Pokemon et al.

Chapter 376 Mountain Spring Town!


The name of spn Shanquan Town is as it should be. The water source comes from the spring water on Tianguan Mountain. It is also a famous spring water production place of Sinnoh. It is famous for its sweetness and rich in minerals that are most suitable for human body absorption. Yuan City is not far away, and there is National Highway No. 208, so it was only half a day. When it was close to dusk, a group of two people had already arrived in Shanquan Town by car.

"As expected of Shanquan Town, the air humidity is pleasant and fresh, and there are so many water-type elves..." From entering the town, you can see that almost everyone on the road is carrying a water-type elf, of various colors, It's no wonder that Xun Chaoze's eyes are almost blinded. For water-type elves, Xun Chaoze has an absolute love for them, unlike Liu Qing, who was born in a "half-handed" family. Although he also likes flying, but for other attributes The elf is not exclusive either.

"You have a lot of water elves in the eastern hemisphere, right? Is it necessary to look like this? Even if you haven't subdued it, have you seen it?" Looking at Xun Chaoze's eyes sparkling, Liu Qing said somewhat helplessly.

"It's different. Although I have seen many water-type elves in the eastern hemisphere, even if they are the same water-type elves, different people will naturally have different styles when they cultivate them, so that the elves will have different external performances. At this time, seeing so many styles of water elves at once, how can it not be exciting!?" Xun Chaoze said and looked at Liuqing with some doubts, "Isn't your family specialized in flying? Don't you have any experience with me? A similar feeling?"

"This... ah, the elf center is here, get out of the car!" Liu Qing was thinking about what to say when he suddenly saw the elf center arrived, and immediately changed the subject. [

Only after being reminded by this reminder did Xun Chaoze realize that he had arrived at his destination. With an 'oh' sound, he stepped on the brakes, parked the car in the parking space, and then the two got out of the car and walked into the elf center together.

"Miss Joey, excuse me!" Coming to the bar, Liu Qing greeted Miss Joey who was busy typing on the computer with her head bowed.

"Ah, hello!" Ms. Joy realized the arrival of Liu Qing and Xun Chaoze when she heard the voice of people, and immediately stood up and greeted Liu Qing and Xun Chaoze.

"Miss Joey, when will this be held?" Xun Chaoze's eyes stopped on the big screen in the elf center the moment he entered the door, and then he retracted his gaze, pointed at the big screen, and looked at Miss Joey asked.

"Water Elemental Fairy Capture Conference?!" Liu Qing's gaze also looked in the direction of Xun Chaoze's finger. What was displayed on the big screen was an incomplete announcement, but although the announcement was incomplete, the title represented the entire announcement. meaning appeared.

"The notice of the meeting is the decision of the mayor of this town that I just received. It is scheduled to be held in two weeks. Is this trainer going to compete?" Miss Joy said, looking at Xun Chaoze.

"Of course!" Xun Chaoze nodded without hesitation.

"Wait, Ms. Joy, as far as I know, Shanquan Town is the most famous sanctuary for Sinnoh's water elves because of the water source. When is it allowed to capture elves?" 'Fever-headed', Liu Qing remembered the introduction of Shanquan Town on the navigation, and couldn't help asking in doubt.

"This traveler really knows about our Shanquan Town!" Miss Joy explained with a soft smile, "As you said, because the water source of Shanquan Town comes from the spring of Tianguan Mountain, whether it is for people or For elves, they are extremely precious resources, and because of the water quality, a large number of water-type elves will choose to live in the mountain spring lake where the mountain springs gather. The alliance has also turned the mountain spring lake into a water-type elf protection area. Capture elves to protect this ecology."

"So, this place is really a paradise for water-type elves!" Xun Chaoze's eyes lit up, and he tsk-tsk praised.

"That's right, but it's also a double-edged sword. Long-term protection, high-quality water sources, and abundant food also make the life of the water elves in Shanquan Lake too worrying. They are not so much wild elves as they are domesticated. Little elves are only suitable for being watched by people, and they only know to wait for food to come to their door every day, which directly leads to the reduction of the viability of the little elves of the mountain spring and lake water system, their body is bloated, and they even forget the most basic battles." Miss Joy is very said with regret.

"Although it's a protected area, it's better to say it's a bigger greenhouse, and those water elves are equivalent to the flowers in the greenhouse!" Liu Qing said with emotion.

"That's right, in view of this, Shanquan Town has also taken measures to arouse the fighting instinct of these water-type elves, which involves the meeting that Shanquan Town will hold in a week's time!" Miss Joy paused, Seeing that Liuqing and Xun Chaoze were listening carefully, she couldn't help but smile, what she likes most is when others listen to her, and continued, "In order to save those bloated elves, someone in the town suggested Put them back into the wild, maybe they will become wild again, so some people in the town did the same, and guess what, those elves who were released only stayed in the place where they were released, even if they were getting thinner, they didn’t go looking for them Food, if not for the people in the town to observe the situation of these released elves, I am afraid they will starve to death directly!"

"Because these elves are used to being fed by humans, they can't find food by themselves, or they have already lost the ability to forage!" Xi Chaoze said sadly.

Miss Joy nodded when she heard the words, clasped her hands together on her chest, her eyes sparkled with longing and admiration: "In order to save these elves, the town took various measures but nothing worked. It was always the same, until one day, he, the Mikri-sama who was full of holy radiance, came here and saved these elves, ah, Mikri-sama, you are so great!"

"Mi Keli is so charming!" Liu Qing and Xun Chaoze looked at Miss Joey's nympho look, and couldn't help but glance at each other, and they both saw Nai's emotion in each other's eyes.

"After Master Mikri came here, he pointed out that it is very simple to restore the nature of these elves, as long as they restore their fighting instincts, and he personally held the first water elf capture conference, which is also the event for the water elves in Shanquan Town. Capture the origin of the conference!" Fortunately, Miss Joy hadn't been in a nympho for a long time, and she said with a tone of admiration.

"Could it be possible to subdue the water elves in this protected area during the conference?" Liu Qing asked.

"Right or wrong!" Miss Joy said succinctly, but Liu Qing and Xun Chaoze couldn't understand why. [

"You can know the specific rules when I type out all the conference notices, but let me introduce them here first! The conference is a capture conference, not a subjugation conference. Although they use poke balls, there are essential differences! "Miss Joy waved her index finger slightly, squinted her right eye slightly, and explained, "In the conference, each contestant can bring his own elf, and will get a special mountain spring ball issued by the conference. Three, to capture the water elves in the mountain spring lake that the contestants met. Of course, the number is also three. This is the arrangement for the morning of the first day of the competition; rest in the afternoon; the second day is to enter the second link - fighting !"

"Fight?!" Liu Qing and Xun Chaoze were surprised at the same time.

"That's right, it's fighting!" Ms. Joy nodded affirmatively, "A few years ago, the situation of the elves in Shanquan Lake was really in crisis, and the solution proposed by Master Mikoli was to fight, so that people can use it to fight after they are subdued. , to restore their nature, even if only a little is progress, and then release them, be subdued, and fight again, so as long as they accumulate over time, the crux of the existence of these water-type elves will naturally be solved. Now the water-type elves in Shanquan Lake, although It has almost returned to its wild state, but the conference still continues."

"Do you still want to release the animals?!" Xun Chaoze's spirits suddenly faded, and he seemed very disappointed.

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