Warriors in the flood

Chapter 199 Fu Xi's Abdication

A few years later, around the Lieshan tribe, many human races took all kinds of strange tools and began to dig up the land in the fields and plant rice.These strange tools were invented by Lie Shan for rice cultivation.

With the large-scale planting, Lie Shan also discovered that these rice grains are divided into five categories, each of which is different, so Lie Shan named them respectively, rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean. , which is what later generations call the five grains.

It's just that when there is enough food, there will be leftovers, and the remaining food will naturally become moldy, spoiled, and even wormy. After all, when the food is ripe, it has a slight sweet taste, which is the favorite food of insects.For the convenience of storage, Lie Shan invented a method of drying and storing the seeds, evaporating the sweetness of the seeds by the sun, and then sealing them up.In this way, the spread of seeds is more convenient, gradually flowing to other tribes.

Most of the human race in the wilderness lived by hunting, picking wild fruits, or fishing, but these ways of living were very dangerous.Needless to say, hunting, encountering more ferocious beasts, it is purely death.As for picking wild fruits, humans at that time couldn't tell which fruits were poisonous or not, and whether they would die if they ate them, so picking wild fruits was also very dangerous.

As for the final fishing, although there are fish in the rivers, not every place in the whole prehistoric region has rivers, so fishing can only be done near the rivers.It's just that besides the famous big rivers in the prehistoric rivers, how many fish can there be in the other small rivers?So fishing is very unreliable.

The big tribes around heard that the Lieshan tribe didn't need to take risks to hunt or pick fruits everywhere, as long as they worked hard and cultivated the farmland, they could get enough food, so they all surrendered.Lie Shan's tribe continued to expand, and Lie Shan's reputation also spread more and more. Everyone called him Shennong, which means a magical farmer. His real name, Lie Shan, was forgotten.

After Lie Shan managed his own tribe well, he thought that the Lie Shan tribe had completely entered the track under his own governance, and he didn't need to worry too much about it, and the food problem had also been solved.It's just that after Lie Shan was full, he thought of the infinite vastness of the wilderness, and the countless people in the tribe, but very few people who could eat enough, and some of the tribe even starved to death because they couldn't eat.

For this, Lie Shan secretly made up his mind to pass on the innocent planting method to every corner of the wilderness, so that every human race can have enough food and no longer suffer from hunger.With the emergence of Lie Shan's thoughts, the secrets of the heavens began to change immediately, and countless luck in the human race began to gather towards Lie Shan.

On the nameless mountain, Yun Yang slowly opened his eyes, and saw that the indifferent and empty eyes seemed to be interpreting the infinite road, and the changes of heaven and earth were all in sight.After seeing that the luck of the human race was converging towards Lie Shan, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes, and then he closed his eyes again.

In the Chaotic Zixiao Palace, when the luck of the human race began to gather towards Lieshan, both Sanqing and Hongjun noticed it.The faces of the three Qings were not very good about this, and the second of the three emperors of the human race will also return to the throne. In this case, the luck of the emperor of the human race will belong to Nuwa, and the luck of the emperor of the earth will fall into Yun Yang's hands.

Originally, it was secretly calculated that the emperor of the human race was achieved by an ordinary mortal, and he was able to step from a mortal to the peak of quasi-sage Dzogchen. It can be seen how great the merits of the emperor are, and it can definitely be called He is the emperor with the greatest merit among the three emperors. If he is included in the sect,,,,, but now, everything has been ruined. Sanqing is full of anger about this, but when he thinks of Yun Yang's indifferent eyes, he immediately chokes I shuddered.

"Teacher, he has already intervened. I can't accept the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors as disciples, so I won't be able to gather the luck of the human race. What should I do?" Tong Tian asked first.

Hongjun glanced at Sanqing, and then said, "You just want to rely on the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to increase the influence on the human race and gather the luck of the human race. But I don't know that this is drawing from the bottom of the pot and ruining the foundation of the human race. Naturally, he will not look at you And so on."

"It's just that I can't wait, how can I get the luck of the human race? After all, he passed down the Dao earlier than me, and most of the human race has been taken by him. It is difficult for us to pass down the Dao among the human race! "Yuan Shi frowned and shook his head.

Hongjun said calmly, "Although you can't accept the Three Emperors and Five Emperors as a teacher, you can help him. It should be noted that although the Three Emperors and Five Emperors have immeasurable merits, they are still mere mortals before they attain enlightenment. With the recognition of the human race, passing down the Dao is naturally easy."

Yuanshi and Tongtian were overjoyed when they heard the words. Unlike Lao Tzu, they no longer have the position of leader of the Renjiao. If they want to make rapid progress, they need to do a lot of things that contribute to the prehistoric times.Otherwise, you think that you can practice freely and unrestrictedly after you become a saint, that is the treatment that a great saint who transcends the world has!If a sage is not bound by the way of heaven and can be promoted casually, he is considered a pig, and he can become enlightened after immeasurable kalpas!

If a sage of heaven wants to make progress, he can only use his own world's merits or luck to help him. Of course, it may be possible to get one or two Chaos Spirit Treasures, but this probability is probably more difficult than transcending heaven.

"Thank you teacher for your guidance." Yuan Shi and Tong Tian bowed to the ground.

"Remember, although helping the Emperor can gain merit, but it should not be too much, otherwise..." Hong Jun didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious.That one has been staring at the human race. If he goes too far, he will definitely slap their disciple to death.

Yuanshi and Tongtian's expressions also became slightly dignified. If his disciple did too much and took away too many merits belonging to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Sanqing would never doubt that he would slap him.Even if one's own disciple has merit and virtue to protect the body, his merit and virtue may be more than Pangu's. If he destroys his disciple, he will lose a small amount of merit at most. Compared with the other party, he may not even blink his brow.

"Yes, this disciple respectfully obeys the teacher's instruction." Sanqing said respectfully.

Hongjun nodded slightly, then his figure began to fade, and finally disappeared in Zixiao Palace.Seeing this, after Sanqing bowed respectfully, he also withdrew from Zixiao Palace and headed towards the prehistoric world.


On the other hand, Lie Shan should not be called Shennong now.

When Shennong thought that countless human races in the prehistoric world had no food to eat and suffered from hunger, he made up his mind to extend the method of growing grain to other tribes.Only when more tribes get the means to grow grain can more tribesmen be fed and no longer starve.

After making up his mind, Shen Nong began to wander around the prehistoric places, passing on the method of growing grain.It's just that the prehistoric land is too big, and the territory of the human race is too vast, so the area where Shennong promotes the cultivation of grains is very small.

However, with the passage of time, Shennong's reputation gradually expanded, and more and more people knew about him in the human race. His method of promoting grain cultivation has also been praised by countless people. Gradually, Shennong's reputation spread throughout the world. Terran.

After the name of Shennong began to spread throughout the human race, it naturally attracted Fuxi's attention. After learning that Shennong had worked so hard to promote the method of planting grains, in order to prevent other human races from starving, Fuxi admired it very much. , so Fuxi went to meet Shennong in person.

After hearing the news, Shennong naturally left to greet him in person. Facing the Holy Emperor of the human race, no matter how famous Shennong was, he would not dare to let Fuxi come to pay his respects to him.After meeting Fuxi and Shennong, he asked many questions, and Shennong answered them one by one. Finally, Fuxi sighed: "Shen Nong is really great! I am relieved that the human race has you."

Then Fuxi said again: "Shen Nong traveled around for the lives of the people of the human race. This move is a great kindness. I have been in charge of the human race for more than 200 years, and now my merits and virtues should be complete. You are young and promising. You can be called a dragon and a phoenix among people. I think How would you like to pass on the position of Emperor to you?"

Shennong couldn't help but stay on the spot when he heard Fuxi's words. He never thought that Fuxi, the emperor, came here to pass on to him. How can He De be able to be the Human Emperor?"

Fuxi laughed and said, "Shen Nong, you promote the method of planting grains among the human race without the slightest selfishness, which shows that your heart is pure. And I have also seen that the tribes do not close their doors at night and do not pick up their belongings. It must be because of your good management. The position of emperor belongs to you!"

Shennong repeatedly declined, but Fuxi said that he was about to prove the Tao and was not allowed to stay in the human world. If there is no one to sit on the throne of emperor after he leaves, it will definitely cause a war among the human race, and the human race will definitely suffer heavy casualties.Shennong was silent for a while, and finally nodded in agreement with Fuxi's request.Then Fuxi took Shennong back to Chendu, designated Shennong as his successor, and slowly took over the affairs of his emperor.

And many elders of the human race did not object to this. They manage most of the tribes of the human race. Naturally, they knew the hardships of Shennong in passing on the method of planting grains in the human race, and they also agreed with this. Therefore, the high-level people of the human race are very optimistic about Shennong, and Shennong's uneasy heart at the beginning was also relieved.

After another few decades, Fuxi feels that his merits and virtues have been perfected, and he has not lived in the human race for long.Therefore, Fuxi will preach the Tao after [-] days and pass it on to Shennong.The news spread to the entire human race in a short time, and human races from far and near flocked to Chendu one after another, wanting to witness this grand event that has been passed down through the ages!

Thirty days later, on this day, the streets and alleys of Chendu were crowded with people. There were huge crowds of people, and the alleys were empty. People's eyes were focused on the high platform in the center of Chendu.At this time, a sacrificial ceremony had already been set up on the high platform, and the incense was also lit.When the bell rang, Fuxi took Shennong down to the high platform surrounded by a group of ministers, and the whole city became quiet, and the needles could be heard!


There may be two changes tonight, if not, there will definitely be one change tomorrow morning, and I will never regret it.

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