cleared his throat, "Get ready for a meeting."

Before the words were finished, there was a sound of strong footsteps at the door, and then Cao Deli's slightly obese body appeared in everyone's sight, and then he walked in quickly.

"I'm not late, am I?" Cao Deli asked after sitting down, looking at the others with a smile.

Tang Shaofeng looked at his watch and found that there were less than 30 seconds left before the meeting time at nine o'clock, so he couldn't help laughing, "Old Cao, you are really on time."

At this time, Cao Deli has returned to his usual appearance. He rubbed his head and said with a smile, "Hey, I have something to do today, so I came a little late. Fortunately, I am not late. Be careful next time."

"It's okay, it's okay, you can just treat me after a while." Nangong Wentian joked.

Cao Deli waved his hand nonchalantly, and said, "No problem, where can I treat you guys, anyway, we still have some money in hand." Most of his property has been handed over to the independent regiment as military expenses, and There is still a little left, it is enough to invite these people to dinner.

Nangong Wentian rolled his eyes and smiled, "Then let's eat KFC, two hamburgers and three drumsticks per person, plus a cup of coffee."

"What kind of gnawed chicken, why are you still sweating?" At this moment, Cao Deli was dumbfounded. He is no better than Nangong Wentian. He came here through time travel. How could he know about KFC.

There was a burst of smug laughter in the headquarters.


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