Pokemon et al.

Chapter 377 Mountain Spring Town!


Ms. spn Joey is also not surprised. Many people have this expression after seeing this rule, and they don't mind continuing: "It is good to release life, but it is not certain. The second part of the conference is In each battle, contestants have to choose one of the three little elves they have subdued to compete until the final champion is decided. In addition to getting generous prizes, they can also take away one of the three little elves. One, as your own elf!"

"Hey? Really?" Xun Chaoze revived instantly.

"Of course it is true!" Miss Joy smiled, her expression became a little mysterious again, and she lowered her voice, "Seeing that you are the first trainers to sign up, I am telling you a top-secret information, absolutely top secret!"

"Top-secret information?!" Liu Qing and Xun Chaoze said in unison, obviously very interested, looking at Ms. Joey's eyes 'sparkling'!

"Do you know who the current champion of Sinnoh is?" Ms. Joy asked instead of revealing the top-secret information that Liu Qing and Xun Chaoze were looking forward to. [

"It's Miss Sirona!" Xun Chaoze glanced at Liuqing first, and then said.

"That's right, it's Miss Sirona, so do you know what Miss Sirona's elves are?" Miss Joy continued to ask.

"Uh, this, hey, you know the best, tell me!" Xun Chaoze touched Liuqing with his arm as he spoke.

"Oh, this is also Miss Sirona's crush, hehe, he's pretty handsome, but let me tell you, you'd better give up, the whole Sinnoh boy who has a crush on Miss Sirona like you is too much There are too many, the chances are slim, let me tell you now, among the crushes I have met..." Miss Joy's soul of gossip was burning.

"Miss Joey, you misunderstood me, I'm not Sirona's crush!" Seeing that Miss Joey had the tendency to talk non-stop for hours, Liu Qing immediately gave up and interrupted Miss Joey, but she muttered in her heart 'I am indeed not Sirona's crush, because I don't need a crush at all! '

"Yes, yes, my companion is indeed not Sirona's crush! Hahaha~" Xun Chaoze on the side blushed, ignoring Liuqing's staring eyes at him, but laughed loudly and nodded repeatedly.

"What, you're not?" Miss Joy looked at Liu Qing as if she had seen a monster, then sighed, and said in the tone of someone who has been there, "Young man, although your chances are not great, how could it not be Miss Sirona's?" For secret lovers, you must know that our Sinnoh champion—Miss Sirona..."

"Miss Joy, it seems that the topic we are talking about shouldn't revolve around 'Am I Hirona's crush'?" Liu Qingyu looked at Miss Joy in front of him, saying that it was her who had no hope, and that she had to have a crush. It's also her, she really is a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart!

"Yeah, yes! Hee hee, I got off topic before I knew it, but, don't you really have a crush on Miss Sirona?" Miss Joy was stunned, and asked curiously while laughing.

"Miss Joy!" Liu Qing called out in a serious tone.

"I got it, I got it, let's continue with the original topic!" Miss Joy looked at Liu Qing's expression at this time, although there was no change on the surface, but there was an aura that made her stand upright. , just like the first time she met Mi Keli, although the other party was peaceful, she hesitated to go forward.

"Sirona's elves have biting land sharks, manatees..."

"Yes, it's the manatee!" Before Liu Qing could finish talking about Sirona's elf, Miss Joy had already yelled out, muttering in her heart, 'Isn't this a crush on Miss Sirona?I remember Miss Sirona's elf so clearly, I don't even have to think about it! '.

"What happened to the manatee?" Xun Chaoze asked.

"Do you know where Miss Sirona's manatee was tamed?" Miss Joy asked triumphantly.

"Could it be in Shanquan Town?" Xun Chaoze blinked.

"Bingo!" Miss Joy said, "It was in Shanquan Town, and it was the first Shanquan Town's 'Water Elemental Fairy Capture Conference'. Miss Sirona won the championship of the first conference, and the elf she took away was That manatee beast, ah, I was wrong, it was still a shell manatee! When I first saw Miss Sirona, I knew that Miss Sirona would definitely not be an ordinary person in the future. Sure enough, Miss Sirona became a Sinnoh, no, The only female champion in the entire league..."

"Really, Sirona's manatee was caught here?" Xun Chaoze didn't pay attention to Miss Joey's chatter, but asked Liuqing with his arm.

"How would I know that!" Liu Qing glanced at Xun Chaoze and said. [

"And it's more than that, do you know what Miss Sirona's other water elf is?" Miss Joy continued to ask.

"Aren't you going to say that Sirona also caught that Menus in Shanquan Town?" Liu Qing asked with 'powerfulness'.

"Bingo, the answer is correct again. The stupid fish before Menus evolved is the elf that Miss Sirona caught at the second conference!" Miss Joy said with a mysterious smile, "This news is amazing, right? The elves produced in our Shanquan Town are all champion elves! So, if you participate in Shanquan Town's "Water-type Pokémon Capture Conference", you will definitely gain something unexpected!"

"There are even stupid fish here?!" A gleam of light flashed in Xun Chaoze's eyes.

"That's right, although the number is not large, there are indeed stupid fish surviving. They all swim down from Tianguan Mountain along the mountain spring!" Miss Joy affirmed.

"Hey, do you have to be so excited when you hear about the existence of stupid fish? You don't participate in the gorgeous contest!" Looking at Xun Chaoze with an excited face, Liu Qing asked in confusion.

"What do you know?" Xun Chaoze glanced at Liu Qing, "And when is it stipulated that Menus is the patent of the coordinator?"

"Uh, sorry, it seems that most of the trainers I've seen who use Menus are coordinators!" Liu Qing scratched her head.

"Cut, it's because of your lack of knowledge!" Xun Chaoze sneered and continued, "Meenas is indeed suitable for participating in the gorgeous competition, but isn't it suitable for trainers? You also know that I have a giant marsh monster, right? I caught it when I was traveling in Fangyuan. When I traveled to Fangyuan, besides traveling, I also had another purpose to catch stupid fish. The result... Hehe, it goes without saying, naturally there is no gain, I finally found out There are stupid fish here, how can I let go of such an opportunity! Miss Joey, I want to sign up for the competition!" Xun Chaoze said the last sentence to Miss Joey.

"Okay, but I just received the notice that the conference will be held. If you want to register, you have to wait until tomorrow!" Miss Joy apologized slightly.

"Tomorrow will be tomorrow!" Xun Chaoze nodded and said again, "Then please Miss Joey give us two rooms, we will live here today!"

Upon hearing this, Miss Joy immediately took out two magnetic card keys and gave them to Liu Qing and Xun Chaoze respectively, and the two also walked towards the dormitory behind the elf center.

"Hey, Aze, I see that you had an attitude towards Benbenyu at the beginning, and accepted it casually, but then you got nothing when you wanted to subdue Benbenyu, and you didn't even see Benbenyu's face Now, this is definitely a big insult to you who are conceited that you specialize in water, so you have changed from a casual attitude to an obsession now!?" On the way to the dormitory, Liu Qing looked at Xun Chaoze and couldn't help laughing.

"You know me quite well, so what, no matter what, you have to catch stupid fish this time!" Xun Chaoze spoke bluntly, and asked after a pause, "By the way, do you want to participate?"

"I'm going to challenge the gym first, so...if the conference hasn't started when I return, I'll join!" Liu Qing thought for a while.

"That's it, then I can't accompany you to visit the gymnasium competition. I will use this time to scout and find the most favorable capture location!" Xun Chaoze was full of confidence.

"Then I'm here to wish you success!" Liu Qing smiled slightly.

"It's the same for your gymnasium competition, I wish you success!" Xun Chaoze also showed a warm smile.

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