Although Lao Dan is just a clone of Lao Tzu's reincarnation, a saint is a saint, even if it is just a clone of him, he is smarter and smarter than ordinary people. Others need to learn things for more than ten years, but he only needs a few days. can learn.Lao Dan's teacher, Mr. Shang Lao, was a person who was proficient in astronomy and geography at that time, what a pity!When Genius encountered evildoers, he was at a loss what to do. Now he even encountered a reincarnation of a saint, who was 100 times more evil than evildoers. Do the math.Mr. Shang, who has taught for three years, came to bid farewell to the old lady and said, "I have little knowledge, but my son is sensitive. After three years, I have taught you? Now I am leaving. It is because of the old man's professor that there will be no end. It is because of Dan'er not studying diligently." .It’s true that I’ve learned a lot.” Afterwards, Mr. Shang even recommended Lao Dan to go to Zhoudu for further studies.Lao Dan entered the Zhou Dynasty, met with a doctor, entered the Taixue, learned everything about astronomy, geography, and human relations. History books are omnipotent, and they have made great progress in three years.The doctor also recommended him to be an official in the Tibetan room.Lao Dan served as Zhou's keeper of the history of the Tibetan room, and returned home several times to visit his relatives. He wanted to persuade his mother to go to Zhou with him;The sun and the moon fly by, time flies, and more than thirty years have passed in a blink of an eye.On the day of the Taiqing Palace in the Qing Dynasty, Lao Dan suddenly got news from his family that his mother was critically ill, so he reported it to the emperor and went home for inspection.When I got home, my mother had passed away.In the second year of Zhou Jingwang, Lao Dan returned to Zhou after the mourning period.In the fourth year of King Jing of Zhou, there was civil strife in the royal family of Zhou, and the Prince Chao led his troops to capture the city of Liu Gong.King Zhou Jing was persecuted.At that time, the state of Jin was strong and powerful, and sent troops to rescue King Jing of Zhou.The prince was lonely in the court, and fled to Chu State with the old bureaucrats and Zhou royal family classics.Lao Dan suffered the responsibility of dereliction of duty and was implicated and resigned from his old post.So he left the palace and went back to seclusion, and lived in seclusion in Peidi in Song Dynasty, farming and eating by himself, and weaving and clothing by himself.Unexpectedly, he didn't know his name, and he couldn't do it by himself. Those who admired his name came one after another, asking for the way of cultivating the Tao, the purpose of learning, and the essentials of living in the world, so his disciples are all over the world.Since then, Lao Tzu's thought of human teaching Taiqing has also been handed down. It has a pivotal position among the schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period, and has a profound influence on later generations. Later generations also respect him as the founder of Taoism.When the minds of the upright human race are about to be liberated again, the more than 100 quasi-sages who returned from the chaos will naturally not fall behind. When the saints of the heavens are confused, the more than 2000 quasi-sages have also transformed themselves into clones Each reincarnated and spread their own orthodox traditions to the human race.And at the time when a hundred schools of thought were contending, when one of the most outstanding people was born, he was the founder of the Confucian school of legend in later generations-Confucius.The great thought of Confucius has a lot to do with Confucius' mother. His mother Yan Zhengzai and his grandfather Yan Xiang had a profound influence on Confucius. Yan Zhengzai's teaching philosophy is almost 20 years advanced.Because Confucius' mother went to Niqiu Mountain to pray, and then conceived Confucius, and because the middle of the top of Confucius' head was sunken when he was just born, it looked like Niqiu Mountain; therefore, it was named Qiu, with the word Zhongni.When Confucius was three years old, Shu Lianghe died of illness. After that, Confucius' family was quite poor.Confucius was very smart and eager to learn when he was young. At the age of 2, he was already very knowledgeable, and was praised by the people at that time as "knowledge is a gift".Since Confucius was in his 3s, he wanted to take an official career, so he paid close attention to the world's major events, often thought about various issues in governing the country, and often expressed some opinions. By the time he was 50, he was already somewhat famous. When he was in his 56s, Confucius, who was serving in the State of Lu, fell out with Duke Ding of Lu at that time, so he traveled around the world. In this year, Confucius was 72 years old.After traveling around the world for many years, Confucius heard that Lao Dan, the keeper of Zhou's library, was knowledgeable about the past and the present, knew the source of ritual and music, and understood the essence of morality, so he went to Zhou for advice.Afterwards, Confucius educated with the six virtues (wisdom, faith, sage, benevolence, righteousness, loyalty), six lines (filial piety, friendship, harmony, marriage, responsibility, compassion), and six arts (ritual, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and number). The human race, and later established Confucianism, traveled around the world, and passed down the true interpretation of Confucianism.At that time, when the countries were in war and the countries were employing people, they heard the way of Confucius expounding the law of governing the world, and thousands of disciples came here admiringly.However, Confucius only accepted [-] of the more than [-] disciples as disciples.[-] of them were selected as personal disciples for training.All of a sudden, the name of Confucius was passed on to the human world, and the name of Confucianism was known all over the world.After Confucius established Confucianism, Lao Tzu also started his own actions.Lao Tzu was carried on a green ox horn with Fenghuo futon hung on its horn, and many treasures were wrapped inside, but it was Lao Tzu who wanted to go out of Hangu Pass and go west to Tianzhu to turn Hu into a Buddha.Guan Yin, the official guarding the Hangu Pass, was fond of observing astronomy and reading ancient books when he was young, and his cultivation was profound.One night, while gazing at the starry sky above the independent building, he suddenly saw purple clouds gathering in the east, which were [-] miles long and shaped like flying dragons, rolling in from east to west. The sage passed by here on his westward journey. The green bull slowly carried the old man, hiding his form and gathering his vitality." Guan Yin had heard of Lao Dan's name early on, and thought to himself, could it be Lao Tzu's future?So they sent people to clean the road for forty miles, and burned incense along the road to welcome the saint.Later, Guan Yin asked Lao Tzu to write his sage and wise works as a book, and Lao Dan readily agreed. , will take the success or failure of the dynasty, the safety and misfortune of the people as a mirror, trace its origin, and write the first and second chapters, with a total of [-] words.The first part starts with "Tao can be Tao, it is very Tao; name can be named, it is very famous", so it is called "Tao Jing".The second part starts with "there is no virtue at the top, so there is virtue; no virtue at the bottom, because there is no virtue", so it is called "De Jing", collectively known as "Tao Te Ching". "Tao Jing" talks about the root of the universe, contains the opportunity of the change of heaven and earth, and contains the magic of yin and yang changes;Guan Yin got it, as if he had found a treasure, and said, "My disciple, thank you for your teaching and guidance!" Hangu Pass, go west.Guan Yin also resigned from office the next day, and went straight to Mount Emei in the southwest to live in seclusion, reciting "Tao Te Ching" silently all day long, hungry and thirsty.Later, Guan Yin read the "Tao Te Ching" and felt it. He wrote the book "Guan Yin Zi" to express his understanding of the "Tao Te Ching". After Yin practiced, he was promoted in Qingyang Mountain in Bashu. He called himself Changmei and established the Shushan Sword School, which was famous in the world of immortals.Laozi left Hangu Pass in the west and traveled to Tianzhu, which is the stronghold of Buddhism in the human world. Laozi shook the wind and fire futon, and Taoist Duobao fell out. "Duobao, it's here!" Lao Tzu pointed to a slightly pregnant woman in a luxurious palace in front of her and said.Daoist Duobao glanced at Dongfang with nostalgia, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, finally turned into a sigh, Taoist Duobao's figure turned into a stream of light and sank into the pregnant woman's body.In the sky, a holy light of merit descended. Lao Tzu smiled slightly and threw away a bracelet. When the bracelet met the holy light of merit, he was absorbed into it. Finally, it flew back to Lao Tzu's side, and became the holy weapon of merit, the Vajra Bracelet! —————————In the Western Paradise, a water mirror in front of Jieyin Zhunti showed the merits and virtues from heaven at this time, Zhunti gritted his teeth and stared at Lao Tzu in the water mirror, wishing to swallow him in one gulp , that angry gaze made the entire Paradise of Paradise clouded with dark clouds.Jieyin also looked at the picture in the water mirror very sadly, and finally all the grief and indignation turned into a sigh, "As expected of the head teacher of Taoism, the Taoist ancestor chose him as the head teacher, he was indeed the right one!" Ti Ze said angrily, "Senior brother, we finally had a chance to be prosperous, but first Daozu plotted, and now Lao Tzu also intervened, wanting Li Daitao to steal my Buddhist luck, how can we let him do what he wants?" Jieyin ignored Zhunti's anger, closed his eyes, and meditated for a long time, as if he was in meditation, or thinking about what to do next.And Zhunti vented his anger, quietly turned off the fire, and waited for the introduction.After a long time, Jieyin suddenly opened his eyes and said leisurely, "Brother, I will give up the position of the Buddhist leader to Duobao. What do you think of this idea?" "Give it up to Duobao?" In the short-circuit state, Zhunti soon shook his head and said, "How is this possible? Duobao will only become a quasi-sage at most in the future, how can he master Buddhism? How can he compete with those sects with saints?" Jieyin shook his head slightly , "Junior brother, we gave up the position of leader of Buddhism to Duobao, but we are the founders of Buddhism after all, and we can take care of him after Buddhism. Besides, there are still many people in Buddhism, even if Duobao becomes the future leader of Buddhism." The leader of the Buddhist sect can't make big waves." Zhunti's eyes also lit up, "Brother's advice, in this case, after Duobao enlightened, we will pass on the position of leader to him!" Jieyin nodded , Elysium once again fell into peace.

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