"The three emperors of the human race account for [-]% of the luck of the entire human race, and the rest of the luck of the human race is [-]% for fellow daoists, [-]% for Nuwa, [-]% for Kongtong Yin, and [-]% for five emperors. Fellow daoists will not let Sanqing interfere in teaching the three emperors. "Among the six saints, only Nuwa has the luck of the human race, so how can the rest of the saints educate the prehistoric people? If you don't give up the teacher of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, don't you monopolize the luck of the human race?" Hongjun asked rhetorically.

"Hahahaha!" Yun Yang laughed loudly, and then snorted coldly, "The three emperors of the human race are the future holy emperors, who have accumulated immeasurable merits and virtues. Besides me, Nuwa, and you Hongjun, who else in the world is qualified?" Take them as disciples?" Speaking of this, Yun Yang's eyes flashed coldly.

"Three Qings together may also have this qualification, but how did they do it? They only sent one disciple. A small Da Luo Jinxian came, and Da Luo Jinxian wanted to accept the future Holy Emperor as his disciple. Hongjun, In your eyes, the holy emperor of my human race still needs to worship a Daluo Jinxian as his teacher?" Yun Yang's eyes began to glow with a little golden light, and the vast aura began to rise continuously, and two golden rays of light moved towards Hong coldly. Jun swept away.

"This,,,," Hongjun was immediately blocked. Compared with the human race, the holy emperor of the human race is like a saint under the Dao of Heaven.However, the human race only accounts for [-]% of the prehistoric luck, so the human race is much worse than the heavenly way, and the holy emperor is a little worse than the saint in comparison.But even if it is a little bit close, it is definitely far beyond the quasi-sage Dzogchen, infinitely approaching the saint, how can it be comparable to the Da Luo Jinxian.

Soon Hongjun cupped his hands and said, "This is indeed Sanqing's fault. I would like to apologize to fellow daoist here. But fellow daoist, the human race's luck is so great that fellow daoist can't take it all! Fellow daoist eats meat, we wait for it." I also want to drink some soup!" Hong Jun looked at Yun Yang and said.

Although Hongjun has broken through the realm of the Dao of Heaven, he did not cut off the constraints of the Dao of Heaven like Yun Yang, but took another road to the Dao. Therefore, while practicing hard, he can also use the luck in the prehistoric to help himself Make a breakthrough.Because it is connected with the Dao of Heaven, if coupled with the help of the prehistoric luck, Hongjun's cultivation base will definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds.

This is also the reason why Hongjun came forward. After all, Hongjun's luck is different from other things. It can help him quickly understand the way of heaven, and it has no side effects. Even Hongjun, as the ancestor of Taoism, can't help but intervene .

Yun Yang looked at Hongjun, and snorted coldly, "I have no objection to drinking soup, but drinking soup depends on my own ability. I have no objection to making contributions to the human race, but I want to take a shortcut. If you accept the emperor as a disciple to increase the influence of funds on the human race, then you have miscalculated."

"After the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Xuanmen will prosper. At that time, you will educate the human race and promote the development of the human race. I have no objection to drinking as much soup as you want. However, before the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, stay honestly with me. During the period of the great prosperity of the human race , I don’t want to see anyone planning to attack the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, including you Hongjun. If anyone dares to attack secretly,,,,,, let him disappear from this world completely!”

Yun Yang's eyes had turned bright golden at some point, and he glanced coldly and indifferently at the four people in the void, and his soft words fell into the ears of Hongjun and Sanqing, no less than a thunderbolt from the blue sky.Then let him completely disappear from this world!What this means is obvious.

Hongjun's face changed when he heard this, and when he looked at Yunyang's bright eyes and the temperament of all things indifferently, he knew that the person in front of him was no longer the Renzu he was before.Instead, the strong man in the dark came forward.

Hongjun said, "Although the poor Taoist doesn't know who you are, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race are the pillars of the human race, occupying half of the luck of the human race, and you will take all of them. I can't see it anymore!"

Yun Yang glanced at Hongjun, "I said before that if you want to get the luck of the human race, you need to make your own contribution. As for what contribution to make? This is your business. This seat is only responsible for teaching them, and will not take action." Help them." Yun Yang slowly closed his eyes as he said that, obviously it meant to see off the guests.

Hongjun cupped his hands slightly at this, then looked at Sanqing and said, "You all come to Zixiao Palace." Then the phantom shattered, and Hongjun disappeared.

Seeing this, Sanqing also bowed and bowed for a while, and then he also broke into the void and left.

Seeing Sanqing and Hongjun leaving, Yun Yang sighed and said, "In the previous life, the reason why no saint was born in the human race is probably because Sanqing and Hongjun secretly played tricks! Taking the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors under their sect, let the human race The leakage of the luck of the human race has fundamentally cut off the possibility of the human race having a sanctity, which is poisonous!"

You know, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors accounted for [-]% of the luck of the human race. Teaching the emperor is like making a ventilator on the five pillars of luck of the human race to let the luck of the human race flow out continuously.In this way, the one who profited was naturally the sect where the teacher of the Three Emperors belonged. The reason why explaining and cutting off teachings became well-known in later generations was because the luck of the Three Emperors was shaken by them and benefited them.

And the Three Emperors are precisely because their luck is fundamentally shaken, and their own luck cannot be perfected, so they are stuck at the pinnacle of quasi-sages and unable to break through the Dzogchen. Although they have the ability of immortality, they are still not as good as saints.

"But with me here, your plot will never succeed, if it comes out clearly..." A murderous intent flashed in Yun Yang's eyes, and the sharp aura made the void disappear silently, which shows how much killing intent is in Yun Yang's heart It's scary.


On the other hand, after knowing that the tribe's food was not enough, Lie Shan began to study day and night how to get more food to feed the tribe.However, after several days passed, Lie Shan still didn't think of any solution.

But just today, a red bird suddenly flew over from a distance, holding a strange object in its mouth. Under Lie Shan's surprised gaze, the bird dropped the strange object not far from Lie Shan. on a piece of fertile land.

Soon Lie Shan saw that the strange plants began to absorb the aura of the surrounding world to take root and sprout, and soon dozens of the same strange plants grew out.Seeing this, the little bird immediately landed on one of the plants, and with its sharp beak, it easily took out some small fruit trees in the plant and ate them.

After the little bird ate several strange plants, it seemed to be full, flapped its wings and flew away slowly, and soon disappeared into the sky.

At this time, Lie Shan came out from not far away, picked off the remaining strange plants, rubbed them with his hands, and rubbed off the outer layer of skin, revealing crystal clear white grains.Lie Shan opened his mouth slightly and ate the white pellets.

After eating these white granules, Lie Shan could clearly feel that a feeling of being full and not hungry was transmitted in his heart, and a faint warm current flowed slowly, and Lie Shan felt his spirit suddenly much better.

Looking at the rest of the white particles in his hand with some surprise, Lie Shan was very excited, but the matter has not reached the end, never say that it will never change, this is what Yun Yang said to Lie Shan.

With some hope, Lie Shan divided the seeds in his hands into two, collected one part, and sprinkled the other part on the surrounding open space.Sure enough, under Lie Shan's surprised gaze, small plants grew rapidly, and then turned golden yellow, producing crystal clear rice grains.

"Hahahaha, I succeeded,,,,,,, hahahahaha!" Lie Shan's excited and excited laughter resounded between heaven and earth.

After a long time, Lie Shan stabilized the excitement in his heart, and then took out all the rice grains with a wave of his hand, and then planted them in another open space. Sure enough, the rice grains began to take root, germinate, and grow. Time, another season of rice is ripe.

"In this way, everyone in the clan will be able to eat this new food in a short time, and by then no one in the clan will lose their life due to hunger." Lie Shan's eyes flickered with determination. Gaze, and then began to cast spells to plant rice again.

Soon the rice in the hands of Lie Shan changed from a handful to a small piece, from a small piece to a bag, from a bag to ten bags, from ten bags to one warehouse, from one warehouse to ten warehouses, one hundred warehouses, Qiancang,,,, Lie Shan's eyes flashed with excitement and surprise.

It's just that after the countless plants reached a certain level, Lie Shan found that he didn't get any harvest after planting, that is to say, he wasted a lot of seeds.

"What's going on here? Why don't these seeds take root and germinate? Is there something wrong?" Lie Shan sprinkled another seed, but unfortunately, after those seeds fell on the ground, very few took root and germinated. And the growth is very slow, and only one or two buds grow in a few days.It takes at least half a year for new rice grains to grow.

Seeing this, Lie Shan's eyes dimmed a lot, but then he understood that if there were really plants in the world that could take root and sprout immediately, it wouldn't cover the whole world. In this way, the previous situation should have been The great magician secretly helped.

'I have never met any great supernatural beings, and I have no communication with them. I am afraid that the only one who can help me at this time is the teacher! 'Thinking of this, Lie Shan murmured, "Thank you teacher for your help." Then Lie Shan brought the seeds back to the Lie Shan Tribe.

Three years later, around the Lieshan tribe, rice seedlings began to grow in patches of rice fields, and many human races pulled out weeds in the rice fields,,,,,

Half a year later, when the tribe harvested countless rice, the entire Lieshan tribe fell into cheers.The food that the leader found can really save the people from starving. At this moment, the entire Lieshan tribe is full of gratitude to Lieshan.

And Lie Shan, who was instructing everyone to harvest the wheat, was shocked at this moment, and then his eyes were full of surprise.Because just now, his cultivation base that was trapped in the Sanxian realm unexpectedly broke through, and he stepped into the Earth Immortal realm.

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