Pokemon et al.

Chapter 420 Challenge the Baidai Gym!


After the spn ancient pterosaur was fully familiar with its evolved power and tricks, Liu Qing also packed his things and took a boat at the port to the east of Iron Island, a port town located on the edge of Baidai Forest facing the sea, and traveled from the town to Departed from the east and entered Baidai Forest. After traveling for a period of time, we crossed the forest and finally arrived at Baidai City. After a day of rest in the Elf Center, after adjusting our condition, we came to Baidai Gymnasium the next day.

Baidai Gym is worthy of being a grass-based gym. The exterior of the entire gym is covered with vines of plants, lush and lush, while the interior is completely a battle field formed by trees and grass.

"Now the gymnasium battle between the challenger and the main dish of the gymnasium will start. The number of Pokémon used is limited to 4. If any four Pokémon can't fight, the game will be over. In addition, only the challenger will be allowed to change during the game. Little Elf!" After Liu Qing and the gym trainer Cai Zhong stood in their respective positions, the referee also stood in his own position, began to announce the rules of the game, and continued, "Now, the game begins!"

"Go, Desert Naia!" Caizhong said as he threw the first poke ball, and as the poke ball opened, desert Naia covered in spikes appeared on the field.

"Ancient pterosaur, I'll leave it to you!" Liu Qing also threw the poke ball afterward, and as the poke ball opened, the ancient pterosaur flapped its gorgeous wings and appeared in mid-air, and uttered a cry to Naia in the desert. roar. [

"It's up to you to attack first!" Cai Zhong watched Liu Qing release the flying elves, but he didn't show the slightest worry. Instead, he said confidently.

"Then I won't be polite!" Liu Qing ordered, "Ancient Pterosaur, Yan Fan!"

Following Liu Qing's order, the ancient pterosaur immediately emitted several white bands of light from its head, and flew towards Naia in the desert like lightning. After that, the speed was at least half faster than before.

"Desert Naia, face it head-on, absorb punches!" Seeing Yanhui's attack getting closer and closer, Cai Zhong still did not show any signs of worry, until he was about to hit, he immediately sent out order, and immediately saw the spiral green light from Desert Naia's right arm, and directly hit the ancient pterosaur. With a loud bang, the two collided together, and Desert Naia Shouting, Ya Chen was "forced" back by the ancient pterosaur for a few meters, then let out a loud cry, stabilized his body, and shook the ancient pterosaur's body away. With a look of surprise, he felt that this desert Naia had such a big arm in his small body, which was able to block the attack of the ancient pterosaur.

"Now, acupuncture the arm!" Seeing that Desert Naia forced the ancient pterosaur back, Cai Zhong immediately issued an order, and immediately saw the spike on Desert Naia's right arm stretched out, emitting a white glow. The ray of light jumped up and hit the ancient pterosaur.

"It seems that this Desert Naia is gifted with such great arm strength, but this way the competition will be more interesting!" Liu Qing thought to himself, and immediately commanded, "Rock Blade!"

After the initial surprise, the ancient pterosaur quickly recovered its composure. According to Liu Qing's order, its whole body glowed with white light, forming two fast-rotating sharp stones outside its body. Desert Naia hit it up, Some stones were smashed to pieces, but the high-speed rotation of more stones pushed them away, and was controlled by the ancient pterosaur to launch them at close range, making a series of explosive noises. The dense stones hit the desert Naia to the grass.

"Come again, Yan Fan!" Following Liu Qing's order, the ancient pterosaur also used Yan Fan to attack again, heading straight for Naia in the desert.

"Desert Naia, block it with the seed machine gun!" Cai Zhong yelled when she saw Desert Naia being hit by a rock blade, but that kind of intensive attack happened too fast, and she was so confident that she never thought it would happen When this happened, it was only at this time that I reacted, trying to block the attack of the ancient pterosaur with the seed machine gun, but how could this kind of attack be able to stop the ancient pterosaur with extremely strong flying ability? Color" light belt coiled around the trajectory of the seed machine gun and flew down quickly, directly hitting the desert Naia's abdomen. With a loud bang, the ancient pterosaur flew into the air again, and the desert Naia had already fallen into the grass fainted.

"The ancient pterosaur won the battle in Naiafah in the desert!" the referee announced immediately upon seeing this.

"Good job, Gu pterosaur, let's work harder in the next game!" Liu Qing praised the ancient pterosaur flying in front of him, patted it on the back.

"Thank you, Desert Naia!" Cai Zhong retracted Desert Naia and looked at Liu Qing and said, "Not bad, Liu Qing, the speed of the ancient pterosaur is so fast, but let's see who is faster , go, Meihua!" As Caizhong threw the elf ball, a Meihua appeared in the field dancing and dancing with a sweet smile.

"Ancient pterosaur, Yan Hui!" Following Liu Qing's order, the ancient pterosaur spread its wings, immediately raised its body, emitted a white band of light, and rushed down towards the beautiful flower.

"Get out of the way!" Cai Zhong immediately gave the order, and immediately saw Meilihua moving to the left of the ancient pterosaur in a flash.

"Qihe!" Following Liu Qing's pursuit order, the light bands all over the ancient pterosaur dissipated in an instant, gathering a white halo of Qihe and shooting it at Meilihua, but it was still caught The latter dodged quickly and appeared behind the ancient pterosaur.

"It's now, chop it with the magic leaf!" Following the order of the vegetable, the two red flowers on the top of the beautiful flower immediately turned, and sent a large number of leaves emitting green light to the ancient pterosaur.

"The chlorophyll properties are working under the fierce sunlight!" Looking up at the bright sun hanging in the blue sky, Liu Qing secretly said in his heart, but the command did not neglect at all, and immediately commanded, "The rock blade !"

Following Liu Qing's order, the ancient pterosaur suddenly raised its wings and turned around to face the flying Magic Leaf Zhan. Two spinning rock blades were emitted from its body, colliding with the flying Magic Leaf Zhan continuously. , After opening it, all the remaining rock blades were fired towards the beautiful flower.

"Under this kind of weather, it's natural to use this trick, Meilihua, use the sun and flames after avoiding it!" Seeing the rock blade fired at Meilihua, Caizhong immediately issued an order, and immediately saw Meilihua Hua teleported to avoid the attack of the rock blade, quickly absorbed the power of the sun, and sent a huge beam of light at the ancient pterosaur. [

"Billions of shock waves!" The speed of the ancient pterosaur itself was very fast, but it didn't take long for it to evolve, and this natural fast ability hadn't been fully utilized, so it couldn't catch up with the beautiful flowers that showed the characteristics of chlorophyll, but Faced with this kind of frontal attack, the flying skills mastered by the ancient pterosaur can be brought into play. Under Liu Qing's order, the whole body immediately emitted a spiral purple light, and the beam of light coiled around the sun and flames instantly hit the On Meilihua's body, the huge force directly knocked Meilihua into the air, smashing a tree trunk before rolling and falling to the ground.

"Meihua~" Caizhong immediately yelled out worriedly, but Meilihua tried to struggle, but passed out directly.

"Beautiful flowers fight, the ancient pterosaur wins!" The referee immediately announced upon seeing this.

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