Crazy lottery

Chapter 336 The Battle of Hejiazhuang

() In the early morning of the second day, Shouyi's troops in the temple finally started at Niangziguan, but this time the battle of Niangziguan was not like in history. Got off Niangziguan.

Since Gao Shitian intervened in the battle of Niangziguan, the Japanese army could only do it openly if they wanted to take down Niangziguan. In desperation, Temple Shouyi had no choice but to attack Niangziguan head-on. Although he knew that this would cause heavy losses to his troops, but Temple Shouyi had no choice but to entangle the women in Niangziguan. Choose frontal attack.

However, on the first night of the battle between the army of Niangziguan and the Japanese army, Itagaki Seishiro sent a brigade to support him. If he sent an ordinary brigade, it would have no deterrent effect on Gao Shitian and the others. However, what Seishiro Itagaki sent this time was not an ordinary brigade, but a strengthened brigade. The reason why it was called a strengthened brigade was because the entire brigade was super ordinary in terms of numbers and weapons. This kind of reinforced brigade has one in each division of the Japanese army. This is the top combat power of the entire division. The reason why Seishiro Itagaki sent the entire reinforced brigade this time is that Because, as long as he can win Niangziguan, Xinkou will also become his possession. Therefore, as long as he can persist until he wins Niangziguan, then it is worthwhile for him to send this reinforced brigade.

And Gao Shitian and others who were in Hejiazhuang, after learning that Seishiro Itagaki sent a reinforced brigade.He was also slightly taken aback, Gao Shitian didn't expect Seishiro Itagaki to be so cruel to him.If the Fifth Division loses the only reinforced brigade, it will be like losing an arm. Seishiro Itagaki's Fifth Division is now besieged by the Kuomintang and the Communist Army. At this time, Seishiro Itagaki can still send the Fifth Division The only reinforced brigade, it can be seen how crazy Sakagaki is.

And the reinforced division sent by Itagaki Seishiro to attack the rear of Niangziguan slowly moved towards Hejiazhuang in the evening.But today, the night is dark and the wind is high, if the Japanese army holds torches and drives into Hejiazhuang, it will be a target for Gao Shitian and the others. There is no back and forth.

You must know that the terrain of Hejiazhuang is equivalent to a gourd with a hole in the tail. If the Japanese army enters Hejiazhuang and sends people to block the two entrances and exits, then the Japanese army can only be led by the nose by the Kaohsiung troops. beat.

Take the terrain of Hejiazhuang.As long as the Japanese army enters here and wants to go out, unless they have the ability to fly into the sky, or else it is wishful thinking.

From a distance, Gao Shitian vaguely saw a torch like a long dragon slowly moving towards them, and slowly marched into Hejiazhuang with the troops of the Japanese Army.Gao Shitian's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said to Li Chaoyang beside him, "Lao Li, immediately inform my father that the Japanese army has completely entered the Hejiazhuang area. They can act now."

Hearing Gao Shitian's words, Li Chaoyang nodded slightly.Then he rushed in the direction of Kaohsiung. With Li Chaoyang's feet, he arrived at Kaohsiung in a few minutes.

After Li Chaoyang conveyed Gao Shitian's meaning to Kaohsiung, all the Sichuan troops slowly covered the Japanese army like a net spread out...

When the vanguard troops of the Japanese army entered Hejiazhuang, Gao Shitian and the others did not move around, but let these vanguard troops grope for a while. After leaving, Gao Shitian slowly appeared with the talents of the Iron Wolf special forces and the assault battalion On the roofs of Hejiazhuang, Hejiazhuang was considered a relatively wealthy village in the past, and all the people who could live here were tall houses and big tiles. Therefore, Gao Shitian and the others hid on it, and the Japanese army did not find them.

Therefore, the vanguard of the Japanese army ran in the direction of the large army after searching Sichuan without seeing anyone, presumably preparing to call the large Japanese army behind to enter the village.

In about 10 minutes, the Japanese army's large troops slowly drove into Hejiazhuang. Even though Gao Shitian felt that the Japanese army's large troops were far behind, he could still hear the sounds of the Japanese army's trucks and tanks, and heard With these voices, the corners of Gao Shitian's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly. In such a village, the tanks and armored vehicles of the Japanese army are completely useless. This is why Gao Shitian chose to lay an ambush here. And armored vehicles are always a hidden danger. If they are in the plains, they will definitely suffer a big loss. However, if the battle site is chosen in this huge village, then the tanks and armored vehicles of the Japanese army are like elephants that have lost their legs. For Gao Shitian and the others, they have no deterrent effect at all.

Furthermore, the Japanese Army's 8000-8000 troops are nesting in this village, and Kaohsiung led people to block the exits on both sides. It is very possible to explain here. Regardless of the fact that the Japanese army has 1000 people, Gao Shitian only has more than [-] people here. Completely annihilated in Hejiazhuang.

Because Gao Shitian has figured out the terrain of Hejiazhuang a long time ago, and the seven or eight thousand Japanese troops have just entered here, but they don't know anything about the terrain here, so as long as Gao Shitian makes good use of this point, then eat These devils generally have no problems. Besides, the Japanese army is good at field battles, because in this way, their armored forces will give the greatest advantage. However, the situation is a bit different now. Here, the armored forces of the Japanese army can almost be said It's blind, and the Japanese army has no armored troops, so their equipment is scum compared to Gao Shitian's assault battalion and the Iron Wolf special forces.

Whether it is the assault battalion or the Iron Wolf special forces, none of them has a submachine gun that is more advanced than the most advanced in the world. In addition, Gao Shitian will equip everyone with more than a dozen grenades today. These grenades were moved from Kaohsiung, but if more than 1 grenades are used by the Japanese army, then.How many of them are still standing.

Of course, this was Gao Shitian's preliminary fantasy.If you want to make the most of these 1 grenades, you must have smart planning, but at this time, there is no time for Gao Shitian to do this, so Gao Shitian can only take one step at a time. Now the enemy is in the light, and they are in the dark.The advantage is almost on their side, as long as there is no moth in the moment, then the more than 7000 Japanese troops who entered here will be dead.

In this way, Gao Shitian led more than 1000 people quietly lurking on the roofs of Hejiazhuang, their eyes were fixed on the Japanese army slowly entering Hejiazhuang, before.Gao Shitian has already told them the plan, as long as these Japanese troops enter here, they will definitely rest here for a while before setting out to attack Niangziguan.

The reason why Gao Shitian is so sure that the Japanese army will rest here is because Gao Shitian judges based on the marching distance of the Japanese army. The Japanese army came from Xin County and had been walking for a whole day. Although they were eager to support Niangziguan, they were not gods after all.Rest is also needed, and Hejiazhuang is a very suitable resting place.Therefore, Gao Shitian estimated that the Japanese army would usually rest here for two or three hours before leaving.

Sure enough, as Gao Shitian expected, the troops of the Japanese army stopped after entering Hejiazhuang. It seemed that they really had to rest here for a while before heading towards Niangziguan.

..................... ..

..................... ..

After the Japanese troops entered Hejiazhuang, a military truck stopped in front of a relatively luxurious mansion, and then a man about 50 years old slowly got off the truck.

This young man is wearing a neat military uniform and has round eyes. The most important thing is that he is carrying a gold star on his shoulder. In Japan, a soldier who can carry a gold star on his shoulder , Those are all people with real power. Seeing this gold star, anyone who is not a country bumpkin will know that this is a major general of the Japanese army.

In the army of the Japanese army, an officer who strengthens the brigade must be at least at the level of a major general, and the division commander is a general. If there are some special division commanders, they are most likely to be generals. This kind of person In Japan, they are definitely at the level of big bosses, but in the whole of Japan, there are very few such characters, even division heads like Itagaki Seishiro and Terauchi Shouichi are just generals.

"Give me an order to rest here for two hours. At eleven o'clock, we will set off immediately to Niangziguan, and help the head of the division in the temple take down Niangziguan." After finishing speaking, the Japanese major general wearing glasses Then he took a large group of Japanese soldiers and walked towards the luxurious mansion.

Seeing this, the major general of the Japanese army is not a nonsense person here. After explaining to the officer of the name, he entered the mansion alone.

This scene just caught Gao Shitian's eyes, because Gao Shitian's hiding place was facing the opposite of the house, and the face of the major general of the Japanese army was imprinted in Gao Shitian's mind immediately.

Since the outbreak of the Japanese War, there have been no fewer Japanese commanders who have died in the hands of Gao Shitian, but so far, no Japanese generals have died in his hands. Therefore, this time Gao Shitian is going to prepare to kill up.

If there is a Japanese general-level figure who died at his hands, his reputation will definitely be the same for a while. You must know that every Japanese general-level figure is a key target protected by the Japanese army. So far, None of the general-level figures of the Japanese army died in Huaguo.

However, judging by today's situation, it is estimated that this is the rhythm of losing one's virginity.

Because Kaohsiung's troops have surrounded the entire Hejiazhuang, and Gao Shitian's assault battalion and the Iron Wolf special forces are like an invisible nail, firmly nailed to Hejiazhuang, and this nail does not move. That's it, once it takes action, the Japanese army in Hejiazhuang will bleed like a river. As long as there is chaos in Hejiazhuang, the Japanese army must want to break out, because they can't give full play to the advantages of their troops here , and Kaohsiung's troops are stationed at the entrance and exit of Hejiazhuang. As long as the Japanese army breaks through, they will definitely fall into the encirclement of Kaohsiung.

However, the Japanese army has just settled down now, and the words of the former major general of the Japanese army have fallen into Gao Shitian's ears verbatim. Now the Japanese army's vigilance is still quite high. It will alarm other Japanese troops.At that time, it might not be good for them.Therefore, when the Japanese army is resting, that is the time when their vigilance is the lowest. If they do it at that time, the Japanese army of 8000 people can have 4000 people when they leave, then thank God.

Because this time Gao Shitian is going to get rid of these Japanese troops silently. After all, the number of Japanese troops is seven or eight times that of them.Once the fire is exchanged, it must be Gao Shitian and his side who suffer. Therefore, Gao Shitian will never allow them to use guns if they can be solved with a knife, unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise once they do.Then they are very likely to be surrounded.

Of course, if they are discovered by the Japanese army, it is impossible for them to use their guns, so everything depends on the situation.

In this way, half an hour passed in a hurry, Gao Shitian and the others were still quietly lying on the roof.Because not long ago, the Japanese army sent hundreds of sentries to stand on the roof. If Gao Shitian and the others make any movement at this time, they are very likely to be discovered by them, so.Only when the people below are asleep and the Japanese soldiers on guard relax.This is the best chance for them to do it.

At the moment, another half hour passed, and the Japanese soldiers below were already physically and mentally exhausted after a day of running around, so when they finished eating and relaxed, they all fell asleep one by one, and they snored loudly It's scary, if there are one or two, it's fine, but this time there are about seven or eight thousand Japanese soldiers in this village, so it's not an exaggeration to say that the snoring is almost earth-shattering.

And it was because of these grunting sounds that Gao Shitian and the others had the opportunity to kill the sentries on the roof, because when they were walking on the roof, there would be a chirping sound under his feet, and the grunting sounds of the Japanese soldiers below just covered it up. these voices.

Because of this, Ma Teng and the others were not found when they approached these Japanese sentries.

When Gao Shitian ordered to get rid of the more than 100 Japanese sentries, all the Iron Wolf special forces were dispatched one after another, and it took only 5 minutes for these Japanese sentries to be wiped out, and they were killed silently. .

After Ma Teng and the others slaughtered these sentries, the Japanese soldiers resting below still slept like dead pigs. Maybe they were too tired after running for a day, so it was reasonable that such a small noise could not wake them up.

After eliminating these Japanese sentinels, Gao Shitian gave orders to all the Iron Wolves and the assault battalion. At this time, it is a good time to do it. He ordered everyone to do it now, as many as they can kill in an hour .

For a while, following Gao Shitian's order, everyone took action one after another. They divided into many teams, and then quietly sneaked into the Japanese army's resting place and wiped off the necks of these Japanese soldiers with a knife.

All of a sudden, the entire Hejiazhuang was filled with blood and corpses were scattered all over the field. This was a massacre. To Ma Teng and the others, this ambush was almost no different from killing a pig.

As long as they walked quietly to these Japanese soldiers, then directly held the mouths of these Japanese soldiers, and then wiped off their necks with a saber, and waited until they were not breathing.

This ambush was probably the cruelest in history. About ten minutes later, Gao Shitian killed more than 1000 soldiers of the Japanese army without losing a single person, and he killed them silently.

At this time, Gao Shitian was not idle either. He acted alone, quietly sneaked to the side of the Japanese army resting, and then silently killed these Japanese soldiers. It has to be said that this was the first time Gao Shitian killed people so happily. It can almost be said that he didn't need any thinking, and Gao Shitian killed several times more Japanese troops today than he had killed in the past. This time, there were eighty if not a hundred Japanese troops who died in his hands.

However, when Gao Shitian killed these Japanese soldiers, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything wrong. When he left, he saw the scarlet blood and a strong smell of blood on the ground. Only then did I come to my senses, and it turned out that the problem appeared here.

With such a strong bloody smell, as long as individual Japanese soldiers are awake, once they smell this bloody smell, they will definitely wake up, and by then, they will definitely be exposed.

Thinking of this, Gao Shitian's complexion suddenly changed slightly. If the Japanese army wakes up at this time, it will be a great disadvantage to them!

At that moment, his side suddenly jumped slightly, went up to the roof, and then rushed towards Ma Teng and the others.

After a while, he saw Ma Teng and the others. At that moment, Gao Shitian dragged Ma Teng and the others away without saying a word. After they left, Gao Shitian told Ma Teng about these hidden dangers. Hearing the hidden dangers Gao Shitian said, Ma Teng's expressions changed slightly.

"Head, shall we inform the other brothers to retreat immediately?" After hearing Gao Shitian's words, Ma Teng took a deep breath and asked heavily.

At this time, whether it was the soldiers of the assault battalion or the soldiers of the Iron Wolf Special Forces, they were all distributed in various locations in Hejiazhuang. In Ma Teng's view, if they were notified at this time, it might be too late.

(ps: It’s another [-]-word chapter, please recommend, please subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be continued. Welcome to the starting point (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qidian. to read.)

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