On the other hand, Duobao was born in a small country in the west called Kapilavatthu, with the king Jingfan King as his father, and the queen named Mahamaya as his mother. (It is purely false, just take a look and understand.)

According to the classic records, the Buddha transformed into a six-tusk white elephant with a white lotus in its mouth. It entered the fetus from the left side of Mrs. Maya and was pregnant for ten months. According to the customs at that time, Mrs. Maya returned to her natal home to give birth. He gave birth to Prince Siddhartha.

According to records, the prince came out from Mrs. Maya's right rib, and he could walk on the ground. He walked seven steps in a circle, and he grew lotuses step by step. Long, spit out warm water and cold water to bathe him.This day is the day of bathing Buddha.

Mrs. Maya died seven days after the prince was born, and was raised by her aunt Mrs. Mahapajapati.The prince is talented and intelligent. He has mastered the five enlightenments and the four Vedas (traditional thoughts of ancient India) since he was a child. Son Rahula.

Gautama was traveling by car when he was 16 years old. He met old people, sick people and dead bodies successively on the road of three gates in southeast and west.

But one day the prince met a poor monk, from the person who got the true balance of the soul, the young prince knew how to win freedom from the suffering of old age, disease, and death, so he made up his mind to break away from family life and practice asceticism deliberately , in order to seek the way of liberation.

Finally, on the eighth day of February when he was 19 years old, Gautama abandoned his palace, left his relatives, ran away secretly, became a monk, abandoned his desires, and devoted himself to penance.

King Jingfan was very sad when he heard the news of the prince's renunciation. After sending people to persuade him to no avail, he selected five people from among his relatives, including Aruoke Chenru, Ashuoshi, Bati, Shili Kasyapa, and Mahanan Koli. accompany him.

The prince crossed the Ganges River in the south and went to Rajagha, the capital of Magadha, where King Bimbasara met him.Afterwards, he visited Alara Kalama and Udakalama, who lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests near Rajagaha, to practice meditation.However, their teachings, in the view of Sakyamuni, are still not the real way of liberation in life.So he came to the ascetic forest of Bajia Mountain again, sat in meditation by the Nilianchan River, and practiced asceticism.After 6 years, his body became emaciated and he still did not see the Tao.

So the prince gave up the unnecessary asceticism, walked across the Nilianchan River, accepted the offering from the shepherd girl *mi, and recovered his health.Came to Gaya Mountain under the Bodhi tree, laid a Vajra seat with auspicious grass, sat upright facing east, and swore to the sky, "If I don't realize it now, the Supreme Bodhi, I would rather break this body than never afford this seat!"

He sat under the tree for 49 days and overcame all kinds of "magic obstacles" inside and outside.Seeing one's true colors thoroughly, putting an end to all delusions and ignorance, and finally on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, seeing the stars at night, one suddenly "lights up one's heart", attains great enlightenment and thus achieves "Supreme Righteous Enlightenment".

After Gautama realized the Buddha way and became a Buddha immediately, he realized his past life and present life, and restored the cultivation base and past Taoism of many treasures in the past.It's just that back then it was Taoist Priest Duobao in Taoist robes, but now it's the Buddha in cassocks surrounded by Buddha's light.

Accompanied by Gautama's immediate attainment of Buddhahood, in the prehistoric western region, immeasurable light shines on the prehistoric region, the Sanskrit sounds linger, and the Buddha's light shines on the heavens.Then, under the astonished gazes of the gods, a strong and clear voice spread throughout the prehistoric world, "Good, good! From now on, there will be no Daoist Taoist, only Namo Sakyamuni Tathagata!"

Accompanied by the sound resounding through the prehistoric world, the more intense Buddha's light illuminated the sky, not to mention the prehistoric ones, even the underworld and the heavenly court were greatly affected.However, countless monks were inspired by the Buddha's light, and they also raised their hearts to the Buddha.

"Namo Shakyamuni, so far I am the Tathagata, establish Hinayana Buddhism, and save the world!"

As soon as the words fell, auspicious clouds of merit and virtue spread all over the nine heavens, the resounding Buddha's voice lingered in the sky, and a bright golden light of merit and virtue fell from the sky through the void, and instantly submerged into the body of Sakyamuni Tathagata.

All of a sudden, Tathagata's aura began to rise continuously. He was originally the senior brother of Jiejiao, proficient in the Dao of Shangqing, and later added Lao Tzu's Dao of Taiqing. Now he understands the Dao of Buddhism. It can be said that the three are in one. It's not as simple as one plus one plus one equals three.

In an instant, Tathagata's aura reached the peak of the Daluo Jinxian. Tathagata seemed to have calculated this long ago, and waved his hand to take out an array full of murderous aura. The cold murderous aura solidified the void. This thing is the original Tongtian The map of the Zhuxian formation used by the leader to lay out the Zhuxian sword formation.

When the Zhuxian sword formation was broken, the four swords were taken away by four disciples of Chanjiao, but only the Zhuxian formation map was taken away by Duobao first. Now the Tathagata intends to use this innate thing to kill the three corpses. Admission to St.

As the Tathagata gathers the evil thoughts in his heart and injects them into the Zhuxian Formation, with the help of merit and virtue, the Tathagata only feels his whole body fluttering, and his Taoism is making great progress. , The mood has also been enhanced by an unknown amount.

But after Duobao cut off the evil thought, the second evil thought was unusual, it was just a phantom, and then turned into five people, but they were the five famous Ming kings in later generations of Buddhism, namely Fudo Ming Wang, Jiang III Ming King, Jundali Ming King, King Dawei Deming and King Vajra Yasha Ming.

Since then, Duobao has finally fulfilled the purpose of the Taishang Laojun and established a new Buddhism-Theravada Buddhism, which is different from the Mahayana Buddhism created by the Second Sanctuary in the West.

As soon as Hinayana Buddhism was established, Tathagata also began to promote Buddhism in the prehistoric west. Tathagata, as a major disciple of Jiejiao, coupled with the teachings of Taiqing Laozi and comprehend the truth of Buddhism, has a great understanding of the thoughts between the three religions. They are very understanding.The teachings of the three religions complement each other, coupled with Tathagata's own comprehension, the teachings of Hinayana Buddhism were sought after by countless people for a while, and there were also many followers.

And the Tathagata also selected ten people from many followers as named disciples. These ten people are Dajiaye, Shariputra, Mulian, Subhuti, Fuluna, Kajanyan, Anaru, Upali, Ananda, Rahura, the ten people each have supernatural powers, among them Dajiaya Thutuo is the first, Moggallana the first, Fuluna is the first, Subhuti is the first to understand emptiness, Shariputra is the first in wisdom, and Rahulami is the first. The practice is first, Ananda is the first in hearing, Upali is the first in holding the precepts, Aniluddha's eye is the first, and Kajayan's discussion is the first.

In the Western Ultimate Bliss, looking at the rising luck of Buddhism, Jieyin and Zhunti showed a bitter smile for the first time. The Buddhism is booming, but Li Daitao froze away. This really makes people feel very uncomfortable. happy.

But Jieyin sighed, "Junior brother, look carefully! We had expected this kind of situation before, but now that it happened, doesn't it just mean that we were right? In this case, we will hand over Buddhism to Tathagata After all, as long as the West is prosperous, it doesn’t matter who makes it prosperous, does it?”

Zhunti nodded slightly, but then said, "But brother, if the Tathagata is unwilling, then what should we do? After all, he is the leader of Theravada Buddhism, and the Buddhist sect is prosperous under the law of heaven, and he can't be killed. If he sticks to it, we will also take him There is no way!"

Jie Yin shook his head slightly and said, "Junior brother, you still don't understand! Although Tathagata has shared some of the luck of Buddhism, Hinayana Buddhism is also Buddhism, and what he did is to form a cause and effect with us. Now that Buddhism is prosperous, we can't take him How about it, but if the great prosperity of Buddhism is over, we will be the first ones who cannot forgive him, and Tathagata will naturally know this point."

When Zhunti heard the words, he suddenly realized that no matter how prosperous Buddhism is, there is no treasure in Buddhism to suppress luck. In addition, how can there be a long-lasting sect under the heaven?Sooner or later, Buddhism will decline again. If the Tathagata has not become a saint by that time, then he will naturally be killed by the two because he owes the karma of receiving guidance and Zhunti.

But is sanctification that simple?Obviously not, otherwise the whole prehistoric world would not be just six heavenly sages and three humane sages.Although Tathagata is expected to prove Hunyuan when Buddhism is flourishing in the future, the possibility of failure is greater, and it is even difficult to succeed at all.

After carefully discussing the countermeasures, Jieyin sent the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva beside him to recruit Tathagata.

And Tathagata, under the solicitation of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, agreed on the spot without saying a word.

Tathagata originally listened to Laozi's words at the beginning and wanted to use the luck of Buddhism to prove Hunyuan in the next calamity.But after the Tathagata became a Buddha, he came back to his senses, and he shared the luck of Buddhism. Didn't he have a great karma with the two Buddhist saints? The sages competing for luck in Buddhism are like lighting lanterns in the latrine-looking for death.

Regardless of the fact that this matter was facilitated by Lao Tzu, at that time, Lao Tzu will definitely sit on the sidelines and ignore it. Without a strong backing, it would be great if he can survive in the next kalpa. Sanctification is just wishful thinking.

Now it’s all right, with the second sage of the West as a teacher, not only can he learn the essence of Buddhism, he can master the moral understanding of the four sages of Shangqing, Taiqing, and Buddhism, and after becoming a Buddha, he can also enjoy the great luck of Buddhism. This deal In any case, I was hit by a pie falling from the sky. If I refused, Tathagata would think I was a fool.

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