Wan Niu's Unstoppable Courage

Chapter 18 The Elite Cave

As the highest-level confidant, Guanyin's servant girl did her part to give a lecture to the rookies. []

"Everyone, don't slack off, you must learn the logistics skills taught by the Academy! This is very important to us monks, which is related to our future!"

"In principle, we monks in the Qi refining period will only rotate the academy every three years, but if you learn the art quickly, you can get the first sentence early, and you can also skip a level in advance and enter another academy to learn new logistics. skill!"

"Okay..." After finishing the nonsense, she took out a pot of brewed fragrant tea and a stack of miniature purple sand teapots from the treasure bag at her waist, and asked her daughter Nadi to help the rookie one by one. Each of us handed out a cup, and then raised a cup to invite Mingyue: "I wish you all the best, cheers! All future pratyekabuddhas!"

Drank it down, and the bottom of the cup came out.

The beautiful eyes of Guanyin's servant girl were shining brightly.

"What if I am promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage without learning all the logistics skills of all the colleges?" Qi Dian raised his hand with a playful smile.

"I don't know how long the face is!" Guanyin's maidservant shot back with a sharp look, and immediately extinguished the arrogance of this troublemaker: "The fastest record for our sect to be promoted from qi refining to foundation building is 25 years and nine months!"

"Brother, what you said is wrong." Zong Heng didn't know whether he was helping Qi Dian, or he really didn't agree with Guanyin's maidservant's statement, or he was simply super confident in himself: "The only existence value of records is to be broken by others. of."

"I really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is, and if you pull the cowhide, you won't be afraid that the wind will blow the root of your tongue!" The intellectuals were all simmering in their hearts. Hearing what the beautiful boy in white said, the lonely crutches were all smoking: " Little red guy! You are too crazy!"

"Amitabha!" Zong Heng clasped his hands together and looked around, with undisguised pride and arrogance between his brows and eyes: "Monks don't tell lies..."

"Junior brother, we monks should refrain from anger." Guanyin's maid frowned, thinking to herself, why are the few popular fried chickens this year looking like toads, each one getting louder than the other?One more mouth than the other is unobstructed?It's just that they have passed the bloody first test, and their tone is as if Honghua has ascended. It is estimated that the head abbot spoiled them too much. For such a slanderous lunatic, no matter how good his cultivation aptitude is, it is difficult to achieve any great achievements. So she sneered and said, "If... I mean if... if you really have such an "outstanding talent", just rest assured, the master will provide you with excellent monks who specialize in logistics and form the most professional backup Echelon, let you open your mouth for food and stretch out your hands for clothes. [ ~] Concentrate on cultivating spells, accumulating true energy, keeping your ears to the outside world, and focusing on leveling up. "

"Big Brother~" Nadi picked Chang Kaishen's chin with a smile, and made a small joke at the right time: "You should learn how to catch and raise Capricorn fish in the "Free Life Pool". The support group, I still count on you to help me provide spiritual sand. "

Seeing her mother glaring at her disapprovingly, the blond girl stuck out her tongue mischievously, taking advantage of the time when her mother looked away, she secretly made a face at Zhuangyuan Lang.

Kaishen sauce laughed, and silently mouthed "Go and play with you when I have time" to her. As a result, the Guanyin servant stared at her, rolled her eyes, and tapped her finger on a wooden fish. Kong clicked a little bit, and the meaning of warning contained in it was like a long knife slashing down.

Almost everyone present shivered from her sudden outburst of cold and stern aura.

Only the person involved was like a normal person, waving at the Guanyin maidservant without changing his face to show cuteness.

Chang Kaishen is as tired as he wants in his heart, mother Xipi!What do you think of me as Buddha?satyr?A love killer who abducts a girl?How old is your daughter? Can I fall in love with her?Looks like you're pretty much the same!

Avalokitesvara's maid raised her eyebrows, as if she was going to have a seizure, but her daughter grabbed her and whispered something in her ear. For her daughter's sake, Avalokitesvara's servant finally gouged out Kaishen sauce viciously After a few glances, he picked it up high and put it down gently, without any further disturbances, and many rookies who were sweating a lot breathed a sigh of relief.

The intellectuals were also dumbfounded. The Guanyin servant girl is an elite monk at the ninth level of Qi refining. How dare a mere Xiaobai with the lowest seniority dare to moles her in public?ox!Really awesome!After secretly sighing for a while, they took out a miniature ship model the size of a jujube stone from their Qiankun cloth bags. When it was shaken in the wind, the khaki light burst out, and the jujube stone boats became boats about a hundred feet long. , The Gopher Wood Ark carved with runes is suspended in the air with a stalwart posture with great visual impact. 【leaf*】【*】

The bottom of the boat is less than half a foot from the ground, looking around, it looks like huge wooden cities.

"There is one more thing to take care of you!" Guanyin's maidservant suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly stopped the Zhike who greeted the rookies to board the boat: "Just before the master left, he told me to bring these black-brand new seedlings back to the courtyard. After that, food and living are all equipped according to elite standards.”

"——What?" The eyes of the intellectuals immediately turned into glass balls. If they were able to hold a little bit of seniority in front of the rookies before, this time even the little bit of superiority left was stripped away.According to the rules of the Maha Infinite Palace, among the outer sect disciples, only the masters who are above the sixth level of Qi refining are considered elites and can have independent caves. This group of little ghosts have just passed the tribulation. The jealous almost went crazy: "Why? Why is this?"

"I don't know why?" Guanyin's servant girl raised her lips lightly.

The Xiaobai of the French generation secretly exchanged glances, and they were all secretly laughing.

Why?Why else?Because we are the golden generation with "Analyzing Wood God Gang"!In the history of Xiaofozhou's comprehension, which sect has produced such high-quality and high-level newcomers?We are not the elite, who is the elite?

Of course, these words can only be stuffed in the stomach and secretly entertained. The head abbot has repeatedly taken care of him, the turtle has meat in his stomach, and he must not disclose the matter of Tiangang to other fellow sects.

Why did the old man lead a group of French rookies to the Gupta Grottoes without even bringing an entourage?To put it bluntly, it's not because he is afraid of people talking too much and leaking the rumors about Little Sumeru's world!

At least, the intellectuals in the Qi refining period are not worthy of knowing such an important secret!

Perhaps she was shocked. After the middle-aged nun took Chang Kaishen and the other three rookies to the Gopher Wooden Ark, she was as distraught as a walking corpse. She took out two date-palm-sized pebbles filled with milky white light. As if exasperated, he slapped the groove embedded in the center of the rudder plate engraved with the pattern of the magic circle, and cursed: "Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"Brother Rou Bodhi, is this the spiritual sand produced in the head of a Capricorn fish?" A rookie with a hooked nose who looked a lot like Andy Lau asked cheekily, "What is the power of our flying scorpion?" Isn't it all provided by it?"

"You still ask if you know? I owe you?"

"The ancient monks used spiritual jade, the middle ancient monks used spiritual diamonds, and the ancient monks used spiritual crystals. Our current monks have no choice but to start using spiritual sand and spiritual stones." Another red-haired girl really didn't wink. Standing at the bow of the boat and embracing the night wind with open arms, Bel was like a Titanic: "The development and utilization of mineral resources almost constitutes the entire history of cultivation."

"Where is there so much nonsense? You know so much?" Rou Bodhi gave her an impatient look, and the contemptuous eyes almost sent the red-haired girl into a tumble.

"Senior brother has such a temper!" Chang Kaishen chuckled: "Quiet the fire, hustle the fire, my daughter gets angry, and it's easy to get wrinkles on her face."

"Shut up for me too!" The middle-aged woman, Nirou Bodhi, took a yellow paper amulet at the eyes of the spiritual sand circle on the magic circle, turned the steering wheel with both hands, and drove the gigantic Gopher wooden ark silently. Rise up without a breath.

As the flying scorpion rose higher and higher, the three rookies saw high and low rolling hills.

Looking down, there are bells ringing, sandalwood incense, Buddhist chant, majestic Buddha statues, majestic pagodas, magnificent Kalan and ever-burning lights everywhere.

Leaning on the railing, in the distance as far as the eye can see, there is a small and dangerous peak that pierces the sky and pierces the sky. You can faintly see countless graceful orchids, Zhaoti with a dignified demeanor, a swaying bamboo forest, and a lotus with brocade flowers. , the pure and untainted Dumen and the pure land of Zen and silence are hidden in the depths of white clouds, accompanied by the breeze, bright moon, and stars, just like the palace in the sky and the Buddha Kingdom of Ultimate Bliss.

The three rookies all spontaneously felt an urge to shed tears and worship. This sacred mountain that seems to lead to heaven must be the "Xiaoxitian" of Maha Wuliang Palace?

5000 years ago, my teacher "Shenzhen Shanggu Buddha" was there to successfully overcome the catastrophe, soar to bliss, and achieve supreme enlightenment!

The Gopher wooden ark is on the top of the mountain, under the starry sky, in the sea of ​​clouds, bathed in the moonlight like water, moving forward solemnly and sacredly.

In the face of this scene beyond the limit of human imagination, even Chang Kaishen, a materialist who is defiant about everything, feels a kind of religious awe.

For the first time, he felt so clearly that he was no longer a mortal, but a god in the eyes of mortals.

After half an hour's flight, the Gopherwood Ark crossed the Liancheng Mountains and an emerald-green prairie, and sailed into the Oriental Sea with raging waves and endless tidal waves.

Over a lush island, Hibiki moored slowly.

"Which of you three wants to live on this Peach Blossom Island?" Rou Bodhi asked angrily. The three of them were overjoyed when they heard her tone. We dare to believe that each of us can have an independent island.

When Chang Kaishen heard the words "Peach Blossom Island", he immediately evoked memories of the past. He remembered that when he was in the world of demons, he had always envied Island Master Huang.

Immediately, he held down the railing of the ship's side and made a somersault, leaving a series of hearty long smiles from afar.

"Haha! This island belongs to me!"

"The cave is on the extinct volcano in the center of the island. Make the most of your time tonight to practice well. I will come and guide you to the main altar to meet the leader and receive the task tomorrow." Even a rookie in the first generation can enjoy Dokdo, which is full of spiritual energy, but he is 23 generations older than him but can only live in a Buddhist monk's dormitory. The burning jealousy in his heart immediately overwhelms his admiration for the handsome guy.

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