& [~]

He seemed to have seen with his own eyes that the "sense of air" in the depths of the dantian was as small as a needle point and dust, and under the nourishment of the spiritual energy, it slowly grew and expanded, and finally split into a Pisces shape.These two are like Jihe and Xiao Leirui, not green, not yellow, not black, not white, they chase endlessly in a spiral like a greedy snake, and naturally give birth to various miraculous images.

——He knows that these are the "millet" and "yellow buds" formed by the condensation of the two qi in the body, the real yang and the real yin, tempered by the aura.

If he is practicing "Hunyuan Yiqigong" now, starting from here, he only needs to condense "millet" and "yellow bud" into the life and supernatural power "humha two qi", and he will be done.

But what he is practicing now is the "Multi-Heart Sutra", which is not so easy!

Under the tempering of spiritual energy, the millet condensed from the real yang and the yellow buds condensed from the real yin gradually melted into a scorching true essence like mandarin duck milk tea in the process of spiral pursuit.

Chang Kaishen almost fainted.

In his previous generation, he used to go whoring, gambling, taking drugs, and he was once in a state of power.

In this world, his poems and songs are unmatched in the world, and there will be no one before or after.

In the world of demons, he rides the fastest horse, climbs the highest mountain, eats the hottest food, drinks the strongest wine, uses the sharpest sword, and kills the most ruthless people.Walking on the endless road to the end of the world, drinking endless wine in the cup, singing endless farewell songs, never letting go of the knife in hand, endless blood of heroes, and endless killing of enemies.

There are not many people like him who have experienced three different peaks in life, and he himself is almost completely satisfied with himself.

But compared to now, the best enjoyment I've ever tasted before, regardless of whether it's good or bad, it's nothing!

Worse than shit!No fart!

Zhuangyuan Lang exerted his will to survive, and finally managed to restore a little clarity to his mind, which was so refreshing.

He carefully drove the true essence qi upstream along the Du Meridian, passing through the "weilu point" between the end of the tailbone and the anus, the true essence qi was suddenly stuck as if it had encountered a tollbooth. [~]

According to the action outline in the "Multi-Heart Sutra", he returned the true essence to the dantian, shot upwards with all his strength, and pierced through the "Weilu Point" viciously.

There was a sound of farting like popcorn.

Chang Kaishen farted crazily, and farted in a row, just like being hit by the "Secret Sword Intent of Furious Bullfighting".

This is called "exposure the old and inhale the new". Every time he farts, he is actually emptying out a pile of dirty and heavy air in his body, replacing it with the aura that has just been absorbed into the body, and catalyzing his small body to the peak state that can be achieved in theory .

The qi of true essence continued to ascend, and encountered obstacles when reaching the two acupoints of "Jiaji" on the back and "Yuzhen" on the back of the head.

After reapplying the old tricks, it was still very easy to break through.

After the "Jiaji Point" was penetrated, the pores of Kaishen Jiang's body began to shrink and close together, and the skin became delicate and flawless, just like Qiong Yao's beautiful jade.

This is the so-called "golden body without leakage".

Ordinary people's body's pores are open and closed, so from the moment the mother's womb falls, the essence in the body has been flowing out unconsciously, and the external wind and evil can directly enter the body, so the life span is limited and the sky is not a holiday.After achieving the "golden body without leaks", it will be different. The essence can enter but not exit, and the wind and evil can't enter through the door. After living beyond the age of a hundred, there will be no diseases, and the end will be as straight as the palm of the hand, and the ten fingers will pinch the snail.

After the "Jade Pillow Point" was opened, Chang Sang's memory suddenly became "as deep as a camera".

What I have seen and heard in the past, what I remember or what I have forgotten, are all vivid in my memory, and there are countless treasures!

Who can remember everything that happened around him and what everyone said since he was born to this age?

Of course not!At least newborn babies will not have memory!

However, Chang Kaishen can!

He couldn't do it before, but he can do it now!

Whether it's the current life, the previous life, or the world of mortals fabricated by the heart demon, as long as it is something that he has personally experienced, he can now recall it all!

He can even recall every paragraph of the text that the teacher taught when his predecessor deserted in school!

He could even recall a love action movie in Tachibana that he had seen in his predecessors, in which there was a pirated oil painting of Van Gogh's sunflowers hanging on the wall beside the bed—oh, it's a hit!Dude has seen this movie, but when did you pay attention to the interior decoration in the movie?

As for the songs I have heard before, let alone!He obviously doesn't know anything about those birdsong, but now he can recite the lyrics of all the foreign songs he has ever heard verbatim—although he still doesn't understand what those lyrics mean, but he can record them perfectly like a tape recorder Read it again!

This is the so-called "mirror wide open". ( ·~ )

The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand. Ordinary people live in the world and are disturbed by the seven emotions and drawn by the six desires.The eyes often look outside, the ears often listen outside, the nose often smells outside, and the mouth often speaks, so it vents its qi; when wind and evil enter the body, it often damages its essence, and daily handling of affairs consumes its energy, so that the mind is covered with dust and clouds cover the vision. .Cultivators penetrate the "Jade Pillow Point" with the energy of true essence, which is like wiping the mirror and sweeping away the dust. Therefore, everyone who cultivates the truth has an unforgettable memory.To some extent, this is also a leap in IQ.

But as long as he thinks that all cultivators have such abilities, Chang Kaishen will inevitably feel a little discouraged.What is it, such a powerful "Human Flesh Google" is actually just a commodity!

Niang Xipi!

Break through the three major acupoints of "weilu", "jiaji" and "yuzhen", which together are called "three barriers of Qi Chong".

At this time, there is only one step left to success.

It is also the most critical finishing touch!

——Open up the "Baihui Point" on the top of the head to form a heaven and earth trestle bridge, so that the aura and medicine can form an endless cycle in the body and turn into "true essence"!

Once this step has been achieved, Chang Kaishen is the out-and-out Maha Infinity Palace Qi Refining LV1 Buddha cultivation!

But he tried dozens of times in succession, but he got nothing.

Suppressing his urgency, he spent another half an hour accumulating the aura of heaven and earth from the outside world to strengthen his own essence, but he still kept rushing and rushing again and again.

However, a series of failures are not all bad things. At least Chang Kaishen has tried a little experience: if you compare your true essence to an army, it is obviously too weak and weak, and the top of your head Baihui, however, is like Hulaoguan where Lu Bu sits and Troy where Achilles guards. They must raise a stronger and more determined army to win them all at once.

How to do?

There seems to be only one solution: continue to absorb spiritual energy to strengthen the true essence, and then... when the heat reaches the point where the pig's head rots, keep it until the clouds open to see the moon.

Chang Kaishen opened his eyes and interrupted his meditation.

The aura of Peach Blossom Island is still too thin.

Here, he has a feeling of "a lady's body and maid's life", as hungry and thirsty as an engine with insufficient fuel, an entrepreneur who cannot get a loan, or a lazy girl who sits in Taiwan.

It is not easy to move the tree to move the dead and move the living, and it is not easy to absorb the world's aura faster and more. It is just to find another treasure land with more abundant and richer aura.

Of course, he was the one who dared to think so.If you were a rookie of the other Fazi generation, you wouldn't be able to do anything crooked except for hard work and hard work.

Heaven and earth have aura, mixed with manifolds.The lower part is Heyue, and the upper part is the sun star.Yu Ren said Hao Ran, Pei Hu Sai Cang Ming.

Just like there are fertile fields and thin fields in the land under the sky, the distribution of spiritual energy in the world of Jambudvik also has differences in the amount and the difference between high and low.This is probably the saddest, most incomprehensible, and least human-will-dependent shortcoming in the cultivation world—Zhong Lingyuxiu’s Xanadu is not the mainstream after all, and remote and barren lands are the common situation.

Let me ask, which monk doesn't want to sit and talk about the Tao with a treasure land full of spiritual energy at hand?The problem is that this thing doesn’t fall from the sky—even if it does fall from the sky, you have to be able to keep it.

Take the Liancheng mountain range in the Maha Wuliang Palace as an example. It was also 5000 years ago when the patriarch put his head on his cassock and snatched it from the "Huajian School" with real knives and guns. , the six brothers who followed the ancient Buddha on the needle from Xiniu Hezhou to Xiaofozhou to enter the shop all died within a year!

Reiki is a rigid requirement of monks. It has nothing to do with life and death, but it is definitely higher than life and death!

Compared with practicing martial arts, comprehension is much simpler.How hard it is to practice martial arts, practice in the summer and practice in the winter, and you can be a master when you have to endure hardships.Cultivation is not only not bitter, but also has the ultimate joy that surpasses sex, and if you develop a little ability casually, it will be beyond the reach of warriors who have suffered for decades.But as the saying goes, "the road is as simple as possible", the simpler the matter, the less tricky it is to play, and there is no shortcut to take. It can only be a stick, a scratch, a slap, and a blood, obediently follow the steps.

What if the aura is not enough?Salad!A little spirit suffocates a hero to death, there is no ghost who died unjustly in any temple!

"Mother Xipi!" Chang Kaishen spat out the "Eight-door Golden Lock Cloud" while cursing, "What are you talking about in the cave of the elite monks? You are just fucking delaying my Buddha's time!"

Sigh... If everyone is like him who is so incompetent, can't poop, and blames that the gravity is not enough, will the other outer disciples of Maha Wuliang Palace still be able to survive?Wouldn't it be worse for those loose and wild cultivators outside who don't even have a mountain gate to find a piece of tofu and smash them to death?

Using Situ Haonan's fart gesture to invite Chen Haonan to the ring, Zhuangyuanlang proudly pointed to the jade bed under his feet-this guy is also used to pretending to be Boi, and he still needs to be a habitual actor when there is no audience around him.

The "Bamen Jinsuoyun" hanging above his head really obeyed the party's words and followed the party, and a cloud shaped like a hexagram fell down.

The hexagram cloud takes root on the ground, and grows when it sees the wind. In a short time, a stone moon arch with stirring aura and elegant shape is built.

Inside the stone gate is a screen of smooth golden light, on which a huge black mark flickers and flickers in the north position.

This is the "Shengmen" of the Eight Gates of Golden Suoyun!

Shengmen belongs to Gen Palace, Gen is the mountain, and the five belong to the northeast.Therefore, the "Shengmen" is made of rocks and opens towards the northeast.

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