Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 501 The Great Raid: Prologue to the Counterattack

The Huxiaoling underground base is now brightly lit.

Originally, except for some important locations, energy control was implemented in other places, so it was pitch black; now that the energy problem has been solved, naturally there is no need to be stretched.

This is all thanks to the technology test base headed by Mo Yanran. It is their busy day and night that the latest generator set can finally be put into operation ahead of schedule, generating a huge amount of electricity.

With a sufficient supply of energy, many defensive facilities in the underground base can operate normally, and the defense level has suddenly jumped from c-level to b-level. If more defenses are implemented and put into use, the base's defense facilities can continue to improve. It is not impossible to reach the top S-level by then.

One can imagine how difficult it is to sneak into an underground base equipped with high-tech defense facilities such as lasers and infrared rays.

Although the current level has not yet reached that level, the Huya Special Forces Brigade can finally breathe a sigh of relief. These days, their nerves are as tight as a steel wire, and they are afraid that any omission will cause losses to the base.

With the wide application of energy, patrol cars using electric energy have appeared on the streets of underground bases, allowing patrols to rush to any corner of the base in the shortest possible time, greatly improving the efficiency of handling emergencies.

In the command room of the underground base, Luo Xiao sat in a large leather chair, staring at a large screen in front of him, thinking about something.

This large screen is integrated with many screens, divided into 36 small screens, which can monitor the situation within a radius of fifty miles of Huxiaoling in all directions.

Although the fineness needs to be improved, with it, Huxiao Ridge is already in an invincible position in advance.

If it weren't for the fact that the technology and equipment needed by these micro-satellites are not available in this era, which makes these micro-satellites irreproducible, Luo Xiao really wants to expand this set of equipment to a larger area, so that a larger area can be monitored , to achieve faster response and mobilization.

However, being able to monitor the movement within a radius of fifty miles around Huxiao Ridge already made Luo Xiao very satisfied, at least it would not greatly compromise his next plan.

Luo Xiao was waiting for an opportunity. As soon as the time came, he could start a big plan. At that time, the devils who were waiting to participate in the mopping up would encounter a catastrophe.

He is waiting patiently!

A staff officer hurried in from the outside, holding a document in his hand, came to Sun Jian who was watching the [-]D electronic sand table, and handed it to him.

During this period of time, Sun Jian has undergone some changes. The original immaturity has obviously faded a lot, and he looks a lot calmer. It seems that this generation of political commissar is not in vain.

If the young eagle wants to grow up, it has to go through some training. Although this training is a bit more difficult, it is also indispensable. Sun Jian is going through such a training process now.

After taking a look at the document, Sun Jian immediately stood up, came behind Luo Xiao, and said in a low voice, "League Commander, this is the latest information. The Japanese army has finally taken action."


Hearing this, Luo Xiao turned his eyes from the big screen, landed on the document, and then reached out to take it. After reading it at a glance, he immediately stood up happily, "Okay, the devil finally followed our document. The plan is in motion."

"Yes, it's really not easy." Sun Jian also showed a gratified smile. He had been assisting Yan Beifeng in handling the work, so he knew how involved this plan was. The effect is much worse.

For this plan, the staff headed by Yan Beifeng stayed up all night and studied for a week. Only then did they form a relatively complete plan.

In the process of implementation, there are too many problems, which need to be adjusted temporarily, so that the plan can be implemented smoothly.

As of today, although the plan has not yet been completed, the results can already be seen.

Sun Jian believes that as long as it continues to develop like this, it will definitely achieve the expected goal.

Luo Xiao thought for a while, raised his head and said, "In the name of the headquarters, you issue an order to give way to the Dragon Wing, Stinger, Blood Roc, Hidden Dragon and other teams on the periphery to continue as planned, and you can increase the number of devils appropriately." This will encourage the devils to act a little bigger and facilitate the implementation of the plan."

Sun Jian nodded and said, "Yeah, the more pressure you put on the devils, the more obedient they will be, and then give them a one-pot meal, haha." At this time, his composure disappeared, showing his unique childishness.

Luo Xiao smiled, and didn't say anything. He knew that a person's growth required a process, and it couldn't be done overnight. That would be counterproductive and not conducive to the formation of Sun Jian's character.

Everything is best as it is.

Thinking this way, Luo Xiao stood up and walked outside. He remembered that he still had one thing to do today, and he had to do it right away.

After leaving the headquarters, Luo Xiao stepped on an electric motorcycle, then turned the switch, started the car, and left the headquarters along the street.

Today's underground base covers a very large area, no less than a small city. The streets are criss-crossed and the houses are row upon row. If you walk, it is estimated that it will take more than an hour to get there from one end to the other.

But with the electric motorcycle, Luo Xiao only took 10 minutes to reach the destination.

This is an independent area, surrounded by extremely hard rocks, only a deep passage extends inward in the mountain, and it is two or three miles away before reaching two tall alloy doors.

In front of the alloy gate, about 100 meters away from the gate, there was a striking warning line, and the two cameras watched the position of the warning line tirelessly, and transmitted the images to the connected sensors.

As long as someone crosses the cordon, the sensor will emit a piercing scream, and the guards will be able to hear it.

Luo Xiao drove the motorcycle across the cordon, then crossed the [-]-meter flat open space with no dead ends, and stopped at the gate.

He stretched out his hand and pressed a fingerprint reader next to the door for a moment, the door opened silently, and Luo Xiao drove his motorcycle inside.

Inside the gate is a square with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. Dozens of vehicles of various types are parked. The signs all have the Yanhuang Army Prison logo upside down. They should be the prison cars of the prison.

A group of guard soldiers armed with live ammunition stood in the square, alert to the movement around them. Seeing Luo Xiao come in, they hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and said, "Legion Commander, the first row of the first company of the first battalion of the prison guard regiment is on duty, please." instruct."


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