Crazy lottery

Chapter 340 The Battle of Niangziguan

So far, all the attention of the Japanese army has been on Ye Zhenguo and the others. They did not know that Gao Shitian was beside them, and the distance was so close that the distance between them and Gao Shitian was only about five or sixty meters. within the distance.If Gao Shitian and the others choose to shoot now, all the Japanese troops will be dealt a fatal blow, and the firepower on Gao Shitian’s side is not a joke. There are more than 60 submachine guns. If they shoot together now, how long the Japanese army can hold it is really true. It's hard to say, but what Gao Shitian was afraid of was not that the Japanese army would fight them, but that they would choose to escape, so Gao Shitian was really not sure that he could catch these little devils.

Besides, in this situation, when the Japanese army wanted to escape, Gao Shitian didn't dare to pursue them at all, because Gao Shitian's assault battalion and Iron Wolf special forces were not suitable for fighting on the plains, they could only fight blocking or jungle warfare, which is what they were good at. Moreover, the Japanese army is a professional plain combat force. As long as they reach the plains, the Japanese armored vehicles and tanks can play a role. At that time, if Gao Shitian wants to chase them, it will be courting death.

Therefore, after Gao Shitian arrived at the battle site on the side of the Japanese army, his eyes narrowed slightly. After about two or three minutes, Gao Shitian yelled loudly: "Do it!"

Hearing this, everyone's spirits were shaken slightly, and immediately heard the sound of a submachine gun being loaded into Gao Shitian's ears.

beep beep beep beep beep...

The moment after Gao Shitian's voice fell, a burst of dense gunshots rang out suddenly, and the scalp-numbing muzzle fire instantly reflected in the pupils of all the Japanese soldiers

Bullets slanted down from the hillside like a rain of fire, and shot fiercely into the Japanese positions.

The Japanese army was blinded by the sudden bullet.Maybe it's because Gao Shitian and the others have submachine guns in their firepower is relatively fierce. You must know that the rate of fire of these submachine guns is faster than that of machine guns. Therefore, under the suppression of the firepower of more than 1000 submachine guns, the Japanese army finally gave up the onslaught on Ye Zhenguo and the others, and the firepower instantly aimed at Gao Shitian's direction.

And Gao Shitian and the others are not vegetarians. When the Japanese army's guns and muzzles were aimed at them, they continued to suppress them with firepower, almost overwhelming the Japanese army.They can only hide behind armored vehicles and tanks and dare not show their heads at all.

Perhaps it was because Gao Shitian's firepower was too fierce, so the Japanese army did not fight back at all, and slowly moved the tanks forward, ignoring Gao Shitian's attack at all.

When Gao Shitian, who was not far from the Japanese army, saw this scene, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy. The thing he didn't want to see finally happened. The Japanese army didn't accept them at all, so he didn't If he is willing to make a move, if he is not afraid of Ye Zhenguo and his troops fighting for everything here.Gao Shitian would never choose to do it at this time.

Things are out of their control now, if the Japanese army insists on escaping.Gao Shitian was not fully sure to keep him, so he could only watch helplessly as the Japanese army rushed out towards the exit of Hejiazhuang.

However, when Gao Shitian was very distressed, a dazzling red light suddenly rose in the sky. Gao Shitian couldn't help showing joy when he saw this red light. As long as they see this red light, it proves that Kaohsiung is ready and it is time for them to retreat.

"Withdraw!" Gao Shitian took a deep breath, shouted at everyone, and then pulled the excited Zhuang Bosheng up with one hand. The reason why he arrested Zhuang Bosheng was because he was afraid of Zhuang Bosheng's combativeness. As soon as his temper came up, he refused to retreat, which ruined Kaohsiung's original plan, so Gao Shitian had no choice but to pull this guy away.

And at the same time when Gao Shitian and the others retreated, Ye Zhenguo and the others on the opposite side of the Japanese army saw this red light. He couldn't help showing a look of extreme surprise on his face, and then he ordered the troops to retreat. The task of exiting Hejiazhuang has been completed. Whether or not this Japanese army can be completely wiped out this time depends entirely on Kaohsiung. As for the next thing, it has nothing to do with him. The 2000 people under him and the Japanese army The battle was nearly two hours long, and the losses had already been heavy, and even those who hadn't died were exhausted. It was impossible for them to join the battle again now, so Ye Zhenguo took the remaining Sichuan army around the back road, and then returned to Hejiazhuang and Hejiazhuang. The Sichuan army behind joins up.

When those Japanese soldiers saw all the Sichuan troops retreating one after another, they couldn't help showing a touch of surprise on their faces, and they couldn't help secretly praising the brilliance of the major general of the Japanese army. If it wasn't for his top officer, they might have been surrounded by now.

Although the Japanese army was very happy to see this situation, the opinion of the major general of the Japanese army was exactly the opposite of his. Gao Shitian and the others retreated for no reason, then there must be a bigger conspiracy waiting for them, but this is the end of the matter. They have no way out, so they can only move forward at this time, no matter how big the conspiracy is, as long as they leave the Hejiazhuang exit, it will be the plain, and by then, their troops will be able to With [-]% combat power, even if there is any conspiracy, they can't stop their artillery fire.

The major general of the Japanese army had such thoughts in mind, so he ordered the troops to march towards Niangziguan immediately.

If Gao Shitian only knew that the major general of the Japanese army had such thoughts, then he would not know whether he should laugh or ridicule the major general of the Japanese army for his cleverness. Those who are familiar with the Three Kingdoms exercise would definitely not have such a heart, because this area is the most suitable for fire attack. Back then, during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang defeated Cao Cao countless times by using fire attacks, and the Japanese major general had the same attitude as Cao Cao back then, so his troops suffered heavy losses here.

In this way, the large Japanese army slowly drove past the exit of Hejiazhuang, and on the high mountain of Hejiazhuang, which was about several hundred meters away, Kaohsiung's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, looking at the Japanese army like a long dragon, his face There was a cruel smile on his face, as if he had seen countless Japanese soldiers burnt to pieces by the fire, not even the scum was left.

"Are you all ready?" Gao Xiong turned slightly, looked at the communication soldier beside him, and asked lightly.This sentence is already the fifth time Kaohsiung asked the communications soldier.This is not too much nonsense in Kaohsiung.And because this matter is of great importance, Kaohsiung cannot be careless, and he is also out of safety, which also shows that Kaohsiung is nervous.

Hearing this, the communication soldier nodded slightly, and then said respectfully: "Two thousand cans of kerosene are ready, as long as the Japanese troops have passed here, then this place will be their burial place. "

The 2000 cans of kerosene were specially prepared by Kaohsiung for the Japanese army, and the kerosene was filled with oil barrels specially used by the Japanese army. As long as the Japanese army passed here, more than 3000 Sichuan soldiers would push these oil barrels down the hillside. , and then shot and ignited these oil barrels completely, so that even if the Japanese soldiers were not killed, they could be burned to death, and more than [-] Sichuan soldiers in ambushes on the mountain waited quietly until these fires were extinguished , then they will do it immediately.Completely annihilate the remaining Japanese troops.

However, dreams are always beautiful.The reality is unknown. If this matter goes well, there is still a good chance of success. However, the Japanese army is not a fool. It depends on God's will.

As the saying goes, [-]% of manpower and [-]% of God's will. Kaohsiung and the others have tried their best. Whether they can keep this group of Japanese troops here depends on God's will. If God does not let them annihilate this Japanese army, then Kaohsiung and the others have no choice. , after all, manpower is limited, as long as you do your best, you will be worthy of your heart.

"Notice, wait until the Japanese army crosses half of us, and immediately attack. This time we must eat up this Japanese army." Kaohsiung narrowed his eyes slightly, his fists were tightly clenched, and there was a look of determination in his eyes color.

Judging from the march of the Japanese army, the remaining troops of the Japanese army should not exceed 4000 people. When they confronted Ye Zhenguo before, they must have suffered a considerable loss, and later they were ambushed by Gao Shitian. Under the firepower of the Japanese army, the Japanese army lost a considerable number of people. If they hadn't reacted in time, maybe their Japanese army had really fallen into the hands of Gao Shitian and the others. However, the Japanese major general is also a battle-tested person. When he appeared, he felt a sense of crisis, so he ordered the troops to retreat without hesitation, perhaps because of the Japanese major general's keen sense of smell, he escaped unharmed.

However, although they escaped from Gao Shitian's gunpoint, they will fall into Kaohsiung's gunfire next time. This time, as long as they are trapped by the fire in Kaohsiung, then, let alone the current strength of the Japanese army, even if there are more It didn't have the slightest effect, so the major general of the Japanese army may be doomed this time, but then again, the battle is changing rapidly, and no one can say that the Japanese army will fall here, so this has to be done. Look at God's will, if God wants these little devils to die in the third watch, then they won't survive the fifth watch.

"Master, don't worry, Commander Lu and the others have already prepared. They told me, let you see. This time, I will definitely send all these little devils to the west." Said slowly.

Hearing this, Kaohsiung nodded slightly. Lu is his confidant, and Kaohsiung knows his ability clearly. This person is not only stable in his work, but also has an unusually flexible mind. He is a good piece of jade. To become his right-hand man, the reason why he entrusted this task to him this time is because Kaohsiung believes in him. Although Lu Zheng is in his 30s, he is still quite reliable in doing things. This is why Kaohsiung handed over such an important link to him. Give him reasons.

In this way, the Japanese troops slowly drove past Kaohsiung's feet, but Kaohsiung did not make any judgments about it, because he had already told Lu Zheng before, and everything else was left in his hands. What to do next depends on Lu Zheng.

Facts have proved that Lu Zheng did not disappoint Kaohsiung. When the Japanese troops passed halfway around them, the mountain suddenly fell like meteorites, and huge oil barrels rolled down towards the Japanese troops one after another.

When the Japanese army at the foot of the mountain saw this scene, their faces suddenly changed drastically. The major general of the Japanese army sitting in the military truck saw this scene, and his face suddenly turned pale. He already knew what Kaohsiung was up to. .

Amidst the sound of these oil drums rolling down, he pondered for a while, and then quickly judged that Kaohsiung and the others were going to attack them with fire. In history, fire attack can be said to be an art.Without breaking a sweat.Destroy the enemy's army at the bottom of the mountain.

"Baga. Come on, order the troops to rush forward at the fastest speed." The Japanese major general swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then yelled at the adjutant beside him. Although he also knew that it was too late, he still With a hint of fantasy, he hoped that his troops would be able to rip the barrels out of here before they tumbled.In this way, they completely escaped the encirclement of Kaohsiung.

Hearing the words, the Japanese lieutenant commander's face changed drastically, and he also felt a little uneasy in his heart. He had followed the Japanese major general for some years, and when he saw the Japanese major general so panicked, he also understood from the bottom of his heart that these falling oil drums had already died. A fatal crisis was formed for them.

At the moment, the Japanese lieutenant commander quickly conveyed the order of the Japanese major general, but.As it turned out, it was too late.The tumble of the oil barrel was only a momentary event, and it was impossible for them to escape in such a short period of time. Therefore, the illusion of the Japanese major general was about to be shattered after all.

Therefore, when the oil barrels rolled to the ground, those oil barrels seemed to have been hit by something, and the kerosene inside poured out one after another, and then formed a long-distance water wave, spreading towards all the Japanese troops.

Immediately afterwards, a gunshot rang out from the mountain. The gunshot sounded like a death talisman, and it lingered in the ears of the Japanese major general for a long time. The moment the gunshot sounded, the pupils of the Japanese major general shrank violently. When he got up, as the fire oil continued to flow towards the ground, in an instant, a river formed by a huge fire wave appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, there were screams of screams in the Japanese army camp. Hearing these screams, the Japanese major general showed extreme pain in his eyes, and he knew that this army was defeated.

"Don't worry about the back, speed up and rush to me." At this moment, the Japanese major general could no longer control the Japanese soldiers behind him, and the only thing he could do now was to run for his life as fast as possible.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

And when rushing to escape at the fastest speed, gunshots rang out suddenly on the mountain, densely packed bullets passed through the void, and shot fiercely at the bodies of the fleeing Japanese soldiers, but all the Japanese soldiers were against each other. Regardless of these bullets, they just fled forward at all costs.

Seeing their comrades fall one by one by their side, all the Japanese soldiers were terrified. They had never encountered such a war before. It looked like the Fifth Division strengthened the brigade, but now they can only be regarded as a group of bereaved dogs in this embarrassment.

Thinking of this, all the Japanese soldiers felt quite bitter. How could they have thought that they would be today, like back then, when they were in the Northeast, they were simply an invincible army. All Chinese troops would run away like bereaved dogs when they saw them. Even sometimes their Chinese army is playing like a monkey, and they don't pay attention to these people at all, but now, they have been beaten and fled by others. The sharp contrast today makes all of them have a little reaction Come.

However, the matter has come to this point, and they have nothing to do. Even if their supreme commander escapes, even if they stay, it will be useless. On the contrary, it will only increase unnecessary casualties.

Therefore, at the foot of the mountain, about 1000 Japanese soldiers died under the kerosene. In the end, not even a single body fell, and the remaining 2000 Japanese soldiers were rushing forward regardless of their shooting at Kaohsiung. Although this would cause them huge losses, nearly [-] of them died under the fire oil, so what if more died?

And because the Japanese army had such a heart, they finally escaped from the heavy defense line set up by Kaohsiung. However, when they escaped, there were less than 1000 people left out of more than 500 people. It can be said that the entire Japanese army was wiped out.

However, Kaohsiung is not satisfied with this battle, because his purpose this time is to wipe out the Japanese army, and now nearly 500 Japanese soldiers have escaped their encirclement.

Immediately, Kaohsiung issued an order to let all the soldiers of the Sichuan army behind Hejiazhuang rush over, and then chase the Japanese army. They must be completely wiped out before they enter Niangziguan, or else, wait until they enter Niangziguan. Then there will be endless troubles.

Although these things can't cause any waves, but Kaohsiung is afraid that the police will see a Japanese army rushing towards them, thinking that the Japanese army has surrounded them, so that they give up on Niangziguan......

(ps: Today is Friday, our school has a party, so I didn’t arrive at the dormitory until ten o’clock. Fortunately, today is Friday and the Internet was not disconnected. Otherwise, I really wouldn’t be able to write [-] words today, but I was in a hurry and finally got out I paid [-], as a student, it is not easy to keep updating every day, so I ask for recommendation tickets and subscriptions here, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (To be continued...)

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