Crazy lottery

Chapter 339 The Battle of Hejiazhuang

On the quiet and spacious road, puffs of pungent gunpowder smoke slowly rose into the air. Kaohsiung smelled the pungent gunpowder smoke, and his face showed a look of enjoyment, as if in the smoke. There is nothing worth recalling for him, but having said that, less than 2 minutes ago, more than 1000 corpses of the Japanese army were confessed here, which made Kaohsiung feel an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

You must know that a few months ago, Lao Jiang’s leader was notoriously afraid of the Japanese army, and he was defeated repeatedly. Kaohsiung once heard a general of the leader say how fierce the Japanese army was, and he was defeated for them But now, Kaohsiung has proved with facts that the Japanese army is not as terrible as the Communist Party said, and it is not as invincible as they said. The Japanese army is also human, and they will eventually fail.

As for the September [-]th Incident, China’s hundreds of thousands of troops were driven out of the three northeastern provinces by a division of the Japanese army. This is a shame for the entire China. How could the temper of the soldiers who controlled the three northeastern provinces allow the Japanese army to occupy the entire country of China so easily.

Kaohsiung squinted his eyes and stared at the deep starry sky, feeling unspeakable melancholy in his heart. Whether he could wipe out all the Japanese troops today depends entirely on the second plan. Although he had eaten up more than 1000 Japanese troops without any effort before, However, the main force of the Japanese army is still there. If they fight head-on at this time, I believe that Kaohsiung will not get any benefits. Kaohsiung has only 2 people. If there is any accident in the middle, causing unnecessary losses, Then Kaohsiung would die of distress.These he has worked so hard to train for so many years.How can others understand the sweat and labor involved.And these are actually Gao Shitian's special method to train, each of them is an elite, Kaohsiung does not want to let them have any accidents in this place, in the previous battle with the Japanese army, the loss of Kaohsiung's troops so far is only more than 1000 People, and the Japanese army who fought against him suffered nearly [-] casualties, although Gao Shitian's contribution is indispensable among them, but.It can be seen from the several times of fighting against the Japanese army that every soldier in Kaohsiung's army is stronger than the soldiers of the Japanese army, and Kaohsiung's real trump card is not them, but the assault battalion and Iron Wolf special forces under Gao Shitian's hands , The strength of these people has been seen in Kaohsiung. In Kaohsiung's words, these people under Gao Shitian's hands are all perverts. On the battlefield, they can definitely fight against ten. It is most appropriate to call them tanks.

At that time, when these people in Kaohsiung fought bayonets with the Japanese army.It can almost be said to be a crushing game, in the case of equal numbers.The Japanese army held on for less than 10 minutes. Even Kaohsiung was stunned when he knew about this record, and he was quite satisfied with the decision to let Gao Shitian form an assault battalion.

And just when Kaohsiung's fantasies were flying, the correspondent beside him suddenly trotted over from a distance and whispered something in his ear.

Hearing what the correspondent said, Kaohsiung raised his brows slightly, and then he pursed his lips slightly, and then said to the correspondent: "You immediately notify Brigadier Ye and ask him to guard the exit for me. As long as our first Once the second plan is implemented, the Japanese army will be finished."

The correspondent sent a message to Kaohsiung, saying that Ye Zhenguo had already exchanged fire with the Japanese army. If the other troops did not take action, their side would be in danger. Maybe the Japanese army sensed a life-and-death crisis, so this time they were extremely desperate. , and Ye Zhenguo now has only 2000 people under his command. Even if he has a geographical advantage, he cannot compete with nearly [-] Japanese troops. Moreover, these Japanese troops are all elites of Itagaki Seishiro's Fifth Division, and it is impossible to use common sense. Guess, therefore, as a last resort, Ye Zhenguo could only ask Kaohsiung for help.

After receiving the news, although Kaohsiung wanted to rush over to support Ye Zhenguo immediately, he couldn't, because his second plan had already been implemented halfway. As long as the fire oil was ready, the Japanese army would be dead. So, no matter what, Kaohsiung has to fight. If Ye Zhenguo and the others withstand the pressure brought by the Japanese army and block the Japanese army within the originally stipulated range, then Kaohsiung will be [-]/[-] sure to defeat this Japanese army.

Therefore, this time, Kaohsiung gritted his teeth and decided not to support Ye Zhenguo, and wait until the second plan is fully implemented, and then join forces with Ye Zhenguo to completely annihilate this Japanese army.

When the messenger heard Kaohsiung's words, he hurriedly left Kaohsiung's side, and then spread the news as soon as possible.

After the communications soldiers left, Kaohsiung slowly breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the place where Ye Zhenguo was fighting fiercely with the Japanese army, and prayed slowly in his heart: "Zhen Guo, you have never let me down, I hope you will not let me down this time either." it disappointed me………"

This battle is of great importance, almost related to the entire battle of Taiyuan. Kaohsiung had to give up Ye Zhenguo. He knew very well that if the Japanese army was released from Hejiazhuang at this time, he would not only become a sinner forever, but also his conscience. Besides, their responsibility this time is to defend Taiyuan. If this Japanese army is allowed to lead to Niangziguan, it will be helping the Japanese army to capture Niangziguan. In this way, he will not only be accused by the Chinese people, but also This kind of thing happened, even Liu Xiang would never want to keep him. With Lao Jiang's temper, he had to push Kaohsiung to the end, and then control Kaohsiung's troops. Regarding the strength of Kaohsiung's troops, Lao Jiang has long been a thunderbolt Well, it's not a day or two since he coveted this army, but he also knew that as long as Kaohsiung was around, he would never want to reach out to this army.

However, if the Japanese army is allowed to lead to Niangziguan today, even if it is unintentional, Lao Jiang will find an excuse to fuck Kaohsiung, and then replace his people. At that time, even if Liu Xiang regards Kaohsiung as a brother, There is nothing that can be done.

While Kaohsiung kept praying, the [-] soldiers who blocked the entrance of Hejiazhuang in Kaohsiung also slowly entered Hejiazhuang, and then built fortifications behind the Japanese army's buttocks. Once the Japanese army suffered a big loss in the front, Then they will definitely choose to retreat the same way. At that time, it is time for him to do something.

Even though they said so, they still underestimated the madness of these Japanese soldiers.All they wanted was to get out.No matter how big an obstacle lies ahead.That can't stop their footsteps, so the five thousand stationed here are completely redundant. Of course, this does not mean that there is no use in the slightest. It is because of the five thousand that the Japanese major general will not hesitate to rush forward. Xiang Niangziguan, the reason for this.That's because the major general of the Japanese army knows very well that if he retreats at this time, there must be more conspiracy methods waiting for him. At this time, they can only rush forward and rush out of the enemy's encirclement. There is a silver lining.

And it was because of the reckless blind attack of the major general of the Japanese army that it happened to destroy all the arrangements in Kaohsiung, and it also caused the Japanese army to escape and increased their determination, which also gave the Japanese army a chance of survival.

Kaohsiung never dreamed that it was because of his own caution that he gave the enemy such a good opportunity.If you let him know, then he will definitely regret it.

And while these 5000 people continued to build fortifications behind the Japanese army's buttocks.Right in front, Ye Zhenguo led 2000 people to fight fiercely with the Japanese army. The battle was quite fierce. So far, nearly half of the 2000 people under Ye Zhenguo’s hands have been killed or injured. Although the Japanese army also suffered heavier losses, Ye Zhenguo saw When he kept lying down under his hands, his heart was bleeding!These people have not only followed him for many years, but all of them are good seedlings. It would be a pity if they were exhausted here.

However, when Ye Zhenguo was in a heavy mood, the communications soldier beside him hurriedly ran to his side and said something loudly in his ear. Although his ears were filled with the sound of artillery explosions, the communications soldier It's pretty awesome, and passed Kaohsiung's order to Ye Zhenguo's ears verbatim...

"I understand. You should immediately reply to the teacher's seat to reassure him. Just say that Ye Zhenguo is willing to issue a military order. If the Japanese army takes a step out of Hejiazhuang within the specified time, I am willing to take my own head to make atonement!" Ye Zhenguo is not a fool, he is very clear about the importance of their blocking the Japanese army this time, if the Japanese army survives in front of him, even his death will not be able to make up for this failure.

Therefore, he can only express his determination with one death. If he fails this time, most of Ye Zhenguo has already died in battle. Confrontation, for this action, Ye Zhenguo is willing to sacrifice his life.

And he also understands Kaohsiung's approach very well. If Kaohsiung comes to support them now, then the chances of the Japanese army escaping will be greater, and the reason why he asked Kaohsiung for help at the beginning was no way out. After all, his The soldiers fell one by one, and he couldn't bear it, but now it concerns the whole Taiyuan, let alone Ye Zhenguo and his 2000 men, even Kaohsiung and his 1 men here, as long as Taiyuan can be kept , Keep Shanxi, and drag the Japanese army into the quagmire of the War of Resistance. If they are all dead, there is nothing to be afraid of.

If this is the case, presumably in the future history, he must have made a strong contribution to the Sichuan Army's War of Resistance. This is the glory of their soldiers and their destination, so he died in this battle well, and he died with peace of mind. The country did its part, but he did not hide his identity as a Chinese.

Watching the communications soldier leave, Ye Zhenguo looked at the dim moon, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes. Although he is a soldier, dying on the battlefield is a very good destination, but he is a man with a family after all. He is a human being, and he has a pair of filial sons and daughters, so he will inevitably miss his family a little before he dies.

However, he quickly put these thoughts behind him, with a look of determination in his eyes.

At this moment, more than 1000 figures climbed the mountains and ridges at an extremely fast speed, bypassing the Japanese army, and headed towards Ye Zhenguo. These people were none other than Gao Shitian who led the assault battalion and the Iron Wolf special forces to support Ye Zhenguo .

When the gunfire from Ye Zhenguo's side, Gao Shitian knew that the Japanese army had become determined after eating the weight, and rushed to Niangziguan in one breath. Therefore, Gao Shitian originally wanted to cut off the Japanese army's retreat and let them advance No, but as soon as he saw this situation, he immediately sent someone to notify the Sichuan army stationed behind, asking them to follow the Japanese army's buttocks to block the Japanese army's rear, and then they went to rescue people.

According to Gao Shitian's understanding of Kaohsiung, he is very likely to give up Ye Zhenguo this time, so whether it is to stop the Japanese army or to kill Ye Zhenguo, he must arrive before the Japanese army fails to break through.

However, there are Japanese troops on the road, so.They can only climb over the mountains behind.Then go around behind Ye Zhenguo and the others.Only in this way can they stop the Japanese army from breaking out in time.

Gao Shitian came all the way, and it took about half an hour. During this half hour, Ye Zhenguo led more than 1000 people to withstand the pressure brought by the Japanese army, and blocked the Japanese army at the exit of Hejiazhuang. Because of Ye Zhenguo's tenacity, Gao Shitian was given enough time to come to support, not so much that Gao Shitian saved them this time.It might as well be that they saved themselves.

At the exit of Hejiazhuang, there were bullets and gunfire flying everywhere, and the smell of gunpowder smoke was everywhere. At this moment, Gao Shitian, the assault battalion and the Iron Wolf special forces appeared on the right side of their exchange of fire. It's only about 200 meters away, but it's only a hundred meters away from the Japanese army.

Since Gao Shitian and the others climbed the mountain, the Japanese army opposite them did not notice their existence.Moreover, Ye Zhenguo and the others also attracted the firepower of the Japanese army, which created a good opportunity for Gao Shitian.



On a small hillside.Zhuang Bosheng looked at Ye Zhenguo and the others in the fierce battle, he couldn't help licking his lips slightly, and then bloodlust appeared in his eyes.

"Head, should we do it now?" Zhuang Bosheng turned his head, looked at the thoughtful Gao Shitian, and asked calmly.

He was a militant in the first place, how could he be able to hold back seeing this kind of scene, the moment he saw the fierce battle between the two sides, his heart started to stir.

"Wait a minute, the Japanese army is not yet ready to break out. We will do it when they choose to break out. At that time, we will catch them by surprise." Gao Shitian narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said lightly, if at this time If they do it, they will force the Japanese army to break through the encirclement very early, which is not good for Kaohsiung's plan, and Ye Zhenguo and the others originally wanted to delay the Japanese army's breakout time and create opportunities for Kaohsiung and the others. It is possible to completely annihilate this Japanese army, which will only increase the Japanese army's determination to break through. How could Gao Shitian do such a thankless thing?Therefore, when Gao Shitian saw Zhuang Bosheng's eager face, he immediately stopped him.

Hearing Gao Shitian's words, Zhuang Bosheng didn't dare to refute, so he could only look depressedly at Ye Zhenguo and the others who were fighting with the Japanese army, and then his face showed envy.

In this way, the time passed by one minute and one second, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye. Ye Zhenguo's troops were exhausted, and the losses were quite heavy, but the Japanese army was also suffering. It was even more serious, but in order to break through, they rushed towards Ye Zhenguo's position, but Ye Zhenguo was not a vegetarian, and he would not let the enemy take a step beyond Hejiazhuang without seeing Kaohsiung and the others. In this way, the war became a stalemate. In the end, the Japanese army had no choice but to rely on the superiority of their numbers to try to forcibly take Ye Zhenguo's position.

"Head, can we do it now? If we don't do it, Lu Zuo and the others will be in danger." Zhuang Bosheng couldn't help but change his expression slightly when he saw Ye Zhenguo and the others who were in danger, and then he hurriedly said to Gao Shitian.

Hearing this, Gao Shitian pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Seeing Gao Shitian nodding, Zhuang Bosheng couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face, and then he was about to point his gun at the Japanese army in front, but Gao Shitian quickly stopped his action.

"Closer 50 meters forward and then make a move." Gao Shitian stared closely at a mountainside 50 meters away, where he couldn't help but be very close to the Japanese army. If he made a move, once the Japanese army wanted to escape, then they would He will directly choose to charge. Although this will cause casualties to the assault battalion and the Iron Wolf Special Forces, Gao Shitian has no choice. If this group of Japanese troops stay here, their losses will be even greater in the future. He paid a high price, so he also accepted it.

"This, is it too close?" Hearing Gao Shitian's words, Zhuang Bosheng's expression changed slightly. You must know that the Japanese army still has tanks and cannons. If the distance is too close, as long as the Japanese army's guns are aimed at them, they These 1000 people are about to die.

Ma Teng, who was beside Zhuang Bosheng, couldn't help showing a contemplative look on his face when he heard Gao Shitian's words, and then he patted Zhuang Bosheng on the shoulder and said, "Old Zhuang, since the head must have his reason for doing so, so, Let's do it as soon as possible! Otherwise Luzao and the others are really in danger."

Zhuang Bosheng was confused, but Ma Teng was not. He could probably guess the reason why Gao Shitian did this, so he pulled Zhuang Bosheng without hesitation, and then led everyone closer to 50 rice.

Looking at the Japanese soldiers right in front of them, Ma Teng and the others narrowed their eyes slightly, and then slowly aimed their guns at these Japanese soldiers...

(ps: Thank you for the rewards that are ready??, please recommend, please subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (To be continued. .)

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