Wan Niu's Unstoppable Courage

Chapter 19 Baby please look up!

"Senior Brother Lao Rou!"

Waving at the gopher wooden ark that was flying away, Chang Kaishen turned around and looked around, and took out the half bloody cow's face from the sable fur bag, and the fluorescent rhino horn on it immediately illuminated the surroundings A pitch-black environment. 【leaf*】【*】

Contrary to what he imagined, the peach trees that grow everywhere on this peach blossom island are not peaches, but cherries.

The flowering season has passed long ago, and there are bright heart-shaped fruits like agates hanging from the tops of green trees.

Well, if Huang Yaoshi can't do it, Chimaru Mochimaru can do it, and if it's not good enough, he can be Washington the Sakura Axe.

After confirming the terrain and direction, Chang Kaishen shook off Lingbo and took a small step towards the extinct volcano in the center of the island.

After arriving at the destination, he found an ancient cherry tree growing in the crater with a girth comparable to the Beijing Bird's Nest Stadium!

A section of tree roots protruding from the ground coiled like a dragon, and the green crown of the tree was like a black cloud covering the sky and the sun!

Kaishen Jiang looked at this giant tree that seemed to have stepped out of a prehistoric epic, and he was stunned for 10 minutes before recovering.

Turning around this thick and invisible "giant tree", he found a huge gall hole that was naturally formed in the eastern sun. A natural bead curtain is hung, half-covering the door of the cave, full of wild charm.

There is a group of large and small white elephants living near the entrance of the cave. Compared with this huge tree cave, they are like mice living next to the brown bear cave.

"Is this the cave of the Sa family?" Chang Kaishen grinned his chin, twisting his big crooked mouth like a crushed toad.

It's Dongfu, that's right!At the top of the eaves above the giant gall cave, there are three tall and elegant hanging needles engraved: "Taoyuan Cave", and a couplet hangs in seal script on the left and right: When knocking on the gray ape, the door offers fruit, and the gatekeeper crane listens to scriptures at night.

To be able to get such a stunning tree cave as a "cave house" is definitely beyond the previous imagination.

If there is anything else that dissatisfies Kaishenjiang, it is that the name of this cave and the couplets are not in line with his taste. [~]

A few slashes of extremely fierce sword energy swept across, smoothed out the original font, and sent sawdust flying all over the sky.

The name of the cave was changed from "Taoyuan Cave" to "Peach Blossom Temple".

As for the couplets, it was also duly changed to "A fairy cave is born, and the infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak".In fact, Mr. Huang's "flying sword in the shadow of peach blossoms, pressing the jade flute in the blue sea tide" is also very suitable for Chang Sang's lonely and snow-pretending character, but it is not as suitable and interesting as this pairing.

On the "outer wall" of the cave, that is, on the huge tree, Chang Sang, who was deliberately showing off, used his sword energy to draw a line of big characters:

Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, Peach Blossom Immortals in Peach Blossom Temple.The Peach Blossom Immortal planted peach trees and picked peach blossoms in exchange for wine money.

If you are sober, you only sit in front of the flowers; when you are drunk, you come to sleep under the flowers.Half drunk and half awake day after day, flowers bloom year after year.

I hope that I will die of old age in the wine room, and I don't want to bow before the chariots and horses.The car dust and horses are enough to show people's affairs, and the wine deciduous flower branches are destined for hermits.

If you compare the obvious to the hermit, one is on the ground and the other is on the sky.If flowers and wine are compared to chariots and horses, why should we be idle?

Others laugh at me for being crazy, but I laugh at others for not being able to see through.There are no tombs of heroes in the five tombs, no flowers and no wine to hoe the fields.

Because the speed of the sword energy penetrating into the wood is too fast, after each word is written, a raging fire is ignited.A record of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was slapped to extinguish the flame, and the characters left on the wooden skin were all burnt yellow, like water coming out of a hibiscus, and the writing was gilded.

Entering the interior of the cave, you can look up to a dome space in the shape of a bell, which is spacious and can be used for a group of Tyrannosaurus Rex or as an Olympic track and field stadium.Except for a table, a bed, and a cylinder carved from blue jade and shining with white lighting, there is no extra furniture and decorations inside the huge tree cave, which is quite shabby and simple.

Chang Kaishen noticed that all kinds of old graffiti were densely covered on the vast cave walls.

I don't know when, a senior took the initiative to make a head start, and the subsequent generations of Buddhist practitioners who stayed here followed suit and left their own practice notes on a corner of the cave wall. 【leaf*】【*】

The beginning of each note is full of rhetoric, and between the lines there is a sense of embarrassment and coquettishness.As time went on, the arrogance and arrogance decreased as sharply as a shrinking woolen sweater, and finally turned into a series of foul language and pictures of sexual organs, venting the complaints and depression of not being diligent in cultivation, and the hesitation and despair of stagnant levels.

It's no wonder that they are under a lot of pressure, more than 100 practice notes, at the end of which they declare that they have finally successfully advanced to the foundation stage, and there are only nine lucky ones.

When entering the country, you have to follow the custom. Chang Kaishen found a blank corner on the cave wall and carved his own practice notes. At the beginning, he wrote the dharma name, age, and level, and then wrote a sentence-"I am here to complete, and the unfinished cause".

The world of Yanfu has experienced 190 accumulated years from the age of Chaos A in ancient times to the present.

Hongjun is the No. 1 comprehension in this long history. Without him, God knows if there is a business of cultivation in today's Yanfu world.

He is the first intelligent life in the time when the heaven and the earth are mysterious and yellow, and the ten thousand beasts are facing the sky. He is the first to be naturally enlightened.

Monk - Immortal Buddha - Saint.

The future that the comprehension world can see is the trilogy created by Hongjun.

As for what the "fourth step" is, whether there is one, no one knows, because so far no one has surpassed the height that Hongjun can reach.

On the cave wall, more than 100 seniors left a lot of rhetoric, but compared with Chang Kaishen, it is really weak.

Most of them only dare to say that they must have the golden elixir in sight, and only a few who feel good about themselves dare to boast that the nascent elixir can be expected.

Because they are all elites with a mature mind and above the sixth level of qi refining, they have a deep understanding of how difficult this industry is, and they have long since abandoned their unrealistic delusions.

It is Chang Sang, a newborn calf who has never tasted hardships, who dares to know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is.

"Next, I'm going to start to condense the sense of energy into real energy, haha, it seems that I still have half a foot in the mortal circle." Immediately afterwards, Chang Kaishen wrote the second sentence on the cave wall. Segment words.

One front and one back, the contrast between the two lines of text is really not as strong as usual, and I don’t know if people will die laughing when they see it later.

Unlocking the "five light stones" hidden close to his body, Chang Kaishen's originally blocked true essence was lifted at once.

Before practicing, of course, he had to give himself a little more motivation, so he dumped all the messy things in the package on the jade table.

Useless treasure kits, shiny silver hooped flying needles, fallen rhinoceros horns with astronomical constellation patterns, jade aprons inlaid with mountain mirage beads, goose-yellow Raksha jade seals, and a The little mink with wings and wings was lying there upright, with a pair of small mung bean eyes in the shape of mosquito-repellent incense--the "hum ha two qi" in "Hunyuan Yiqigong" does not have direct lethality, but if you eat it once, It takes seven days to revive the soul.I don't know if this little mink will starve to death after seven days...

What else can I gain in Little Sumeru World?

Chang Kaishen raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, stretched out his right hand in an unusually ostentatious way, and wiped lightly in the emptiness of the air.

"Analysis Wood Divine Gang" suddenly exploded, and a colorful wooden sword with strange ancient shape appeared beside him like a magic trick. A green column of air floating with stardust light hung the wooden sword firmly in the air, carrying it up and down. Shen.

By the way, there is this...

Chang Kaishen exhaled a puff of red smoke from his mouth happily, and carefully took out the jade pupil slips with the "Hunyuan Yiqigong" recorded on it, and the large crystal urn containing the green jade horse ginseng from the storage air mass, and hung them The petrified wood of the huge prehistoric beehive, the family portrait scroll of King Rakshasa, and the magical gourd that is more than one foot high and cannot feel any aura fluctuations.

Looking at the fallen rhinoceros horn, and then at the yellow-colored gourd, Chang Kaishen rubbed his hands and spun around like a spinning top happily.

"Please open your eyes baby."

After he bowed, the big gourd shook twice, and a ray of red light squirted out from the mouth of the gourd, revealing a fake Aladdin monster.

This monster, shaped like a cow's spleen, has eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Its eyes shoot two green lights, and it spins in the wind.

After seeing Kaishen Jiang's face clearly, the gourd monster's gaze was obviously sharpened, quite humane, like a bride who suddenly found out that she was in the wrong sedan chair after lifting her hijab.

"Lao Bai has been laid off." Chang Sang smiled hippie, looking like a villain: "As your new CEO, please allow me to introduce myself first..."

The gourd monster squinted its green eyes sideways, and made a series of strange crackling noises from its mouth, as if it saw a piece of dog shit, or expired dog shit, and it was as contemptuous as it could be.

"Baby, are you too crazy?" Chang Kaishen knew that this gourd has a very remarkable cloning function, but he didn't expect the other party to have such a personality: "Without me bringing you out of that rotten place in the giant spirit world, You are not even worth a single q coin!"

The gourd monster spewed out two bursts of green gas from its nose, as if it was sneering.

"You're ruthless!" Chang Kaishen felt that he was playing the qin with a cow just to make fun of himself, so he picked up the bloody half-rhinoceros face on the table, plucked out a cow's hair and threw it at the gourd monster: "Work! I'll be a wage earner with you. What are these extras for!"

The gourd monster never refused to come, and ate the rhino hair in one bite, and stretched its neck vigorously when swallowing.

After providing the genetic mother, the second step is to provide the meat required for cloning.Chang Kaishen unceremoniously picked up a few of the largest white elephants living outside the cave and slapped them to death, then used the "big belly to hold" storage air ball to lift it back and sprinkle it in front of the gourd monster.

"Please speak, baby!"

I don't know where the gourd monster's small mouth has such a big appetite. When it stretched its neck, Chang Kaishen's eyes blurred, and the three big white elephants on the ground, like mountains of meat, were gone, only a big puddle remained. The pungent blood.

"Please baby look up!"

Chang Kaishen was so excited that he was sweating, as if he saw countless spirit sand and spirit stones flying in front of him.

After the gourd monster heard the words, the two green lights in his eyes suddenly went out, and the bull-spleen-shaped body shook violently.

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