Wan Niu's Unstoppable Courage

Chapter 20 Ancient Bird Seal

Almost at the same moment, in the "Great Compassion Embryo Mandala" courtyard of Maha Wuliang Palace, two idle and bored Buddha cultivators jumped up from the futon and turned to look at the Buddhist altar enshrined in the atrium. Giant crystal ball. [~]

This crystal ball is engraved with ancient and mysterious Bayeux runes, and golden rays of light radiate outward.Its height is three feet six feet five inches, which coincides with the 360 ​​and five degrees of the sky;

The crystal ball, which had been spinning in the air, suddenly stopped spinning stiffly at this moment.

The heart of the crystal ball, which was originally transparent and pure, was empty, a burst of white light danced again and again, and finally a grotesque small hourglass world flashed out, in which there were sky and moon, earth and mountains and rivers. It is a [-]-fold miniaturized projection of the Maha Infinity Palace Mountain Gate Dojo.

The two Buddhist cultivators rushed forward, twirled the formula with their fingers, and projected a golden halo of non-stop flashing on the terrain, firing several beams of light in succession.

The topographical projection of the hourglass small world is switched to an island, an extinct volcano, a gigantic cherry tree, and finally a cave with the three characters "Peach Blossom Temple" engraved.The resolution is impeccable, and the pixels are so high that it is almost possible to count the texture and veins of the leaves on the curtain of fennel.

"What, what's going on here?" Not only the hairs on his body, but even the eyelashes of a Buddhist cultivator were frightened. In the cave, the aura index suddenly dropped to a vacuum!

Another Buddhist cultivator put his entire face on the crystal ball, and his forehead was sweating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The crystal ball they are in charge of guarding is the central core of the "Mountain Protecting Formation" of Maha Infinity Palace!

The two old fritters are on duty countless times, they have never met, nor have they ever imagined that one day they will encounter such a ridiculous situation—not to mention the elites in the Qi refining period, even Xiao Xitian’s Supreme Elder. Is it impossible to breathe out and absorb so much aura in an instant?

Just when the two of them were in a hurry to ring the alarm, the giant crystal ball suddenly switched to a transparent state and began to spin slowly again. [~]

"The spiritual energy index returned to normal in an instant?" The two Buddha cultivators were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but cursed: "Fuck the car! It must be this "Great Compassion Embryo Tibetan Mandala Protecting Mountain Array" that was released randomly Otherwise, such a nonsensical thing would happen..."


Chang Kaishen was really taken aback by the gourd monster's "appetite".

The last time I watched it clone the monster bee in the Plantain Valley, I felt that the aura around it was much weaker, and I didn't think too much about it.Fortunately this time, the aura in the entire cave was instantly evacuated.For the monks, such a drastic change in the environment was like cutting from the midsummer to the twelfth lunar month.

The gourd monster trembled violently for a while, raised its head and opened its mouth, Kaishen Jiang grinned and hoped that it could clone a few fallen rhinos, but saw it yawn lazily, without even blowing out a cow hair .

But after this yawn, the aura in the entire cave returned to its original state.

"I'm dizzy!" Zhuangyuan Lang thought about it for a while, it seemed that the Raksha King had to kowtow besides chanting at this step, so he had no choice but to salute the "wage boy" with his nose pinched, and shouted again: "Please raise your head, baby!" !"

Nephew lighting lanterns, as usual.

The gourd monster smacked its lips, showing a silent and unbeatable smile.

"Could it be that the meat required for cloning is not enough?" Chang Kaishen thought it was impossible: "Mother Xipi, how can a fallen rhinoceros weigh more than three white elephants?"

Having said that, the herd of elephants living outside the cave still fell ill and was beaten flat by Zhuang Yuanlang, and the price of running water seemed to be sent to the bottomless pit of the gourd monster for experimentation. ( ·~ )

"Please baby look up!"

"Please baby look up!"

"Please baby look up!"

"I call it your grandma!" Chang Kaishen was furious because he only ate but didn't eat, and there were gourd monsters coming in and out.

Please open your eyes, please open your mouth, please raise your head, the three steps are not bad!The genetic mother provided it, and it also ate the meat for cloning, and kowtowed its head. How come it still only hears the sound of the stairs, but no one comes down?

"Could it be that the master's flesh and blood must be used as the raw material for it to be able to clone?" Kaishen Jiang gasped when he thought of this possibility. And the heart, the rest of the body is just like the foreskin, which can be cut and chopped as much as you want, even better than Wolverine in X-Men Boyi - how did he learn it!How could he learn it!

Fortunately, he always thought that the reason why Emperor Bai Xin cut meat to feed gourds was because there was no ready-made source of meat to hold Buddha's feet temporarily, so he couldn't do it...

His self-pity and self-pity caused the gourd monster to give him a blank look like an idiot, and pouted at his belly.

"You mean, the master's body is not needed as the meat for cloning?" Chang Kaishen realized where he made a mistake—obviously, Bao Hulu meant that it had nothing to do with the raw material at all. Son, it's the old man's incapacity to clone the fallen rhinoceros!

His conjecture was approved, the gourd monster nodded exaggeratedly, and the bull-spleen-shaped body turned into a ray of fiery light and retracted into the gourd again, and there was no more movement.

Following the cue given by the gourd monster, Chang Kaishen turned his gaze to the yellow and bulging gourd belly.

There is nothing else on it, only an ancient bird seal with complicated and unpredictable strokes.

Unfortunately, he does not know this ancient text.

It's not that Chang Sang's cultural level is low, it's really because the history of civilization in Yanfu World is too long. Almost every region and every race has developed its own unique civilization.Take Xiaofozhou as an example, the characters of the human race include Zhongguli, Qilin Zhuan, 籀, Zhi, Lie, and Ri, the characters of the monster race include Yunmiao, Ruizuwen, Pozhong, Jinmagpie, and Tiger Claw, and the characters of the Shuifu race The inscriptions include Daoxie, Yanbo Zhuan, Xinfan, Feisi, Bancao, Xingya, Dragon and Guijia, and some less common sentient beings of the six realms, there are more than a hundred kinds of them all.He has only learned the square character "Xuanzhen" commonly used by the people of Dongsheng Shenzhou, so how can he understand the mysterious and complicated ancient bird seal script?

If Zhizhu is still there, Chang Sang can also search for the relevant translation of this ancient bird script, but his Zhizhu and Moyu Token are both badly managed by the master, and the Buddhist cultivators of Mojia Mountain have ruined them. .

"This ancient bird seal, could it be the word "bee"? "Kaishen sauce has seen it clone the demon bee with his own eyes, so he can only push forward according to this logic.

This conjecture immediately made him a little disappointed. It turned out that he hoped that this thing could clone all the monsters in the world.

"Let's wait until we meet the head of the release pool tomorrow, and ask for another wisdom pearl." Chang Kaishen couldn't think about it anymore, and put the booty on the table back into the "big belly can accommodate", sitting in lotus pose On the cold jade bed, follow the steps of the "Multi-Heart Sutra" to start sitting in meditation, so as to condense the sense of qi into real energy, so that you can become a "real" vimo of the first level of qi refining.

This step is said to be the easiest and most relaxing step on the road of cultivation.

I hope so……

In less than five fingers, Kaishenjiang's state of mind changed from impetuous and anxious to distracted, and his spiritual thoughts quickly fell into the clear state of "ignoring no thinking, no listening, no worries, no generals, no greetings, no insides, no outsides". state of emptiness.Then he concentrated all his will on the lower dantian, exhaled and inhaled through the [-] pores of his body, and used this to sense the world outside his body.

This is a rather long, boring and boring process, but he has practiced internal skills hard for ten years in the world of demons, and he is already familiar with similar situations.

"Oh yeah!"

About half an hour later, Chang Kaishen felt that the little branch under his crotch began to thicken and become bigger, straight up, firmly pinning the navel, and beating rhythmically.

According to the "Multi-Heart Sutra", this kind of erection is called "living time", and its appearance indicates that the innate vitality inside the human body has been mobilized.

The effect of "living time" was immediate, and Chang Sang immediately felt that the skin all over his body was like a dry field that had been thirsty for hundreds of millions of years, frantically absorbing and devouring the spiritual energy in the outside air.This is a very wonderful and moisturizing feeling, as if countless cool and sweet liquids are gushing in from the [-] pores.The small ones are like water droplets, and the big ones are as big as pigeon eggs, pouring drop by drop on the "Qi Sen" deep in the dantian.The whole person is sweet and warm from the inside to the outside, indescribably lazy, lingering and happy, wishing that time would stop here and solidify into eternity.

This is the illusion brought about by Reiki.

According to monk terminology, this stage is called "drug intake".

The joy brought by the spiritual energy entering the body is indescribable, so as long as a monk has entered the threshold, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to give up this profession-why do many house repairers retreat for decades?Because the feeling of "taking big medicine" is too smooth, they can't quit this addiction.

Ordinary people think that cultivating truth is a hard job, but in fact there is no such thing.The fact that monks can endure loneliness and cut off all emotions and desires is definitely not because they are truly humane, but because they can get unimaginable happiness during the process of cultivation, and they can't get off when they get on a pirate ship.

Compared with ordinary people, the obsession and desire of a cultivator will only be stronger, never less.

ps: As an official, I am writing Wan Niu, but the harem is magnificent and there is no prestige.Fortunately, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held, and the prosperous age has its own auspiciousness. The female chieftain of Shu won the harem group sent by Qin to pay tribute: 200985916.

Cloud: Cutting it once in a while, can it be beautiful?Ying Qin's Duanliang is good at virtue, and Roujia is Zhongjie.Gentleness and respect are based on talent, and elegance is in the boudoir.Specially set up as the concubine of Qin with the book treasure, enjoying the food of thousands of households in the Razor Mountain Goblin, and adding the title of Queen of the Danube Wasteland, Lord of the Ogre.Yizhao's daughter is taught in the Sixth Palace, and Yingzheng's mother is honored in Wan Guo~~~~~~~~

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