Pokemon et al.

Chapter 421 Challenge Baidai Gymnasium!


spn "Nice job, ancient pterosaur!" Liu Qing praised with a smile.

"Thank you, Meilihua!" Caizhong took out the elf ball and took Meilihua back, and then said to Liuqing, "I didn't expect the sun and flame attack to be the reason for the defeat, but the ancient pterosaur should not be able to move now. Go, go, Tutai Turtle, Flying Leaf Storm!"

Following Cai Zhi's order, the earth turtle that appeared from the elf ball immediately roared, the small tree on the shell gave out an emerald green light, and a large number of leaves flew up to form a violent whirlwind, instantly hitting the stiff The ancient pterosaur, but the ancient pterosaur with wide wings also took advantage of this storm and flew towards the sky, dispelling part of the power to a certain extent, and Cai Zhong gritted his teeth secretly.

"Rock sharp blade!" Calculating the time required for the ancient pterosaur to recover, Liu Qing immediately issued an order, and immediately saw the ancient pterosaur roared, and the whole body emitted white light, forming two high-speed spinning beams. The sharp stones directly released the remaining power of Feiye Storm, and fell towards the earth turtle like a torrential rain. With the continuous beating, the latter also showed a painful look.

"Hold on, Tutai Turtle!" Seeing this, Cai Zhong immediately encouraged, and the Tutai Turtle also showed perseverance when he heard this, and held on to the attack tenaciously. [

"The defensive power is very good, but what about this move, ancient pterosaur, Qihe!" Liu Qing also had to admire the earth turtle's defense power is really strong. It was about to let out a scream, unlike the Tutai Turtle, which was able to hold on, and the ancient pterosaur immediately opened its mouth and hit the Tutai Turtle's head with a "boom" explosion When it moved away, the Tutai Turtle let out a painful roar, Liu Qing immediately seized the opportunity and ordered, "Ancient Pterosaur, Yan Hui!"

"It's now, Konoha Hammer!" Cai Zhong had endured until now and finally saw the opportunity, and issued an order.

"It turned out that I wanted to rely on the defense of the earthen platform turtle to support the initial attack and find an opportunity to attack melee!" Looking at Yan Fan who was facing the ancient pterosaur, he raised his upper body and stomped heavily on the ancient pterosaur. The tortoise, Liu Qing said with a smile, but without the slightest worry, he saw that the moment the tortoise stepped down on the ancient pterosaur, the body of the ancient pterosaur rose at 90° and hit the tortoise's jaw directly. Driven by a huge force, the Tutai Turtle's bulky body was overturned.

"Ah, Tutai Turtle~" Cai Zhong cried out in panic when he saw this.

"Ancient pterosaur, hundreds of millions of shock waves!" Following Liu Qing's order, after the ancient pterosaur flew high into the sky, the white light all over its body dissipated in the rotation, emitting a spiral purple light, and directly hit the earth platform The exposed abdomen of the turtle knocked it out, hit the wall of the gymnasium with a bang, and sank in.

"The turtle fights on the earthen platform, and the ancient pterosaur wins!" the referee announced after making a judgment.

"Ancient Pterosaur, today's performance is very good, I will hand it over to other partners, you go back and rest first!" Using the big move continuously, the ancient pterosaur also gasped continuously at this time, Liu Qing took out the elf ball as he spoke He took it back and threw another elf fairway backhand, "Absolu, I'll leave it to you!"

Following Liu Qing throwing the poke ball, Absolu appeared in the white light, his soft white hair fluttering, his forehead and tail shone with a cold light, appearing extremely mighty.

"Thank you, Tutai Turtle!" When Liu Qing replaced the elf, Cai Zhong also took back the Tutai Turtle, took out the last elf and threw it out, "Go, Rose Leiduo!"

"Rosredo!" Liu Qing looked at the last elf released by the vegetables, and immediately commanded, "Absolu, try the knife!" Following Liu Qing's order, the sickle on Absolu's forehead Immediately, a black light came out, and with the swing, a huge half-moon-shaped light blade swept towards Rosereiduo.

"Dodge!" Looking at the light blade that was approaching quickly, Cai Zhong immediately shouted, and Roseredo immediately jumped up when he heard the words, but the light blade was already approaching after jumping halfway to test the knife He came over and hit Roseredo directly, and with an explosion, the latter let out a scream and was thrown backwards.

"Steel Tail!" Seeing this, Liu Qing immediately took advantage of the victory and chased after him, and Absolu also quickly ran towards Roseredo. During the running process, the tail gradually gave off a metallic luster.

"Grass-knotted rope!" Facing Absolu who was attacking quickly, Cai Zhong suddenly gave an order in a low voice, and then saw the eyes of Luosreiduo who fell on the ground glowing green. The blades of grass in front of Suolu's feet suddenly became knotted, Absolu was tripped by this, suddenly lost his center of gravity, fell to the ground and slid forward, and Roseredo was waiting in Ahbo at this time. Bosoru is gliding in the direction.

"Try the knife!" Looking at Absolu who fell down, Liu Qing gave the order calmly, although she was not panicked. Suddenly, Absolu calmed down, and a large number of small black The light blade fired at Roseredo.

"Luo Si Lei Duo, magic leaf cut!" Cai Zhong didn't expect Liu Qing to respond so quickly, gritted his teeth secretly, and quickly ordered, Luo Si Lei Duo quickly spun and fired. 』A large number of magic leaf cuts and test knives collided continuously, and exploded. Cai Zhong immediately seized the opportunity and shouted, "Weather ball!"

Following the order, Luosreiduo jumped into the air immediately, raised his arms and quickly gathered a light ball wrapped in flames, and fired it directly at Absol who had just got up.

"Spiritual cutting!" Following Liu Qing's order, Absolu yelled, the scythe on his forehead shone with colored light, and a huge colored light blade shot out as it swung, instantly cutting the The weather balloon was cut in half, and then directly hit Roseredo's body, causing an explosion. The latter screamed and fell from the sky.

"It's now, the last blow, Steel Tail!" Absolu responded, and under Liu Qing's order, he rushed over quickly, and directly used Steel Tail, a tail that shone with metallic luster. Flying the fallen Roseletto, smashed a tree trunk, rolled to a stop, and passed out.

"Rosredo fought, and Absolu won, so the winner is the challenger!" the referee finally announced. [

"Good job, Absolu!" Liu Qing praised with joy on his face when he heard the words, squatting down and touching the forehead of Absolu who came over.

"Liu Qing, although I'm not reconciled to being completely defeated, today's game was really exciting. I learned from it that I still have a lot of shortcomings. This is the proof of winning the Baidai Gym - the Forest Badge!" Cai Zhong withdrew it at this time Leaving Roseredo, walked over, said and took out a badge composed of three green diamonds and handed it to Liu Qing.

"Thank you!" Liu Qing thanked after receiving the badge, and then said goodbye to Cai Zhong, went to the elf center and handed the two elves to Ms. Joey. After the two elves recovered their health, they packed up and left Baidai City, intends to go to Water Lily Town with an airport, from there you can take an airship to Shuimai City, and challenge the last gymnasium, Shuimai Gymnasium. p

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