Crazy lottery

Chapter 335 Battle of Xinkou


Hearing Shouichi Terauchi's words, all the officers of the Japanese Army suddenly stood up. It's not like they haven't heard of the bomber being shot down. During the invasion of China, there were bombers shot down in the Northeast, but Thinking about what Terauchi Shouichi said today, six bombers were shot down before they entered the enemy's battle zone, and according to Terauchi Shouichi's words, the fact that their six bombers were shot down was entirely due to the opponent's early preparations, which shows What?The other party must have anti-aircraft weapons, so they were puzzled. With the strength of the Chinese, how could there be such advanced things as anti-aircraft weapons?But no matter what they think, the reality is before their eyes. Even if they don't believe it, what else can destroy their bombers at such a long distance except anti-aircraft weapons?

"Division Commander, is the Air Force deliberately perfunctory us?" At the moment when all the Japanese officers were stunned, the Japanese army officer asked with some doubts. In his opinion, even their big Japanese Empire They don't have such advanced weapons, how could those Chinese troops have them? Besides, the news from the air force is that their bomber was shot down by the Chinese army when it was more than 300 meters high, and everyone present was Familiar with the firearms of various countries, among the firearms they know, none of them can shoot down bombers at an altitude of 400 meters. In the case of such a long distance, it is impossible to shoot down these six bombers with ordinary firearms, so.The news from the Air Force is indeed doubtful.

"Presumptuous!" Hearing this, Terauchi Shouyi glared at Nazuo angrily.Then he said slowly: "General Higashino, the commander of the air force, is my friend for many years, he can't possibly deceive me about this matter, so, as before, I hope I won't let me hear it a second time, understand? "

Generally speaking, Terauchi Shouyi seldom gets angry, but he doesn't get angry either.These Japanese army officers feel more and more frightened in their hearts. Therefore, although Terauchi Shouichi's words this time seem to be an order, if anyone dares to disobey his order, the end will be miserable. Don't think that this assistant is his nephew. Followed his instructions.Then the end will be the same as everyone else.

"Hi!" Hearing Shouichi's words in the temple, all the officers of the Japanese Army responded in unison.

Terauchi Shouyi nodded slightly, then glanced at all the officers of the Japanese army, and asked: "Now that we have lost the advantage of the air force, if we want to capture Jingxing County, we can only rely on ourselves. What can you do, say explain!"

Hearing this, all the officers of the Japanese army showed contemplative looks on their faces. It was the first time they felt the difficulty of these Chinese soldiers, judging by the gunshots from the other side.The number should not be many, certainly less than 1.However, the strength of their combat power has greatly exceeded the expectations of all Japanese army officers. If they want to flatten Jingxing County, the price they will pay will be unimaginable. Besides, they and Itagaki Seishiro had planned a long time ago Well, to reach Niangziguan within two days, and then completely take down Niangziguan without the Huaguo troops being prepared, and if they want to take Niangziguan, they have to go through Jingxing County, which is the way to The closest route to Niangziguan, if they take a detour, it will take at least four or five days to reach Niangzi. In this way, their original plan will be completely disrupted, so, no matter if, this They must take Jingxing County within two days, even if they pay a heavy price, they will also take Jingxing, and then quickly take Niangziguan, otherwise, Itagaki Seishiro's Fifth Division is very likely to face In danger of being annihilated by the Chinese army.

Therefore, in the end, Terauchi Shou made a decision to crush Kaohsiung's troops directly tomorrow morning. No matter how much he paid, he would take down Jingxing County within a day tomorrow.

Terauchi Shouichi had a whole day meeting in the combat conference room, and after formulating the combat deployment, he left in a hurry.



When Terauchi Shouyi hurriedly formulated the combat deployment, Kaohsiung's troops were ready to retreat at night. When it was three o'clock in the night, Kaohsiung sent people to Niangziguan and other important checkpoints to inform the Japanese defenders there. The order to retreat was issued.

After receiving the order to retreat from Kaohsiung, all the Sichuan troops left the position without a sound, and then rushed towards Yu County. Kaohsiung told Gao Shitian that his troops would only block the Japanese army for one day, but now the time is just right One day, I thought that Gao Shitian and the others should be prepared. As soon as Kaohsiung's troops arrived in Yuxian County, the reinforcements from the Japanese army would not be able to escape from their hands.

According to Gao Shitian's original plan, as long as Kaohsiung's troops stop the Japanese army in Jingxing County for a day, his troops can retreat to Yu County, join Gao Shitian and the others, and then ambush the reinforcements sent by Seishiro Itagaki.

All of Gao Shitianzhi did this because he deliberately let Shouichi's troops in the temple attack Niangziguan, and then made Seishiro Sakagaki send troops to reinforce. Niangziguan, the Japanese army should not be too stingy, so there should be a lot of reinforcements this time. As long as Gao Shitian and the others eat the reinforcements sent by Itagaki Seishiro, the Japanese army will definitely be in disarray at that time, and then Kaohsiung's troops will come directly from Yu County Detour to Niangziguan, and then cooperate with the army to defeat the Japanese army attacking Niangziguan in one fell swoop.

When Jingxing County and Niangziguan received the news that Kaohsiung was about to retreat, they panicked a little. The strength shown by Kaohsiung's troops before was far beyond their expectations. They thought that as long as they had Kaohsiung's troops to help them, that day It may not be that simple for the army to capture Niangziguan. I thought that Kaohsiung sent someone to tell him that his troops were about to retreat, and told them to strictly guard Niangziguan, saying that it was waiting for him to finish cleaning up the Japanese army. Come back after the reinforcements to help them.

When all the military officers stationed at Niangziguan heard the news, their faces showed sneers, but in their hearts they scolded Kaohsiung for being shameless, according to their guess.The reason why Kaohsiung retreated its troops must be because they were afraid of those Japanese troops.Everyone knows that when Kaohsiung chooses to retreat at this time, it is clear that they want them to use them as a shield to prevent the Japanese army from attacking Niangziguan. Things, everyone in the world knows.Therefore, it is reasonable for these military officers to think of Kaohsiung so much.

After Kaohsiung's troops left Jingxing County, they accelerated their march and marched towards Yu County.Along the way and did not encounter **.

In the early morning, Terauchi Shouyi had planned to take down Jingxing after paying a heavy price, but when the vanguard troops he dispatched arrived at the position after a round of shelling, they saw that the position where Kaohsiung was located was empty.

heard the news.Terauchi Shouyi was stunned for a moment, he immediately thought whether this was a conspiracy, but after much deliberation, he still couldn't figure out why Kaohsiung would retreat, according to Terauchi Shouichi's guess.At this time, Kaohsiung's troops should stick to Jingxing County, but now.Kaohsiung's troops retreated silently. What's going on?Terauchi Shouyi thought about it and couldn't figure out which song Kaohsiung sang?

According to Terauchi Shouichi's guess, Kaohsiung chose to retreat at this time. If there was no conspiracy, then he was afraid, or he guessed that today he would launch a general offensive to completely take down Jingxing, so he chose to retreat.

If it is Kaohsiung who is afraid, then integrate Shouichi's intentions. If there is any conspiracy, then Shouichi will follow, because in Shouyi's view, no matter what kind of conspiracy it is, it is futile in the face of absolute strength. of.

Therefore, Terauchi Shouyi ordered the vanguard troops to set off towards Jingxing County, and then let the large troops follow closely behind. Terauchi Shouyi thought that he would have to pay a price for passing through Jingxing County, but the fact was beyond his expectation. He didn't encounter any obstacles along the way in Jingxing County, and things went so smoothly, even a strategist like Shouyi in the temple was a bit unexpected.

And just when Si Nei Shouyi passed Jingxing County, and then thought about Niangziguan marching, Kaohsiung's troops also arrived at the location agreed by Yu County and Gao Shitian, and this time it was none other than Ma Teng who responded to Kaohsiung.

After taking Kaohsiung's troops to the uninhabited village, Kaohsiung and Gao Shitian met.

"Tian'er, you are right. The Japanese army attacked Jingxing County yesterday. Fortunately, I have notified the defenders of Niangziguan. They must be ready to defend now. The Japanese army wants to attack I'm afraid Niangziguan will not work, so I took the troops and left early this morning." Gao Xiong walked into Gao Shitian's temporary combat conference room, and then said to Gao Shitian with a serious face.

Hearing Kaohsiung's words, Gao Shitian nodded slightly. He had heard the gunfire from Jingxing yesterday. At that time, he guessed that Kaohsiung must have exchanged fire with Temple Shouyi. So, Gao Shitian didn't show much surprise when he heard what Kaohsiung said.

Moreover, Kaohsiung's troops left Jingxing today. Presumably, Shouichi's troops in Terauchi should pass through Jingxing County at this time. It will not be long before the troops of the Japanese Army will come to Niangziguan. It depends on whether this plan is successful or not. Will the defenders of Niangziguan be able to persist until Gao Shitian and the others get rid of Itagaki Seishiro's reinforcements? As long as Gao Shitian solves Itagaki Seishiro's reinforcements, the plan of the two divisions sent by the Japanese army to besiege Taiyuan will be ruined.

"Father, during the days when I came to Yuxian County, I have surveyed all the roads leading to Niangziguan from Yuxian County. There is only one shortcut route to Niangziguan, and that is the Hejiazhuang route. There are five-person villages around Jiazhuang, and the terrain is more complicated, as long as we lay an ambush in Hejiazhuang in advance, as long as the number of reinforcements is not too large, the reinforcements sent by Itagaki Seishiro will definitely come and go." Gao Shi Tian came to a dilapidated table, then spread out the map and said to Kaohsiung.

Glancing at the map, Kaohsiung nodded slightly, and said, "I know this place, Hejiazhuang. I have stayed there for a while, and it's really easy to ambush there. We just need to let our soldiers familiarize themselves with the terrain there. Then, as long as the reinforcements sent by the Japanese army this time are not beyond the limit we can bear, then we can eat them all with great confidence."

At that time, before he followed Liu Xiang, he was about [-] or [-] years old at that time, and he traveled all over Kaohsiung with his father.That is Gao Shitian's grandfather, all the way.They have been to Hejiazhuang in Shanxi. At that time, the people here were all big families, and the revolution had just started at that time. At that time, Hejiazhuang was famously rich. He came here only after his name, but Kaohsiung did not stay here for a long time.He only stayed for half a year before leaving, and then returned to Sichuan. Not long after he returned to Sichuan, the revolution was victorious, followed by wars between warlords, and finally Kaohsiung followed Liu Xiang on the expedition to the west.If Kaohsiung hadn't taken out the map, Kaohsiung really couldn't remember that he had been here before.

Gao Shitian and Ye Zhenguo were slightly taken aback when they heard Kaohsiung talk about their experiences. They had never heard that Kaohsiung had such a history, but since Kaohsiung knew Hejiazhuang, it would be easy to handle. Now Hejiazhuang has even There is no one leading the way.Now that Kaohsiung knows Hejiazhuang, they will avoid some detours in the future.

"Since you know Hejiazhuang, father, then things will be easy to handle. You must have been tired after walking with the troops all night. Let the soldiers rest for a day, and we will set off in the evening. Go to Hejiazhuang, and then Ambush there." Hearing this, Gao Shitian nodded slightly, and then said to Gao Xiong.

After Kaohsiung and Gao Shitian discussed for more than two hours, Ye Zhenguo and Kaohsiung left Gao Shitian's temporary war room, and then rested for an afternoon at the place arranged by Gao Shitian.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Kaohsiung ordered the troops to move out immediately. At the same time, Gao Shitian sent the Iron Wolf Special Forces to explore the way yesterday. Whether it was the assault battalion or the Iron Wolf Special Forces, they arrived at noon yesterday. Hejiazhuang, the reason why Gao Shitian sent the Iron Wolf Special Forces and the Assault Battalion to Hejiazhuang first was because they felt the terrain first. War and guerrilla warfare, as long as they get there, Gao Shitian will be relieved a lot.

Besides, once Kaohsiung's troops arrive there, they can be led by the Iron Wolf Special Forces and the Assault Battalion to familiarize themselves with the terrain as soon as possible, and then quickly enter the combat state, so that the efficiency can be multiplied with half the effort.



Just when Kaohsiung's troops arrived at Hejiazhuang, the Japanese army had already passed Jingxing, and Niangziguan was just around the corner.

To be honest, Shouichi Terauchi never imagined that he passed Jingxing so easily and arrived at Niangziguan. However, since Kaohsiung troops blocked them for a day, Niangziguan must have taken precautions now, and wanted to be as silent as before. Xi's sneak attack is no longer possible, so if you want to take Niangziguan within two days, you can only attack Niangziguan head-on in this situation.

However, there are quite a few defenders at Niangziguan. If Shouyi Siuichi wants to take down Niangziguan within two days, it may be a bit unrealistic not to pay a little price. Therefore, if Shouyi Siuichi attacks Niangziguan head-on, then his more than 4 Human divisions will suffer heavy losses.

But now this situation is already on the line for him, even if he doesn't want to attack Niangziguan, it is impossible, after all, Seishiro Itagaki's life is still in his hands, and Seishiro Itagaki has been surrounded by the Kuomintang and the Communist Army in Xin Well, if he chooses to retreat at this time, then Seishiro Itagaki's Fifth Division and the Chahar Infantry Regiment will be completely eaten by the KMT and the Communist Army. You must know Seishiro Itagaki's Fifth Division plus the Chahar Corps The number of people is about 5 to [-].

If taking Niangziguan can kill them, then Siuchi Shouyi chose to take down Niangziguan without hesitation, even if the price he paid was a little higher, then he would be willing.

After all, as long as they take Niangziguan, they can contain the Kuomintang and Communist armies. At that time, maybe it will be true as Itagaki Seishiro said at the beginning, he can lead troops to take Xinkou in one fell swoop. At that time, Xinkou If the two places of Koukou and Niangziguan are lost at the same time, then there is no safety in Taiyuan.

In any case, as long as they capture Niangziguan, it will be of great benefit to their Great Japanese Empire. Therefore, whether it is because of Itagaki Seishiro or for the Great Japanese Empire, his Temple Shouichi must take Niangziguan in one fell swoop this time. Otherwise, let alone Itagaki Seishiro's troops be eaten up, if they don't take Niangziguan this time, it will be even more difficult for them to attack again in the future.

Therefore, when Shouyi's troops in the temple arrived at Niangziguan, he ordered a strong attack without hesitation. Although Niangziguan has a natural moat, Shouyi in the temple is not a vegetarian. As soon as the reinforcements from Sakagaki's death arrive, Niangziguan can declare its fall.

(ps: First of all, thank you "gdk654" brother for the monthly pass, and secondly, thank you for being ready?? Brother's reward, ready?? It can be regarded as an old friend. I won’t talk about other nonsense. Today is five I am too lazy to leave a thousand-word chapter, so let’s do it first! This book is coming to an end, and it should end this month! Please recommend and subscribe in the last month!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (To be continued. Welcome to the starting point ( qidian.) Vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qidian.)

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